Inputing Values into a Function

🏆Practice domain of a function

Generally, a numerical value is assigned in equations with variables or in mathematical expressions that include variables.

The assignment involves changing the variables in a mathematical expression or equation to specific numerical values.

For example

X=3 X=3

Y=2 Y=2

Z=? Z=\text{?}

X2+Y=Z X^2+Y=Z

32+2=11 3^2+2=11

Answer: Z=11 Z=11

X Y Z By assigning the numerical value, the general form becomes a particular case

By assigning the numerical value, the general form becomes a particular case.

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Test yourself on domain of a function!


\( 2x+\frac{6}{x}=18 \)

What is the domain of the above equation?

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Examples and exercises with solutions for assigning numerical value in a function

Exercise #1

Given the following function:

9x4 \frac{9x}{4}

Does the function have a domain? If so, what is it?

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Since the function's denominator equals 4, the domain of the function is all real numbers, meaning all X.


No, the entire domain

Exercise #2

Given the following function:

5+4x2+x2 \frac{5+4x}{2+x^2}

Does the function have a domain? If so, what is it?

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Step-by-Step Solution

Since the denominator is positive for all X, the domain of the function is the entire domain.

That is, all X, therefore there is no domain restriction.


No, the entire domain

Exercise #3

2x+6x=18 2x+\frac{6}{x}=18

What is the domain of the above equation?

Video Solution



Exercise #4

2x3=4x 2x-3=\frac{4}{x}

What is the domain of the exercise?

Video Solution



Exercise #5

Look at the following function:

2010x5 \frac{20}{10x-5}

What is the domain of the function?

Video Solution


x12 x\ne\frac{1}{2}

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