The real line looks like this: a horizontal line in which small equidistant vertical lines are inserted.
Real number line

The real line looks like this: a horizontal line in which small equidistant vertical lines are inserted.
Characteristics of the number line:
The operations of addition and subtraction can be seen as a horizontal movement on the number line.
Fill in the corresponding sign
D ? J
To be more precise, we must point out that the number line is infinite. Therefore, when we refer to an image of the real line, we are referring to the image of a part of the whole line.
Decimal numbers can also be represented on the real line, for example:
For example, let's look at the following two exercises that have already been solved:
Let us now focus on each of them and look at them as if they were a horizontal movement on the real line.
Solve the exercise
F ? 0
Solve the exercise
B ? J
Solve the exercise
C ? 3
What is the distance between 0 and F?
What is the distance between C and H?
What is the distance between F and B?
Draw a number line starting with -8 and ending with 3. Then, reflect the following exercises on the number line using dots and arrows:
Observe the following real line and point out whether it is correct or not
If you are interested in this article you may also be interested in the following articles:
Positive numbers, negative numbers and zero
Elimination of parentheses in real numbers
Addition and subtraction of real numbers
Multiplication and division of real numbers
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What is the distance between D and K?
What is the distance between J and D?
What is the distance between A and K?
What is the distance between and ?
Therefore the distance is skipped
What number appears at the red dot marked on the axis?
By means of the axis we notice that the jumps between numbers are in multiplying the previous term by
is the point
What is the distance between I and E?
What is the distance between D and I?
\( 5 < -5 \)
Fill in the missing numbers
We note that the jumps between the numbers are at
According to the axis:
We solve the exercise
Pay attention that minus multiplied by minus becomes plus.
\( -2 < 0 \)
\( -3=-3 \)
Fill in the corresponding sign
D ? J
Solve according to the axis
Solve the exercise
Pay attention that minus multiplied by minus becomes plus.
The number line or real line is a horizontal line divided into equidistant segments, i.e. at the same distance from each other, which serves to represent numbers in each segment, in which real numbers are indicated.
Solve the exercise
F ? 0
Solve the exercise
B ? J
Solve the exercise
C ? 3
The real line is a horizontal line where it is divided by intervals of the same distance, in these segments we can find the following elements:
It is called the number line or real line, since it contains all the real numbers, that is, the set of natural numbers, integers, rational numbers and irrational numbers, all these numbers are a subset of the real numbers, in other words, they are all the numbers.
What is the distance between 0 and F?
What is the distance between C and H?
What is the distance between F and B?
On the number line we will place the positive numbers on the right side of zero and the negative numbers on the left side, so when we add we will move to the right side of the line, and when we subtract we will move to the left.
Task. Perform the following addition on the number line:
Solution: We locate the first term of the sum on the number line, and as we can observe it is a sum then, we are located at and we move segments to the right.
On the number line we can see that by going segments to the right we have fallen on the number , Therefore:
Task. Represent the following subtraction on a number line:
We locate the minuend of the subtraction on the number line, then, we start at and then subtract the subtrahend, that is, the second term of the subtraction :
We observe that we have fallen in the , Using laws of signs less by more, will give us less, therefore this subtraction we can represent it as:
What is the distance between D and K?
What is the distance between J and D?
What is the distance between A and K?
What is the distance between 0 and F?
Let's begin by marking F and 0 on the number line
We can thus determine that:
Therefore, the distance is 0 steps.
What is the distance between C and H?
We first mark the letter C on the number line and then proceed towards the letter H:
Note that the distance between the two letters is 5 steps.
What is the distance between F and B?
One might think that as a consequence of the displacement on the axis being towards the negative domain, the result is also negative.
However it is important to keep in mind that here we are referring to the distance.
Distance can never be negative.
Even if the displacement is towards the negative domain, the distance is an existing value.
What is the distance between D and K?
We first mark the letter D on the number line and then proceed towards the letter K:
Note that the distance between the two letters is 7 steps.
What is the distance between J and D?
Let's begin by marking the letter J on the number line and then proceeding towards the letter D:
Note that the distance between the two letters is 6 steps