Multiplication of Decimal Numbers

๐Ÿ†Practice multiplication of decimal fractions

We will solve the multiplication of decimal numbers using the vertical multiplication method.
We will proceed in the following order:

  • We will neatly write the multiplication exercise in vertical form โ€“ one decimal point under the other decimal point, tenths under tenths, hundredths under hundredths, etc.
  • We will solve the exercise and, for now, will not pay attention to the decimal point.
  • We will strictly adhere to the rules of vertical multiplication.
  • We will review each number in the exercise and find out how many digits there are after the decimal point.
  • We will count the total number of digits after the decimal point (taking into account both numbers) and that will be the number of digits after the decimal point in the final answer.
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\( 0.1\times0.004= \)

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Multiplication of Decimal Numbers

To easily solve exercises involving the multiplication of decimal numbers, you should know how to solve multiplications of whole numbers using the vertical form.
The most recommended method for solving exercises of this type is, clearly, multiplication in vertical form.
Steps to follow:

  • โ€ข We will write the exercise clearly in vertical form โ€“ decimal point under the other decimal point, tenths under tenths, hundredths under hundredths, and so on.
  • โ€ข We will solve the exercise without taking the decimal point into account, but remembering that it exists.
  • โ€ข Let's not stop acting according to the rules of multiplication in vertical form, that is, reserving places for zeros, carrying over remainders and remembering them, etc.
  • โ€ข We will count the total number of digits after the decimal point (taking into account both numbers) and in this way determine the number of digits that will be after the decimal point in the result.

Let's apply the solution steps in an exercise, this will help you understand it better:
Given the exercise 0.4ร—0.2=0.4\times 0.2=
We will write it in vertical form making sure that the decimal point is under the other decimal point:

1a - in vertical form making sure that the decimal point is under the other decimal point

Let's solve the exercise as we always do, remembering the rules of multiplication in vertical form.

Notice: for now we ignore the decimal point and do not note it in the result.
We obtained the result 008008
How will we know where to place the decimal point in the result?
Let's look at the numbers in the exercise and add up the number of digits after the decimal point in both numbers.

2a - there will be 2 digits after the decimal point in the result

What does this mean?
Let's look at the first number 0.40.4, there is one digit after the decimal point.
Let's look at the second number 0.20.2, there is one digit after the decimal point.

Let's ask: How many digits after the decimal point are there in total? 22

Therefore, there will be 22 digits after the decimal point in the result.
We will obtain:

3a - Therefore, there will be 2 digits after the decimal point in the result

And this is the final result.

Multiplication Exercises with Decimal Numbers

Exercise 1

0.02ร—0.09=0.02\times 0.09=

We will write the exercise in vertical form making sure that the decimal point is under the other decimal point:

4a - the decimal point is under the other decimal point

We will solve it as usual, ignoring the decimal point:

5a - Let's add up the number of digits after the decimal point in the numbers of the exercise

Let's add up the number of digits after the decimal point in the numbers of the exercise and apply the result in the final answer:

A6 - apply the result in the final answer

Let's apply this to the result and we will get 0.00180.0018 :

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Exercise 2

45.7ร—0.4=45.7\times 0.4=

Let's write the exercise clearly in vertical form.
Let's solve it as usual and ignore the decimal point.
We will obtain:

7a - Let's solve it as usual and ignore the decimal point

Let's calculate where to place the decimal point:

A8 - Total digits after the decimal point โ†’ 2

Let's apply it to the answer and we will obtain: 18.2818.28

Exercise 3

15.06ร—0.01= 15.06\times 0.01=

Let's write the exercise clearly in vertical form.
Let's solve it as usual and ignore the decimal point in the result.
We will obtain:

9b - Let's write the exercise clearly in vertical form

Let's calculate where to place the decimal point:

A9 - Let's calculate where to place the decimal point

Let's apply it in the answer and we will obtain:
That is, 0.15060.1506

Do you know what the answer is?

Exercise 4

13ร—0.24=13\times 0.24=

Let's write the exercise clearly in vertical form.
Let's solve it as usual and ignore the decimal point in the result.

We will obtain:

11a- Let's write the exercise clearly in vertical form

Let's calculate where to place the decimal point:

A12 - Let's calculate where to place the decimal point

Let's apply it in the answer and we will obtain:
03.1203.12 ย That is, 3.123.12

Examples and exercises with solutions for multiplying decimal numbers

Exercise #1

Look at the following exercise and work out the correct place of the decimal point in the answer:

0.3ร—2.15=0645 0.3\times2.15=0645

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Step-by-Step Solution

In the number -0.3, there is one digit after the decimal point: 3.

