Dividing decimal numbers is a bit more complicated than dividing whole numbers, but, if you follow these steps in order, we're sure you'll manage!
Objective: The elimination of the decimal point from the dividend.
In division exercises of decimal numbers, we can elegantly eliminate the decimal point...
All we have to do is shift it to the right the same number of places in both numbers.
What does it mean?
Let's look at the exercise 1.6:0.4=ย
We will always first focus on the dividend โ In our exercise the 1.6
To make the decimal point "disappear" we should move it to the right by one place.
We move it and obtain 16.
Let's not forget to perform the same operation on the divisor 0.4
Observe - If in the dividend we have moved the decimal point only one place to the right, also in the divisor the point can take only one step.
The number of places the decimal point is moved must be identical in both numbers!
We do it and obtain 4
The new exercise we now have is 16:4=
And its result, clearly, is 4. The same result as our original exercise.
You wonder how can this be?
As long as we have carried out the same operation on both numbers in the exercise, it is valid, and the exercise doesn't really change, but is represented in a different way.
We will proceed step by step:
We will focus on the dividend 0.25
Let's see. How many places do we need to move the decimal point to the right for it to "disappear"? 2 steps
We will move it two steps and obtain 25
Now let's do the same with the divisor 0.05
Let's move the decimal point 2 steps to the right and we will obtain 5
Our new exercise is: 25:5=5
We will focus on the dividend 0.36
Let's ask, how many steps to the right must the decimal point move to disappear? Two steps.
Let's move it 2 steps to the right and we will get 36.
Now let's do it with the divisor 0.6
Move the decimal point 2 steps to the right.
Attention! We know it's very tempting to move it only one step and get to 6 but that would be a huge mistake!
We must move the point the same number of steps as we have moved it in the dividend for the result to be correct.
Let's move the decimal point two places and we will get 60.
Our new exercise will be 36:60=
We will obtain: 36/60
Let's simplify, we will get: 6/10=3/5
Let's proceed according to the rules we have learned:
We will focus on removing the decimal point from the dividend 0.7
We will move the decimal point one place to the right and obtain 7
Now, let's move to the divisor 1.
Note: The original number does not have a decimal point, but we will add it and then place several zeros to not change its value.
We will consider 1 as 1.0
Now, let's move the decimal point one place to the right and we will obtain 10
Our new exercise isย 7:10
We can leave it as is, as a fraction 7/10 or else, solve it according to the rules of long division.