Variable Rate of Change

🏆Practice variation of a function

Variable Rate of Change

The meaning of a variable rate of change of a function can be seen when the variables X X change in fixed proportions and the Y Y change unevenly. 

A variable rate of change is represented by a line that is not straight, as seen in the following diagram:

B3 - Function with inconsistent rate of change

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Given the following graph, determine whether function is constant


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How can the variable rate of change of a function be identified?

For example, if the constant interval of the X X is 2 2 and that of the Y Y is not constant and varies from time to time.
An inconsistent interval could be:
1,3,7,13 1,3,7,13
If the function is not represented with a straight graph, it means that the rate of change is not constant.
Each part of the function will have a different rate of change, a different slope.

Graph of the Variable Rate of Change

Graph of the inconsistent rate of change

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Table of the Variable Rate of Change

Table representation of a function with a non-constant rate of change

Table representation of a function with a non-constant rate of change

Graph of the stepwise non-constant rate of change

image1 Graph of the non-constant rate of change with steps

If you are interested in this article, you might also be interested in the following articles:

Rate of change of a function

Rate of change of a function represented graphically

Rate of change of a function represented by a table of values

Constant rate of change

Rate of change represented with steps in the function's graph

In the blog of Tutorela you will find a variety of articles with interesting explanations about mathematics

Examples and exercises with solutions of variable rate of change

Exercise #1

Look at the graph below and determine whether the function's rate of change is constant or not:


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Step-by-Step Solution

First we need to remember that if the function is not a straight line, its rate of change is not constant.

The rate of change is not uniform since the function is not a straight line.


Not constant

Exercise #2

Given the following graph, determine whether the rate of change is uniform or not?


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Step-by-Step Solution

Let's remember that if the function is not a straight line, its rate of change is not uniform.

Since the graph is not a straight line - the rate of change is not uniform.



Exercise #3

Given the following graph, determine whether the rate of change is uniform or not


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Step-by-Step Solution

Let's remember that if the function is not a straight line, its rate of change is not uniform.

Since the graph is not a straight line - the rate of change is not uniform.



Exercise #4

Given the following graph, determine whether the rate of change is uniform or not?


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Step-by-Step Solution

Remember that if the function is a straight line, its rate of change will be constant.

Due to the fact that the graph is a straight line - the rate of change is constant.



Exercise #5

Given the following graph, determine whether function is constant


Video Solution



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