Examples with solutions for Multiplication of Powers: Using multiple rules

Exercise #1

x3x42x3x8=? x^3\cdot x^4\cdot\frac{2}{x^3}\cdot x^{-8}=\text{?}

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Step-by-Step Solution

First we will rearrange the expression and use the fact that multiplying a fraction means multiplying the numerator of the fraction, and the distributive property of multiplication:

x3x42x3x8=x3x421x3x8=2x3x41x3x8 x^3\cdot x^4\cdot\frac{2}{x^3}\cdot x^{-8}=x^3\cdot x^4\cdot 2\cdot \frac{1}{x^3}\cdot x^{-8}=2\cdot x^3\cdot x^4\cdot \frac{1}{x^3}\cdot x^{-8} Next, we'll use the law of exponents for negative exponents:

an=1an a^{-n}=\frac{1}{a^n} We'll apply the law of exponents to the expression in the problem:

2x3x41x3x8=2x3x4x3x8 2\cdot x^3\cdot x^4\cdot\frac{1}{x^3}\cdot x^{-8} =2\cdot x^3\cdot x^4\cdot x^{-3}\cdot x^{-8} When we applied the above law of exponents for the fraction in the multiplication,

From now on, we will no longer use the multiplication sign and will switch to the conventional notation where juxtaposition of terms means multiplication between them,

Now we'll recall the law of exponents for multiplying terms with the same base:

aman=am+n a^m\cdot a^n=a^{m+n} And we'll apply this law of exponents to the expression we got in the last step:

2x3x4x3x8=2x3+4+(3)+(8)=2x3+438=2x4 2x^3x^4x^{-3}x^{-8} =2x^{3+4+(-3)+(-8)} =2x^{3+4-3-8}=2x^{-4} When in the first stage we applied the above law of exponents and in the following stages we simplified the expression in the exponent,

Let's summarize the solution steps so far, we got that:
x3x42x3x8=2x3x4x3x8=2x4 x^3 x^4\cdot\frac{2}{x^3}\cdot x^{-8}= 2 x^3x^4 x^{-3} x^{-8} =2x^{-4}

Now let's note that there is no such answer in the given options, a further check of what we've done so far will also reveal that there is no calculation error,

Therefore, we can conclude that additional mathematical manipulation is required to determine which is the correct answer among the suggested answers,

Let's note that in answers A and B there are similar expressions to the one we got in the last stage, however - we can directly rule out the other two options since they are clearly different from the expression we got,

Furthermore, we'll note that in the expression we got, x is in a negative exponent and is in the numerator (Note at the end of the solution on this topic), whereas in answer B it is in a positive exponent and in the denominator (and both are in the numerator - Note at the end of the solution on this topic), so we'll rule out this answer,

If so - we are left with only one option - which is answer A', however we want to verify (and need to verify!) that this is indeed the correct answer:

Let's note that in the expression we got x is in a negative exponent and is in the numerator (Note at the end of the solution on this topic), whereas in answer B it is in a positive exponent and in the denominator , which reminds us of the law of exponents for negative exponents mentioned at the beginning of the solution,

In addition, let's note that in answer B x is in the second power but inside parentheses that are also in the second power, whereas in the expression we got in the last stage of solving the problem x is in the fourth power which might remind us of the law of exponents for power to a power,

We'll check this, starting with the law of exponents for negative exponents mentioned at the beginning of the solution, but in the opposite direction:

1an=an \frac{1}{a^n} =a^{-n} Next, we'll represent the term with the negative exponent that we got in the last stage of solving the problem, as a term in the denominator of the fraction with a positive exponent:

2x4=21x4 2x^{-4}=2\cdot\frac{1}{x^4} When we applied the above law of exponents,

Next, let's note that using the law of exponents for power to a power, but in the opposite direction:

amn=(am)n a^{m\cdot n}= (a^m)^n We can conclude that:

x4=x22=(x2)2 x^4=x^{2\cdot2}=(x^2)^2 Therefore, we'll return to the expression we got in the last stage and apply this understanding:

