The corresponding angles are those that are on the same side of the transversal that cuts twoparallel linesand are at the same level with respect to the parallel line. The corresponding angles are of the same size.
The following image illustrates two pairs of corresponding angles, the first ones have been painted red and the others blue.
Identifying Corresponding Angles:
Corresponding angles occur in pairs and can be located by finding angles that are in the same relative position at each intersection. When the lines crossed by the transversal are parallel, the corresponding angles are always equal.
Other Angles:
In addition to alternate angles, several other angle relationships occur when a transversal crosses parallel lines.
Adjacent angles: Two angles that share a common side and vertex.
Alternate angles: Angles on opposite sides of the transversal that intersects two parallel lines and are not on the same side of the parallel lines to which they belong.
Before offering the specific explanation about the corresponding angles it is necessary to understand in which cases these angles can be formed. The basic way to describe it is with a diagram of two parallel lines with a transversal that cuts them (if you need more details it is convenient to consult the specific article that deals with the topic of "Parallel lines"), as can be seen in this illustration:
As mentioned, there are two parallel lines A and B with a transversal C cutting both of them.
Other types of angles
There are other types of angles that are formed in cases like the one we have just discussed. We will analyze them briefly:
These are the angles that are on opposite sides of the transversal that cuts two parallel lines and are not on the same side with respect to the parallel line. Alternate angles are the same size.
For more details go to the specific article that deals with the subject of "alternate angles".
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Test your knowledge
Question 1
Does the diagram show an adjacent angle?
Correct Answer:
Question 2
Does the diagram show an adjacent angle?
Correct Answer:
Question 3
Does the diagram show an adjacent angle?
Correct Answer:
Angles opposite at the vertex
They are formed by two straight lines that intersect, have a vertex in common and are opposite each other. The angles opposite at the vertex are of the same size.
They are the angles that are on the same side of the transversal that cuts two parallel lines and are not at the same level with respect to the parallel line. Together they complete 180o degrees, that is, the sum of two collateral angles is equal to one hundred and eighty degrees.
For more details go to the specific article that deals with the subject of "collateral angles".
Do you know what the answer is?
Question 1
Does the diagram show an adjacent angle?
Correct Answer:
Question 2
Does the diagram show an adjacent angle?
Correct Answer:
Question 3
If two adjacent angles are not right angles, then one of them is obtuse and the other is acute.
Correct Answer:
Exercises with corresponding angles
Exercise 1
In each of the following illustrations indicate if they are corresponding angles or not. In both cases explain why.
Diagram No 1:
In this case we are really dealing with corresponding angles since they meet the two criteria of their definition, i.e., they are two angles that are on the same side of the transversal that cuts the two parallel lines and the angles are on the same side with respect to the parallel line.
Diagram No. 2:
In this case we are not dealing with corresponding angles since they do not meet the criteria of their definition, i.e., we are dealing with two angles that are on both sides of the transversal that cuts the two parallel straight lines and the two angles are not on the same side with respect to the parallel straight line.
Diagram No. 3:
In this case we are really dealing with corresponding angles since they meet the two criteria of their definition, i.e., we are dealing with two angles that are on the same side of the transversal that cuts the two parallel lines and the angles are on the same side with respect to the parallel line. Then:
Scheme No 1: corresponding angles
Scheme No 2: they are not corresponding angles, however, they are internal alternate angles.
Scheme No 3: corresponding angles.
Exercise 2
Given the triangle △BCD as illustrated in the following image:.
The angle B of the triangle △BCD is equal to 30o.
Also, it is known that, the line KL inside the triangle is parallel to the edge (or side) of the triangle and the angle K of the triangle BLK is equal to 45o.
Find the other two angles of the triangle △BCD.
Looking at the picture we see that, we have two parallel lines (KL and DC) which are cut by a transversal (the edge DB). The angle D of the triangle is equal to the angle BKL since they are corresponding angles, that is to say, they are two angles located on the same side of the transversal (DB) that cuts the two parallel lines (KL and DC) and these angles are on the same side with respect to the parallel line.
From the above we deduce that the angle D of the triangle is equal to 45°.
We also know that the sum of the three angles of any triangle equals 180°.
Therefore, angle C equals 180°−30°−45°=105°.
Angle D measures 45°.
Angle C measures 105°.
Check your understanding
Question 1
It is possible for two adjacent angles to be right angles.
Correct Answer:
Question 2
It is possible for two adjacent angles to be obtuse.
Correct Answer:
Question 3
Is it possible to have two adjacent angles, one of which is obtuse and the other right?
Correct Answer:
Exercise 3
Given the parallelogram KLMN. Also, we know that the segment AB is parallel to the edge NK.
Find the angle corresponding to the angle L, highlighted in the diagram.
After briefly observing the image we will see that, the segment AB is parallel not only to the edge NK, but also to the edge (or side) LM. The idea here is that these are two opposite edges of the parallelogram that have the same length and are parallel to each other. Therefore, the edge LM is also parallel to the edge AB.
Now we will find in the image the angle corresponding to the angle L. Looking quickly we can say that the angle corresponding to the angle L is the KAB. As we know that, this angle together with angle L meet the two criteria of the definition of the corresponding angles, i.e., they are two angles located on the same side of the transversal (edge KL) that cuts the two parallel lines (AB and LM) and the angles are also at the same level with respect to the parallel line.
Inside it, in the figure there is a line ED which is parallel of CB.
Is it possible to check that the triangle △AED is also isosceles? Solution :
To check that the triangle is isosceles, it is necessary to check that the sides are equal or that the opposite angles are equal.
