The order of operations is a convention used to determine which operations are performed first. In every math exercise that combines more than one operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc.), each operation must be performed in a specific order:

  1. Parentheses
  2. Powers and Roots
  3. Multiplication and division (from left to right)
  4. Addition and subtraction (from left to right)
  • When a type of operation is repeated in an exercise, they must be solved in order from left to right.
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\( 12+3\times0= \)

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It is important to perform the operations in the right order to arrive at the correct result.

  1. The first operations we have to solve are those in parentheses. Once solved, we can continue. Some exercises include parentheses inside other parentheses. In such cases, we must first solve the internal parentheses before solving the external ones.
  2. The next operations that we must solve are powers and roots, also referred to as 'exponents'. When these are inside parentheses, we solve them first in order to solve the parentheses.
  3. The next operations we must perform are multiplication and division. When there is more than one in the exercise, they must be solved in order from left to right.
  4. The last operations to perform are addition and subtraction. These must also be solved from left to right in instances when there is more than one in the same exercise.

Order of Elementary Operations with Combined Operations

Before talking about more advanced mathematical operations, it is important to know the order in which the elementary mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) are solved.

In each exercise we will solve these operations in the following order:

  1. Multiplication and division
  2. Addition and subtraction

For example, in the exercise:

  • 4+5×7 4+5\times7

First, we solve the multiplication (5×7=35) \left(5\times7=35\right) before adding the 4 4 . The result is 39 39 .

When we have only one type of operation (only multiplication and division, or only addition and subtraction), we solve the exercise from left to right.

Let's look at the following example:

  • 43+75 4-3+7-5

In this exercise, we have only one type of operation (addition and subtraction). Therefore, we solve it from left to right:

  • 43=1 4-3=1
  • 1+7=8 1+7=8
  • 85=3 8-5=3

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Order of Operations – Parentheses

Whenever there are parentheses, the first thing to do is to perform the operations contained within them.

The order of operations in cases where there are parentheses and basic operations is as follows:

  1. Parentheses
  2. Powers and roots
  3. Multiplication and division (from left to right)
  4. Addition and subtraction (from left to right)

For example, in the exercise:

  • 4×5+(73) 4\times5+(7-3)

First, we perform the operation inside the parentheses: (73)=4 \left(7-3\right)=4 .

Then, we solve the operation outside of the parentheses: 4×5=20 4\times5=20 .

Finally, we add both figures together: 20+4=24 20+4=24 .

Use parentheses '( )' instead of brackets '[ ]'.

Order of Operations – Powers

When an exercise includes powers or roots, these operations will be solved before the multiplication and division. Therefore, the order to follow is:

  1. Parentheses
  2. Powers and Roots
  3. Multiplication and division
  4. Addition and subtraction

For example:

  • 4+3×32×(75)= 4+3\times3^2\times(7-5)=

First, we solve the operation inside parentheses:

  • 75=2 7-5=2
  • 4+3×32×2= 4+3\times3^2\times2=

Next, we simplify the power:

  • 32=9 3^2=9
  • 4+3×9×2= 4+3\times9\times2=

Then, we perform the multiplications (from left to right):

  • 3X9=27 3X9=27
  • 4+27×2= 4+27\times2=

We continue with the second multiplication:

  • 27×2=54 27\times2=54
  • 4+54= 4+54=

Finally, we perform the addition that will give us the answer:

  • 4+54=58 4+54=58

Do you know what the answer is?

Order of Operations – Powers and Roots

Order of Operations – Multiplications and Divisions

  1. Parentheses
  2. Powers and roots
  3. Multiplication and division
  4. Addition and subtraction

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Order of Operations – Addition and Subtraction (from left to right)

  1. Parentheses
  2. Powers and roots
  3. Multiplication and division
  4. Addition and subtraction

Review Questions

What is the order when solving an equation?

It depends on the type of equation. However, it is important not to confuse the term 'equation' with the term 'expression'. This article deals with arithmetic expressions.

To solve an equation, for example a first-degree equation, both sides must be simplified using the order of operations. If there are unknown variables on both sides, they must be put together on a single side.

What is solved first in an expression?

  1. Operations inside parentheses
  2. Powers and roots
  3. Multiplication and division
  4. Addition and subtraction

Which is performed first, addition or subtraction?

They are performed in order from left to right.

What is a combined operation?

An arithmetic expression which include several operations.

What is the order of combined operations without parentheses?

  1. Powers and roots
  2. Multiplication and division
  3. Addition and subtraction

What is the order of operations?

It is the order in which operations are carried out in an exercise.

Which operation has the highest priority?

The powers and roots. Parentheses are not really operations, but rather symbols that help us group operations together.

Which is solved first when there are no parentheses, addition or multiplication?


Do you think you will be able to solve it?

Oder of Operations Exercises

Exercise 1

What is the solution to this exercise?

52×12+1= 5-2\times\frac{1}{2}+1=


In the first step of the exercise, you must calculate the multiplication.

2×12=21×12=22=1 2\times\frac{1}{2}=\frac{2}{1}\times\frac{1}{2}=\frac{2}{2}=1

From here, you can continue with the remaining addition and subtraction operations.

51+1=5 5-1+1=5

Answer: 5 5

Exercise 2

What is the solution to this exercise?

12:(4 93)= 12:(4\ -\frac{9}{3})=


We begin with the parentheses and the division operation inside it.

9:3=3 9:3=3

Then we perform the subtraction operation.

43=1 4-3=1

Finally, we perform the division operation that is outside of the parentheses.

12:1=12 12:1=12


12 12

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Exercise 3

What is the solution to this exercise?