21x4=21(x2)2 2\cdot\frac{1}{x^4} =2\cdot\frac{1}{(x^2)^2} Let's summarize then the problem-solving stages so far, we got that:

x3x42x3x8=2x4=21(x2)2 x^3 x^4\cdot\frac{2}{x^3}\cdot x^{-8}=2x^{-4} =2\cdot\frac{1}{(x^2)^2} Let's note that we still haven't got the exact expression suggested in answer A, but we are already very close,

To reach the exact expression claimed in answer A, we'll recall another important law of exponents, and a useful mathematical fact:

Let's recall the law of exponents for exponents applying to terms in parentheses, but in the opposite direction:

ancn=(ac)n \frac{a^n}{c^n}=\big(\frac{a}{c}\big)^n And let's also recall the fact that raising the number 1 to any power will yield the result 1:

1x=1 1^{x}=1 And therefore we can write the expression we got in the last stage in the following way:

21(x2)2=212(x2)2 2\cdot\frac{1}{(x^2)^2}=2\cdot\frac{1^2}{(x^2)^2} And then since in the numerator and denominator of the fraction there are terms with the same exponent we can apply the above law of exponents, and represent the fraction whose numerator and denominator are terms with the same exponent as a fraction whose numerator and denominator are the bases of the terms and it is raised to the same exponent:

212(x2)2=2(1x2)2 2\cdot\frac{1^2}{(x^2)^2}=2\cdot\big(\frac{1}{x^2}\big)^2 Let's summarize then the solution stages so far, we got that:

x3x42x3x8=2x4=21(x2)2=2(1x2)2 x^3 x^4\cdot\frac{2}{x^3}\cdot x^{-8}=2x^{-4}=2\cdot\frac{1}{(x^2)^2}=2\cdot\big(\frac{1}{x^2}\big)^2 And therefore the correct answer is indeed answer A.


When it's written "the number in the numerator" despite the fact that there is no fraction in the expression at all, it's because we can always refer to any number as a number in the numerator of a fraction if we remember that any number divided by 1 equals itself, that is, we can always write a number as a fraction by writing it like this:

X=X1 X=\frac{X}{1} And therefore we can actually refer to X X as a number in the numerator of a fraction.


2(1x2)2 2(\frac{1}{x^2})^2

Exercise #2

Solve the exercise:

a2:a+a3a5= a^2:a+a^3\cdot a^5=

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Step-by-Step Solution

First we rewrite the first expression on the left of the problem as a fraction:

a2a+a3a5 \frac{a^2}{a}+a^3\cdot a^5 Then we use two properties of exponentiation, to multiply and divide terms with identical bases:


bmbn=bm+n b^m\cdot b^n=b^{m+n} 2.

bmbn=bmn \frac{b^m}{b^n}=b^{m-n} Returning to the problem and applying the two properties of exponentiation mentioned earlier:

a2a+a3a5=a21+a3+5=a1+a8=a+a8 \frac{a^2}{a}+a^3\cdot a^5=a^{2-1}+a^{3+5}=a^1+a^8=a+a^8

Later on, keep in mind that we need to factor the expression we obtained in the last step by extracting the common factor,

Therefore, we extract from outside the parentheses the greatest common divisor to the two terms which are:

a a We obtain the expression:

a+a8=a(1+a7) a+a^8=a(1+a^7) when we use the property of exponentiation mentioned earlier in A.

a8=a1+7=a1a7=aa7 a^8=a^{1+7}=a^1\cdot a^7=a\cdot a^7

Summarizing the solution to the problem and all the steps, we obtained the following:

a2a+a3a5=a(1+a7) \frac{a^2}{a}+a^3\cdot a^5=a(1+a^{7)} Therefore, the correct answer is option b.


a(1+a7) a(1+a^7)