Since the triangles △ABC and △ACE are equal (because they face equal sides), they are supplementary and equal to the angles ∢AED and ∢ADE.
Therefore, the triangle △AED is isosceles.
Do you think you will be able to solve it?
Question 1
The sum of adjacent angles is 180 degrees.
Correct Answer:
Question 2
Does the diagram show an adjacent angle?
Correct Answer:
Question 3
Does the diagram show an adjacent angle?
Correct Answer:
Exercise 5
What is the value of X?
The given angles are corresponding angles, so they are equal.
That is, all that is needed is to solve the following resulting equation:
Thus we find the value of X.
Exercise 6
Which are the angles marked with the letter X in the figure?
And which ones are marked with the letter Y?
Answer the question knowing that ABCD is a rectangle.
Identification and definition of elements.
Since we have to answer the question knowing that ABCD is a rectangle.
Which are the angles marked with the letter X in the figure?
And which ones with the letter ABCD?
Corresponding / adjacent
Complementary / alternate
Supplementary / adjacent
Opposite by vertex / Opposite by vertex.
Corresponding / adjacent
Test your knowledge
Question 1
Does the diagram show an adjacent angle?
Correct Answer:
Question 2
Can one of the vertical angles be a straight angle?
Correct Answer:
Question 3
Does the diagram show an adjacent angle?
Correct Answer:
Exercise 7
Given that a, b and c are parallel
Find the value of the angle α
First we identify the angle 53o, using the property of angle opposite by vertex we write that value in the opposite part of the angle.
On the other hand, we know that the sum of the internal angles of the triangle formed by the transversal lines that cut the parallel lines a and b is equal to 180o, so then we would have the following equation:
Subsequently subtracting the angle, we have the following:
Which of the straight pairs is parallel to each other?
Between a and b passes a line summing alternating angles whose equality can be checked.
Between b and g we can identify an internal alternate angle that is not equal, so it is not a parallel line.
Between b and d there are corresponding angles that are not equal, therefore, they are not parallel lines.
There is no data on e and b because they are not crossed by a straight line.
Do you know what the answer is?
Question 1
Does the diagram show an adjacent angle?
Correct Answer:
Question 2
Does the diagram show an adjacent angle?
Correct Answer:
Question 3
Does the diagram show an adjacent angle?
Correct Answer:
Exercise 9
The following figure shows three parallel lines a, b and c.
Given that a, b and care parallel.
Find the value of α
We assign with the letter β to the angle with which we have a correspondence with the angle 130o, as shown in the picture.
The angle β and the angle 130o are corresponding and are therefore equal.
The angle δ and the angle 45oare internal alternating angles and therefore are equal and you have the following equality:
Questions on the subject:
What does corresponding angles mean?
They are the ones that are on the same side of the transversal that cuts two parallel lines and are on the same side with respect to the parallel line.
What is the combination of the corresponding angles?
Their value is the same because they are on the same side with respect to the same parallel lines.
What do the corresponding sides or angles in the triangles mean?
The corresponding angles will have the same measure in congruent triangles.
How long are the corresponding angles?
They measure the same.
What are the corresponding angles and what are their characteristics?
They are non-adjacent angles located on the same side of the transversal line that cuts the parallels and their main characteristic is that they are equal.
What is the corresponding side?
They are those that have the same length in congruent triangles.
If you are interested in learning more about other angle topics, you can access one of the following articles:
On theTutorelablog you will find a variety of articles about mathematics.
Check your understanding
Question 1
Does the diagram show an adjacent angle?
Correct Answer:
Question 2
Does the diagram show an adjacent angle?
Correct Answer:
Question 3
If two adjacent angles are not right angles, then one of them is obtuse and the other is acute.
Correct Answer:
Examples with solutions for Corresponding angles
Exercise #1
Is it possible to have two adjacent angles, one of which is obtuse and the other right?
Video Solution
Step-by-Step Solution
Remember the definition of adjacent angles:
Adjacent angles always complement each other up to one hundred eighty degrees, that is, their sum is 180 degrees.
This situation is impossible since a right angle equals 90 degrees, an obtuse angle is greater than 90 degrees.
Therefore, together their sum will be greater than 180 degrees.
Exercise #2
In which of the diagrams are the angles α,β vertically opposite?
Step-by-Step Solution
Remember the definition of angles opposite by the vertex:
Angles opposite by the vertex are angles whose formation is possible when two lines cross, and they are formed at the point of intersection, one facing the other. The acute angles are equal in size.
The drawing in answer A corresponds to this definition.
Exercise #3
a is parallel to
Determine which of the statements is correct.
Video Solution
Step-by-Step Solution
Let's review the definition of adjacent angles:
Adjacent angles are angles formed where there are two straight lines that intersect. These angles are formed at the point where the intersection occurs, one next to the other, and hence their name.
Now let's review the definition of collateral angles:
Two angles formed when two or more parallel lines are intersected by a third line. The collateral angles are on the same side of the intersecting line and even are at different heights in relation to the parallel line to which they are adjacent.
Therefore, answer C is correct for this definition.
β,γ Colateralesγ,δ Adjacent
Exercise #4
Identify the angle shown in the figure below?
Step-by-Step Solution
Remember that adjacent angles are angles that are formed when two lines intersect one another.
These angles are created at the point of intersection, one adjacent to the other, and that's where their name comes from.
Adjacent angles always complement one another to one hundred and eighty degrees, meaning their sum is 180 degrees.
Exercise #5
Identify the angles shown in the diagram below?
Step-by-Step Solution
Let's remember that vertical angles are angles that are formed when two lines intersect. They are are created at the point of intersection and are opposite each other.