(X+4)(3+X) (X+4)(3+X)

Given that:

X=4 X=4


We start by substituting the value of X X .

(4+4)(3+4) (4+4)(3+4)

Then, we perform the calculations in parentheses.

(8)(7) (8)(7)

Once we have solved the parentheses, we simply multiply the resulting figures together.

7×8=56 7\times 8=56

Answer: 56 56

Exercise 4

Determine the missing number in the equation:

? ⁣:(6)+[2(9473)]=153 ?\colon(-6)+\lbrack-2(94-73)\rbrack=-153


Calculate according to the order of operations to work out the value of the unknown variable.

?=X ?=X

X:6+(2(9473))=153 X:-6+(-2(94-73))=-153

X:6+(2(21))=153 X:-6+(-2(21))=-153

X:642=153 X:-6-42=-153

X:6=153+42 X:-6=-153+42

X=111×6 X=-111\times 6 / ×6 \times -6

X=666 X=666


X=666 X=666

Do you know what the answer is?

Exercise 5

In a flower field there are a number of flowers.

One bush contains 5 5 flowers, and there are 13 13 such bushes.

Another area has 99 plants with 2 2 flowers each. The flower pickers picked 30 30 flowers from the bushes and 10 10 from the plants.


How many flowers are left in the field?


We will turn the question into an expression with which we are familiar:

(5×1330)+(9×210) \left(5\times 13-30\right)+\left(9\times 2-10\right)

First, we will solve everything in the parentheses, starting with multiplication and division from left to right.

(6530)+(1810) \left(65-30\right)+\left(18-10\right)

Then, we perform the addition and subtraction operations found in parentheses.

35+8 35+8

Finally, we perform the operations outside the parentheses.

35+8=43 35+8=43


43 43

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Exercises for practicing the order of basic operations

  • 2+3×4= 2+3\times4=
  • 35×2+3= 3-5\times2+3=
  • 6×7+3×4= 6\times7+3\times4=
  • 23+5×6:2= 2-3+5\times6:2=
  • 3+412:3:2×6= 3+4-12:3:2\times6=

Check your understanding

Exercises for practicing the order of operations with parentheses

  • 3+5×(2+3)= 3+5\times(2+3)=
  • (35)×(2+3)= \left(3-5\right)\times(2+3)=
  • 3+412:3:(2×2)= 3+4-12:3:(2\times2)=
  • (23)+5×(6:2)= \left(2-3\right)+5\times(6:2)=

Exercises for practicing the order of operations with powers

  • 2+2×42= 2+2\times4^2=
  • 2+(2×4)2= 2+(2\times4)^2=
  • 3212:3:(2X2)= 3^2-12:3:(2X2)=
  • (23)+5×(6:2)2+(223)= \left(2-3\right)+5\times(6:2)^2+(2^2-3)=

Do you think you will be able to solve it?

Answers to the exercise: order of basic operations

  • 2+3×4=14 2+3\times4=14
  • 35×2+3=4 3-5\times2+3=-4
  • 6×7+3×4=54 6\times7+3\times4=54
  • 23+5×6:2=14 2-3+5\times6:2=14
  • 3+412:3:2×6=5 3+4-12:3:2\times6=-5

Answers to the exercise: order of operations with parenthesis

  • 3+5×(2+3)=28 3+5\times(2+3)=28
  • (35)×(2+3)=10 \left(3-5\right)\times(2+3)=-10
  • 3+412:3:(2×2)=6 3+4-12:3:(2\times2)=6
  • (23)+5×(6:2)=14 \left(2-3\right)+5\times(6:2)=14

Test your knowledge

Answers to the exercise: order of operations with powers

  • 2+2×42=34 2+2\times4^2=34
  • 2+(2×4)2=66 2+(2\times4)^2=66
  • 3212:3:(2×2)=8 3^2-12:3:(2^{\times}2)=8
  • (23)+5×(6:2)2+(223)=45 \left(2-3\right)+5\times(6:2)^2+(2^2-3)=45

More exercises for individual practice of the order of operations

  • 10×2:4= 10\times2:4=
  • 80:4:2:5= 80:4:2:5=
  • 364:2= 36-4:2=
  • 24:243:3= 24:2-4-3:3=
  • 5×5×212:4= 5\times5\times2-12:4=
  • 100:210:2+3×465×2= 100:2-10:2+3\times4-6-5\times2=

Do you know what the answer is?

Examples with solutions for The Order of Operations

Exercise #1

25+2510= \frac{25+25}{10}=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's begin by multiplying the numerator:

25+25=50 25+25=50

We obtain the following fraction:

5010 \frac{50}{10}

Finally let's reduce the numerator and denominator by 10 and we are left with the following result:

51=5 \frac{5}{1}=5


5 5

Exercise #2

0:7+1= 0:7+1=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations rules, we first divide and then add:

0:7=0 0:7=0

0+1=1 0+1=1


1 1

Exercise #3

12+1+0= 12+1+0=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations rules, since the exercise only involves addition operations, we will solve the problem from left to right:

12+1=13 12+1=13

13+0=13 13+0=13



Exercise #4

0+0.2+0.6= 0+0.2+0.6=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations rules, since the exercise only involves addition operations, we will solve the problem from left to right:

0+0.2=0.2 0+0.2=0.2

0.2+0.6=0.8 0.2+0.6=0.8



Exercise #5

12+0+12= \frac{1}{2}+0+\frac{1}{2}=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, since the exercise only involves addition operations, we will solve the problem from left to right:

12+0=12 \frac{1}{2}+0=\frac{1}{2}

12+12=11=1 \frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{2}=\frac{1}{1}=1


1 1

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