Exercise #3

(y3×x2)4= (y^3\times x^2)^4=

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Step-by-Step Solution

We will solve the problem in two steps, in the first step we will use the power of a product rule:

(zt)n=zntn (z\cdot t)^n=z^n\cdot t^n The rule states that the power affecting a product within parentheses applies to each of the elements of the product when the parentheses are opened,

We begin by applying the law to the given problem:

(y3x2)4=(y3)4(x2)4 (y^3\cdot x^2)^4=(y^3)^4\cdot(x^2)^4 When we open the parentheses, we apply the power to each of the terms of the product separately, but since each of these terms is already raised to a power, we must be careful to use parentheses.

We then use the power of a power rule.

(bm)n=bmn (b^m)^n=b^{m\cdot n} We apply the rule to the given problem and we should obtain the following result:

(y3)4(x2)4=y34x24=y12x8 (y^3)^4\cdot(x^2)^4=y^{3\cdot4}\cdot x^{2\cdot4}=y^{12}\cdot x^8 When in the second step we perform the multiplication operation on the power exponents of the obtained terms.

Therefore, the correct answer is option d.


y12x8 y^{12}x^8

Exercise #4

54(15)4=? 5^4\cdot(\frac{1}{5})^4=\text{?}

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Step-by-Step Solution

This problem can be solved using the Law of exponents power rules for a negative power, power over a power, as well as the power rule for the product between terms with identical bases.

However we prefer to solve it in a quicker way:

To this end, the power by power law is applied to the parentheses in which the terms are multiplied, but in the opposite direction:

xnyn=(xy)n x^n\cdot y^n=(x\cdot y)^n Since in the expression in the problem there is a multiplication between two terms with identical powers, this law can be used in its opposite sense.

54(15)4=(515)4 5^4\cdot(\frac{1}{5})^4=\big(5\cdot\frac{1}{5}\big)^4 Since the multiplication in the given problem is between terms with the same power, we can apply this law in the opposite direction and write the expression as the multiplication of the bases of the terms in parentheses to which the same power is applied.

We continue and simplify the expression inside of the parentheses. We can do it quickly if inside the parentheses there is a multiplication between two opposite numbers, then their product will give the result: 1, All of the above is applied to the problem leading us to the last step:

(515)4=14=1 \big(5\cdot\frac{1}{5}\big)^4 = 1^4=1 We remember that raising the number 1 to any power will always give the result: 1, which means that:

1x=1 1^x=1 Summarizing the steps to solve the problem, we obtain the following:

54(15)4=(515)4=1 5^4\cdot(\frac{1}{5})^4=\big(5\cdot\frac{1}{5}\big)^4 =1 Therefore, the correct answer is option b.



Exercise #5

Solve the following exercise:

23×24+(43)2+2523= 2^3\times2^4+(4^3)^2+\frac{2^5}{2^3}=

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Step-by-Step Solution

We use the three appropriate power properties to solve the problem:

  1. Power law for multiplication between terms with identical bases:

aman=am+n a^m\cdot a^n=a^{m+n} 2. Power law for an exponent raised to another exponent:

(am)n=amn (a^m)^n=a^{m\cdot n} 3. Power law for the division of terms with identical bases:

aman=amn \frac{a^m}{a^n}=a^{m-n}

We continue and apply the three previous laws to the problem:

2324+(43)2+2523=23+4+432+253=27+46+22 2^3\cdot2^4+(4^3)^2+\frac{2^5}{2^3}=2^{3+4}+4^{3\cdot2}+2^{5-3}=2^7+4^6+2^2

In the first step we apply the power law mentioned in point 1 to the first expression on the left, the power law mentioned in point 2 to the second expression on the left, and the power law mentioned in point 3 to the third expression on the left, separately. In the second step, we simplify the expressions by exponents possession of the received terms,

Then,after using the substitution property for addition, we find that the correct answer is D.