In the number 2.15, there are two digits after the decimal point: 15.

Therefore, we have three digits after the decimal point.

To find the answer, we will count three decimal places to the left, which gives us -0.645.


0.645 0.645

Exercise #2

Look at the following exercise and determine the correct place of the decimal point:

3.5ร—2.4=840 3.5\times2.4=840

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Step-by-Step Solution

In the number -3.5, there is one digit after the decimal point: 5.

In the number 2.4, there is one digit after the decimal point: 4.

In other words, we have two digits after the decimal point.

Therefore we will move the decimal point two places to the left to get our answer: 8.40.


8.40 \text{8}.40

Exercise #3

Calculate the following exercise:

4.5ร—3.2ร—5.6= 4.5\times3.2\times5.6=

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Step-by-Step Solution

Whilst adhering to the rules of the order of operations, the exercise can be solved from left to right, given that it only contains multiplication.

Proceed to solve the left exercise vertically in order to avoid confusion as shown below:

4.5ร—3.2=14.40 4.5\\\times3.2\\=14.40

It is important to maintain correct positioning of the exercise, with the decimal point serving as an anchor.
Then we can multiply in order, first the ones digit of the first number by the ones digit of the second number,
then the tens digit of the first number by the ones digit of the second number, and so on.

We should obtain the following exercise:

14.40ร—5.6= 14.40\times5.6=

Remember that:

14.40=14.4 14.40=14.4

We will once again solve the exercise vertically whilst remembering the rules of maintaining the decimal point and multiplying in order (ones, tens, and so on)

As shown below:

14.4ร—5.6=80.64 14.4\\\times5.6\\=80.64


80.64 80.64

Exercise #4

Solve the following problem:

11.2ร—5.6ร—7.3= 11.2\times5.6\times7.3=

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Step-by-Step Solution

Adhering to the rules of the order of operations, the exercise can be solved from left to right, given that it only contains multiplication.

Proceed to solve the left exercise vertically in order to avoid confusion as shown below:

11.2ร—5.6=62.72 11.2\\\times5.6\\=62.72

It's important to maintain correct positioning of the exercise, with the decimal point serving as an anchor.
Then we can multiply in order, first the ones digit of the first number by the ones digit of the second number,
then the tens digit of the first number by the ones digit of the second number, and so on.

We should obtain the following exercise:

62.72ร—7.3= 62.72\times7.3=

Remember that:

7.3=7.30 7.3=7.30

We will once again solve the exercise vertically whilst maintaining the decimal point and multiplying in order (ones, tens, and so on)

As shown below:

457.856 457.856


457.856 457.856

Exercise #5

Solve the following problem:

2xร—4.65ร—6.3= 2x\times4.65\times6.3=

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Step-by-Step Solution

Upon observing the exercise note that we have two "regular" numbers and one number with a variable.
Given that this is a multiplication exercise, multiplying a number with a variable by a number without a variable doesn't present a problem.

In fact, it's important to remember that a variable attached to a number represents multiplication by itself, for example in this case: 2ร—x 2\times x
Therefore, we can apply the distributive property in order to separate the variable, and come back to it later.
Solve the exercise from left to right.

Solve the left exercise by breaking down the decimal number into an addition problem of a whole number and a decimal number as follows:

2ร—(4+0.65)= 2\times(4+0.65)=

Multiply 2 by each term inside of parentheses:

(2ร—4)+(2ร—0.65)= (2\times4)+(2\times0.65)=

Solve each of the expressions inside of the parentheses as follows:

8+1.3=9.3 8+1.3=9.3

We obtain the following exercise:

9.3ร—6.3= 9.3\times6.3=

Solve the exercise vertically in order to simplify the solution process.

It's important to be careful with the proper placement of the exercise, using the decimal point as an anchor.
Then we can proceed to multiply in order, first the ones digit of the first number by the ones digit of the second number. Then the tens digit of the first number by the ones digit of the second number, and so on.

9.3ร—6.3=58.59 9.3\\\times6.3\\=58.59

Don't forget to add the variable at the end resulting in the following answer:

58.59x 58.59x


58.59x 58.59x

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