Special cases (0 and 1, reciprocals, fraction line)

๐Ÿ†Practice special cases (0 and 1, inverse, fraction line)

Special Cases in Order of Operations

When we come to use the order of operations, we can encounter various special cases.
Sometimes, these cases will affect the order of operations, and in other cases we can use them to make the solution path easier for ourselves.

The number 00

Addition and subtraction do not affect the number.
Multiplication by 00 = 00
Number divided by 00 = 00
Division by 00 is undefined

number 11

Multiplication by 11 does not change the number
Division by 11 does not change the number

Reciprocal Numbers

when aa is not equal to 00


Division and multiplication of reciprocal numbers

a1b=aโ‹…b\frac{a}{\frac{1}{b}}=a\cdot b

fraction line

Let's treat the arithmetic operation in the numerator as if the numerator is in parentheses.

1 English Special Cases


Let's start by solving the numerator:
Let's continue with the parentheses:
Let's continue with multiplication and ignore adding 00:

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Test yourself on special cases (0 and 1, inverse, fraction line)!


Solve the following exercise:

\( 2+0:3= \)

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Special Cases in Order of Operations

So it's true that you all know the basic order of operations -

But hey, there are some special cases that come between these steps that you should really know about!
Meet the special cases:
The number 00, the number 1, reciprocal numbers and fraction line!

The number 00

Addition operation

If 00 appears after addition, it has no significance and should simply be omitted. With or without parentheses, if you add 00 to any number, the number remains the same.

For example:
The addition operation with 00 is unnecessary, the 44 remains 44.
Therefore we are left with the expression 4โ‹…2+1=94\cdot2+1=9

Subtraction operation

If 00 appears after a subtraction operation, it has no meaning and can be omitted. If we subtract 00 - meaning nothing, from any number, it will remain the same number.

Pay attention -
If 00 appears before the subtraction operation, meaning if we subtract any number from 00, we get a negative number.
For example:
The resulting number is the same number we subtracted, just in its negative form.

Multiplication operation

If 00 appears next to a multiplication operation - regardless of whether it's on the right or left, the entire expression becomes zero.
For example:
In this case, for instance, there's no need to calculate everything inside the parentheses, and it's better to simply see that everything becomes zero because there's a 00 next to the multiplication operation that zeroes out the result of the expression in parentheses.

Division Operation

If we divide 00 by another number - meaning 00 is on the left side of the division operation - the answer will always be 00.
For example:
It is not possible to divide a number by 00 and if such a thing appears you can write "undefined"
For example: 5:05:0 = undefined

The number 11

Addition Operation

In addition there is nothing new, we add 11 to any number.

Subtraction operation

In subtraction there is nothing new, we subtract the digit 11 from any number.

Multiplication Operation

Multiplication by 11 keeps the number you multiplied identical. In order of operations, this can help you solve exercises easily, for example:

Division Operation

In division, the number will remain the same if we divide it by 11.
If we divide 11 by a number, we get a decimal fraction.

Reciprocal Numbers

The better you know the trick of reciprocal numbers, the more you can "skip the calculation" and continue the exercise easily!
Reciprocal numbers are two numbers whose product equals 11.
For any number that is not 00, the following is true:

Examples of reciprocal numbers:
2,122, \frac{1}{2}
54,15454, \frac{1}{54}
Remember โ€“ simply put 11 as the numerator and the number as the denominator and you get a reciprocal number.

Division and multiplication with reciprocal numbers

Dividing a number by any number is equivalent to multiplying that number by the reciprocal of the divisor.
That is:
a1b=aโ‹…b\frac{a}{\frac{1}{b}}=a\cdot b
Note - The multiplication and division formula with reciprocal numbers can be very helpful for quick solutions following the order of operations.

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fraction line

You surely know that a fraction line is treated like a regular division operation!
It is known that:
is like

But! Remember to keep in mind when it comes to order of operations:

  • If you have a fraction and there is any arithmetic operation in the numerator - you treat the numerator as if it is in parentheses. You handle it first before any other arithmetic operation.

For example:

In this exercise, we see a fraction with subtraction in the numerator. According to what we learned, we immediately approach the subtraction operation as if it's in parentheses.
Let's solve the numerator and continue:
Now we continue with multiplication and division:
And solve normally:

Do you know what the answer is?

Examples with solutions for Special Cases (0 and 1, Inverse, Fraction Line)

Exercise #1

Solve the following exercise:

2+0:3= 2+0:3=

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations rules, we first divide and then add:

2+(0:3)= 2+(0:3)=

0:3=0 0:3=0

2+0=2 2+0=2


2 2

Exercise #2

Solve the following exercise:

12+3โ‹…0= 12+3\cdot0=

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we first multiply and then add:

12+(3โ‹…0)= 12+(3\cdot0)=

3ร—0=0 3\times0=0

12+0=12 12+0=12


12 12

Exercise #3

63ร—1=ย ? \frac{6}{3}\times1=\text{ ?}

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we will solve the exercise from left to right since it only contains multiplication and division operations:

63=2 \frac{6}{3}=2

2ร—1=2 2\times1=2


2 2

Exercise #4

0+0.2+0.6= 0+0.2+0.6= ?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, the exercise is solved from left to right as it contains only an addition operation:

0+0.2=0.2 0+0.2=0.2

0.2+0.6=0.8 0.2+0.6=0.8



Exercise #5

12+0+12= \frac{1}{2}+0+\frac{1}{2}= ?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, since the exercise only involves addition operations, we will solve the problem from left to right:

12+0=12 \frac{1}{2}+0=\frac{1}{2}

12+12=11=1 \frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{2}=\frac{1}{1}=1


1 1

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