Examples with solutions for Multiplication of Powers: Variables in the exponent of the power

Exercise #1

22x+12523x= 2^{2x+1}\cdot2^5\cdot2^{3x}=

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Step-by-Step Solution

Since the bases are the same, the exponents can be added:

2x+1+5+3x=5x+6 2x+1+5+3x=5x+6


25x+6 2^{5x+6}

Exercise #2

42y454y46= 4^{2y}\cdot4^{-5}\cdot4^{-y}\cdot4^6=

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Step-by-Step Solution

We use the power property to multiply terms with identical bases:

aman=am+n a^m\cdot a^n=a^{m+n} We apply the property for this problem:

42y454y46=42y+(5)+(y)+6=42y5y+6 4^{2y}\cdot4^{-5}\cdot4^{-y}\cdot4^6= 4^{2y+(-5)+(-y)+6}=4^{2y-5-y+6} We simplify the expression we got in the last step:

42y5y+6=4y+1 4^{2y-5-y+6} =4^{y+1} When we add similar terms in the exponent.

Therefore, the correct answer is option c.


4y+1 4^{y+1}

Exercise #3

72x+1717x= 7^{2x+1}\cdot7^{-1}\cdot7^x=

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Step-by-Step Solution

We use the power property to multiply terms with identical bases:

aman=am+n a^m\cdot a^n=a^{m+n} We apply the property to our expression:

72x+1717x=72x+1+(1)+x=72x+11+x 7^{2x+1}\cdot7^{-1}\cdot7^x=7^{2x+1+(-1)+x}=7^{2x+1-1+x} We simplify the expression we got in the last step:

72x+11+x=73x 7^{2x+1-1+x}=7^{3x} When we add similar terms in the exponent.

Therefore, the correct answer is option d.


73x 7^{3x}

Exercise #4

3x2x32x= 3^x\cdot2^x\cdot3^{2x}=

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Step-by-Step Solution

In this case we have 2 different bases, so we will add what can be added, that is, the exponents of 3 3

3x2x32x=2x33x 3^x\cdot2^x\cdot3^{2x}=2^x\cdot3^{3x}


33x2x 3^{3x}\cdot2^x

Exercise #5

Solve for a:

a3ba2b×ab= \frac{a^{3b}}{a^{2b}}\times a^b=

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a2b a^{2b}

Exercise #6

Solve the exercise:

a2xay×a2yay= \frac{a^{2x}}{a^y}\times\frac{a^{2y}}{a^{-y}}=

Video Solution


a2(x+y) a^{2(x+y)}