22+27+46 2^2+2^7+4^6

Exercise #6

Simplify the following expression:

103104(795)3+(42)5= 10^{-3}\cdot10^4-(7\cdot9\cdot5)^3+(4^2)^5=

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Step-by-Step Solution

In solving the problem, we use two laws of exponents, which we will mention:

a. The law of exponents for multiplying powers with the same bases:

aman=am+n a^m\cdot a^n=a^{m+n} b. The law of exponents for a power of a power:

(am)n=amn (a^m)^n=a^{m\cdot n} We will apply these two laws of exponents in solving the problem in two steps:

Let's start by applying the law of exponents mentioned in a' to the first expression on the left side of the problem:

103104=103+4=101=10 10^{-3}\cdot10^4=10^{-3+4}=10^1=10 When in the first step we applied the law of exponents mentioned in a' and in the following steps we simplified the expression that was obtained,

We continue to the next step and apply the law of exponents mentioned in b' and handle the third expression on the left side of the problem:

(42)5=425=410 (4^2)^5=4^{2\cdot5}=4^{10} When in the first step we applied the law of exponents mentioned in b' and in the following steps we simplified the expression that was obtained,

We combine the two steps detailed above to the complete problem solution:

103104(795)3+(42)5=10(795)3+410 10^{-3}\cdot10^4-(7\cdot9\cdot5)^3+(4^2)^5= 10-(7\cdot9\cdot5)^3+4^{10} In the next step we calculate the result of multiplying the numbers inside the parentheses in the second expression on the left:

10(795)3+410=103153+410 10-(7\cdot9\cdot5)^3+4^{10}= 10-315^3+4^{10} Therefore, the correct answer is answer b'.


1013153+410 10^1-315^3+4^{10}

Exercise #7

Solve for a:

a3ba2b×ab= \frac{a^{3b}}{a^{2b}}\times a^b=

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a2b a^{2b}

Exercise #8

Which value is greater?

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(y4)3 (y^4)^3

Exercise #9

173173x1717x=? \frac{17^{-3}\cdot17^{3x}}{17}-17x=\text{?}

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173x417x 17^{3x-4}-17x

Exercise #10

Solve the exercise:

X3X2:X5+X4 X^3\cdot X^2:X^5+X^4

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1+X4 1+X^4

Exercise #11

Simplify the following:

[a4a3×a8a7]:a10a8 \lbrack\frac{a^4}{a^3}\times\frac{a^8}{a^7}\rbrack:\frac{a^{10}}{a^8}

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1 1

Exercise #12

(18)8(18)3=? (-\frac{1}{8})^8\cdot(-\frac{1}{8})^{-3}=?

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85 -8^{-5}

Exercise #13

Simplify the following:

a12a9×a3a4= \frac{a^{12}}{a^9}\times\frac{a^3}{a^4}=

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a2 a^2

Exercise #14

a4a8a7a9=? \frac{a^4a^8a^{-7}}{a^9}=\text{?}

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1a4 \frac{1}{a^4}

Exercise #15

((x14×32×63)14)8= ((x^{\frac{1}{4}}\times3^2\times6^3)^{\frac{1}{4}})^8=

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x12×34×66 x^{\frac{1}{2}}\times3^4\times6^6

Exercise #16

Which value is greater?

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(x3)5 (x^3)^5

Exercise #17

Which value is greater?

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(y4)3 (y^4)^3

Exercise #18

1040.131081000=? \frac{10^4\cdot0.1^{-3}\cdot10^{-8}}{1000}=\text{?}

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0.0001 0.0001

Exercise #19


16x45y10y23x4y= \frac{16x^4}{5y}\cdot\frac{10y^2}{3x^4y}=

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1023 10\frac{2}{3}

Exercise #20


15x4y38x2y524yx73xy2= \frac{15x^4y^3}{8x^2y^5}\cdot\frac{24yx^7}{3xy^2}=

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15x8y3 15x^8y^{-3}