The decimal number is a way to represent a simple fraction or a number that is not whole. The decimal point (or decimal comma in some areas) divides the number in the following way:
For example, when checking a fever, on the thermometer there is a number like 37.5 or 36.4.
The point that separates the figures is the decimal point, therefore, the number in question is a decimal number. When we weigh ourselves, we step on the scale and, also in this case, the very same decimal number appears! The weight is shown with the decimal point and expresses, in a clear and simple way, a number that is not whole.
The decimal number might sound like a somewhat challenging concept to you, but believe me, after reading this article, you will not fear encountering it on the exam, you will even be glad to see it. Shall we start?
What is a decimal number?
The decimal number is a way of representing a simple fraction or a number that is not whole. In everyday life, we often come across the decimal number and we don't even realize it! For example, when checking a fever, on the thermometer there is a number like 37.5 or 36.4.
The point that separates the figures is the decimal point, therefore, the number in question is a decimal number. When we weigh ourselves, we step on the scale and, also in this case, the very same decimal number appears! The weight is shown with the decimal point and expresses, in a clear and simple way, a number that is not whole.
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As we have mentioned, in the decimal number there is a decimal point (or comma). This point separates the whole part and the decimal part. Everything that appears to the left of the point or comma is called the whole part (divided into hundreds, tens, and units) Everything that appears to the right is called the decimal part. Actually, it is a very intuitive reading of numbers. The decimal part is divided into tenths, hundredths, and thousandths. Let's see this division so we understand it better:
Observe In the decimal part, division is not intuitive and, in fact, it is the opposite of what we are used to: first the tenths, then the hundredths, and finally the thousandths. (The meticulous will notice that these are not tens, but tenths; not hundreds, but hundredths, and so on...) The position of the digit after the decimal point determines whether it will represent tenths, hundredths, or thousandths.
Let's practice the placement of digits and their representation in the decimal number:
In the number 4.586 what does the digit 5 represent? The digit 5 represents the tenths.
In the number 8.701 What does the digit 1 represent? The digit 1 represents the thousandths.
In the number 45.765 What does the digit 4 represent? The digit 4 represents the tens. Pay attention - it represents tens of a whole number and not tenths.
There are 2 ways to express a decimal number in words: 1. The first is, simply, to read the numbers as they appear and add the point where it is found.
For example: How do you read the decimal number 3.56? In the following way - "Three point five, six". How do you read the decimal number 76.304?
In the following way - "seventy-six point three, zero, four".
2.The second way is to remember that the name derives from the last digit. First, the whole part should be mentioned, then say "and", we will ask ourselves: What does the last digit represent? If, for example, the last digit represents hundredths we will pronounce the decimal part as it appears and then the word "hundredths". Are you confused by this? Come and see how simple it is.
How do you read the decimal number16.56? Sixteen and 56 hundredths. First, we have named the whole numbers as is proper, added "and" and asked ourselves What is the last digit 6 representing? The hundredths. So we will add 56 hundredths.
How do you read the decimal number3.765? 3 and 765 thousandths. Explanation: 3 whole numbers, 5 (The last digit represents thousandths)
How do you read the decimal number0.8? 0 and 8 tenths.
A fact that is essential for you to know about decimal numbers
If we add the figure 0 to the end of the decimal number, that is, to the right of the point, the value of the number does not change! For example: 45.877=45.87700000 0.5=0.50
Practice on Decimal Point Placement:
Given the number 76593 place the decimal point so that the figure 9 represents tenths. Solution: We know that for the figure 9 to represent tenths, it must appear immediately after the decimal point, therefore: 765.93
Examples and exercises with solutions of the decimal number