A side is the straight line that lies between two points called vertices. An angle is formed between two lines.  

A vertex is the point of origin where two or more straight lines meet, thus creating an angle.

An angle is created when two lines originate from the same vertex. 

To clearly illustrate these concepts, we will represent them in the following drawing:

A1 - Side, Angle, Vertex

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Exercises on Sides, Vertices, and Angles

Exercise 1


Given the angles between parallel lines:

What is the value of: X X ?


We will mark the angle adjacent to the angle equal to 94o 94^o with the letter Z Z and find its value through the following calculation:

Z=18094=86 Z=180-94=86

Now we will focus on the triangle to find X X and remember that the sum of the angles in a triangle is equal to: 180o 180^o

X+86+53=180 X+86+53=180

X+139=180 X+139=180

X=180139 X=180-139

X=41 X=41


41o 41^o

Exercise 2


At the vertices of a square with a side length of Y Y cm, 4 4 squares each with a side length of X X cm are drawn

What is the area of the entire shape?


The area of the entire shape is composed of the area of 4 4 small squares and the area of one large square.

Let's calculate the area of a small square

x×x=x2 x\times x=x^2

Therefore, the area of 4 4 squares will be equal to: 4x2 4x^2

The area of the large square is equal to: y×y=y2 y\times y=y^2

Thus, the total area of the shape will be equal to: 4x2+y2 4x^2+y^2


4x2+y2 4x^2+y^2

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Exercise 3


Given that A,B A,B are two vertices in a rectangle.

How many rectangles can be drawn so that A,B A,B are adjacent vertices?



4 4

Exercise 4


Given that B,D B,D are two bisectors in a rectangle.

How many rectangles can be drawn so that BD BD is a diagonal in them?


3 3

Examples and Exercises with Solutions on Sides, Vertices, and Angles

Exercise #1

In a right triangle, the sum of the two non-right angles is...?

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In a right-angled triangle, there is one angle that equals 90 degrees, and the other two angles sum up to 180 degrees (sum of angles in a triangle)

Therefore, the sum of the two non-right angles is 90 degrees

90+90=180 90+90=180


90 degrees

Exercise #2

Calculate the size of angle X given that the triangle is equilateral.


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Step-by-Step Solution

Remember that the sum of angles in a triangle is equal to 180.

In an equilateral triangle, all sides and all angles are equal to each other.

Therefore, we will calculate as follows:

x+x+x=180 x+x+x=180

3x=180 3x=180

We divide both sides by 3:

x=60 x=60



Exercise #3

What is the value of the void angle?


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Step-by-Step Solution

The empty angle is an angle adjacent to 160 degrees.

Remember that the sum of adjacent angles is 180 degrees.

Therefore, the value of the empty angle will be:

180160=20 180-160=20



Exercise #4

a a is parallel to

b b

Determine which of the statements is correct.


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Step-by-Step Solution

Let's review the definition of adjacent angles:

Adjacent angles are angles formed where there are two straight lines that intersect. These angles are formed at the point where the intersection occurs, one next to the other, and hence their name.

Now let's review the definition of collateral angles:

Two angles formed when two or more parallel lines are intersected by a third line. The collateral angles are on the same side of the intersecting line and even are at different heights in relation to the parallel line to which they are adjacent.

Therefore, answer C is correct for this definition.


β,γ \beta,\gamma Colateralesγ,δ \gamma,\delta Adjacent

Exercise #5

What type of angle is α \alpha ?


Step-by-Step Solution

Let's remember that an acute angle is smaller than 90 degrees, an obtuse angle is larger than 90 degrees, and a straight angle equals 180 degrees.

Since in the drawing we have lines perpendicular to each other, the marked angles are right angles, each equal to 90 degrees.



Do you know what the answer is?

How to Get Ready Quickly for a Surprise Exam?

The answer is quite simple.
Many students fear pop quizzes, but in reality, they are an opportunity to exercise and demonstrate your knowledge.
As long as you study throughout the year and not just before exams.

  • Knowing there will be a quiz usually motivates you to do your homework.
  • Avoid falling behind with the study material, and stay up-to-date with the latest classes.
  • Quizzes often test your knowledge on just one topic. For example: calculating the area of a trapezoid.
  • Quizzes are calculated into an annual average, so it's in your best interest to obtain the best possible grade on each one.

As long as you pay attention in class and do your homework, you have no reason to fear exams.

How to Realize We're Falling Behind with the Study Material?

Is there an area of geometry that you don't understand? That's normal, as there are topics you'll learn easily, and others that will be more challenging for you.

Important: don't fall behind with the study material, because in mathematics, the pace of learning is very fast.
The problem is that many topics are based on what was taught before. Therefore, the moment your understanding of a certain topic is partial, you will struggle to grasp the next topic.
How do you know if you've fallen behind with the study material?

  • You find it difficult to concentrate in class because you struggle to understand the teacher.
  • You have difficulty solving homework assignments.

You received a very low grade on a test, which reflects your level.

What can you do in this case?

  • You can ask a classmate to explain what you don't understand.
  • Ask your math teacher for help with the topic you haven't understood.
  • You can take lessons with a private tutor to explain the topic you haven't understood, from the beginning.

Study mathematics with a private tutor

There are students who struggle to keep up with the learning pace in class.
It's important to understand that the ability to quickly learn what is taught is not necessarily related to the student's ability to understand different topics taught, and even to pass exams with good grades.
Sometimes math teachers teach very quickly to cover all the topics of the annual program. This way, there are students who fail to properly understand the different explanations and formulas, and gradually fall behind.

With a private math tutor, you can not only learn all the topics you haven't understood, but also assimilate the material effectively.
A private tutor can help you pass high school exams, and of course, prepare you for college.
It is also possible to take classes with a private tutor through your computer, with our online study program.
This way, you can enjoy private lessons with high-level teachers, without leaving your home.

This platform offers a wide variety of private tutors. You can read different opinions and comments about each teacher.
This means that you can quickly get an idea about the profile of each teacher, and thus you can easily choose the tutor who will accompany you in the learning process.

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