Functions - Examples, Exercises and Solutions

On one hand, functions are a fairly abstract concept, but on the other hand, they are very useful in many areas of mathematics. The topic of functions dominates many fields, including algebra, trigonometry, differential and integral calculus, and more. Therefore, it's important to understand the concept of functions, so that it can be applied in any of the fields of mathematics, and especially when we start learning about functions in seventh grade.

A function expresses a relationship between two variables (X and Y)

What is a function?

A function expresses a relationship between two variables (X and Y)

  • X X represents an independent variable 
  • Y Y represents a dependent variable

An independent variable (X) (X) is a non-variable constant by which we explain (Y) (Y) , the dependent variable

For example, if Daniela worked as a babysitter and earned 30 dollars per hour and we want to know how much Daniela made after 10 10 hours, the number of hours worked is actually the independent variable (X) (X) with which we know how much she earned. Ultimately this is the dependent variable. (Y) (Y)

In other words, it can be said that the amount Daniela earned is a function of the number of hours she worked (X) (X) .
We will mark the data of the function algebraically in this way: fx=X×30 fx=X\times30

It's important to remember that each element in the domain X X will always have only one element in the range Y Y .
This means that it's not possible that during the 10 10 hours Daniela worked, she received both 300 300 dollars and 200 200 dollars.

Practice Functions

Examples with solutions for Functions

Exercise #1

Determine the domain of the following function:

The function describes a student's grades throughout the year.

Step-by-Step Solution

According to logic, the student's grades throughout the year depend on many criteria that are not given to us.

Therefore, the appropriate domain for the function is - it is impossible to know.


Impossible to know.

Exercise #2

Determine the domain of the following function:

A function describing the charging of a computer battery during use.

Step-by-Step Solution

According to logic, the computer's battery during use will always decrease since the battery serves as an energy source for the computer.

Therefore, the domain that suits this function is - always decreasing.


Always decreasing

Exercise #3

Determine which domain corresponds to the function described below:

The function represents the height of a child from birth to first grade.

Step-by-Step Solution

According to logic, a child's height from birth until first grade will always be increasing as the child grows.

Therefore, the domain that suits this function is - always increasing.


Always increasing.

Exercise #4

Determine which domain corresponds to the function described below:

The function represents the amount of fuel in a car's tank according to the distance traveled by the car.

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the definition, the amount of fuel in the car's tank will always decrease, since during the trip the car consumes fuel in order to travel.

Therefore, the domain that is suitable for this function is - always decreasing.


Always decreasing

Exercise #5

Choose the graph that best represents the following:

An aircraft's speed (Y) during landing as a function of time (X).

Step-by-Step Solution

The speed of the airplane decreases until it reaches the ground and stops (reaches 0).

Therefore, the graph will be descending until it reaches 0.

The graph shown in answer A is correct.


WeatherSpeed 000

Exercise #6

Choose the graph that best describes the following:

The acceleration of a ball (Y) after throwing it from a building as a function of time (X).

Step-by-Step Solution

Since acceleration is dependent on time, it will be constant.

The force of gravity on Earth is constant, meaning the velocity of Earth's gravity is constant and therefore the graph will be straight.

The graph that appears in answer B satisfies this.



Exercise #7

Choose the graph that best describes the following:

A sprinter who runs at a certain speed (Y) and gradually gets tired over time (X).

Step-by-Step Solution

The runner starts at a high speed and as time passes, he loses his strength and runs slower.

In other words, the graph will be descending, and therefore answer C is correct.


WeatherSpeed 000

Exercise #8

Choose the graph that best describes the following:

The speed of a car (Y) as it travels at a constant speed as a function of time (X).

Step-by-Step Solution

Since the car's speed is constant and does not change throughout the journey, the graph will be constant.

The graph shown in answer D describes this correctly.


WeatherSpeed 000

Exercise #9

Choose the graph that best describes the following:

Amount of fuel in a car (Y) while driving as a function of time (X).

Step-by-Step Solution

Since the vehicle uses fuel for engine operation, the fuel decreases over time.

The more the vehicle travels, the more the amount of fuel decreases.

The graph that correctly describes this is B.


WeatherAmount of fuel000

Exercise #10

Choose the graph that represents the following:

The length of a burning candle (Y) according to burning time (X).

Step-by-Step Solution

Since the velocity is directly proportional to the acceleration, and since the acceleration is constant, the graph must be a straight line.

The sketch that describes this is sketch D.


WeatherSail length000

Exercise #11

Choose the graph that best represents the following:

Temperature of lukewarm water (Y) after placing in the freezer as a function of time (X).

Step-by-Step Solution

Since the freezing point of water is below 0, the temperature of the water must drop below 0.

The graph in answer B describes a decreasing function and therefore this is the correct answer.



Exercise #12

Is it possible to create an increasing function with the two given points?


Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

We will begin by connecting the two points to each other, and subsequently we should see that we have obtained an increasing function.



Exercise #13

Determine whether the function is increasing, decreasing, or constant. For each function check your answers with a graph or table.

For each number, multiply by(1) (-1) .

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

The function is:

f(x)=(1)x f(x)=(-1)x

Let's start by assuming that x equals 0:

f(0)=(1)×0=0 f(0)=(-1)\times0=0

Now let's assume that x equals minus 1:

f(1)=(1)×(1)=1 f(-1)=(-1)\times(-1)=1

Now let's assume that x equals 1:

f(1)=(1)×1=1 f(1)=(-1)\times1=-1

Now let's assume that x equals 2:

f(2)=(1)×2=2 f(2)=(-1)\times2=-2

Let's plot all the points on the function graph:


We can see that the function we got is a decreasing function.



Exercise #14

Determine whether the function is increasing, decreasing, or constant. For each function check your answers with a graph or table.

For each number, multiply by 0.

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

The function is:

f(x)=x×0 f(x)=x\times0

Let's start by assuming that x equals 0:

f(0)=0×0=0 f(0)=0\times0=0

Now let's assume that x equals 1:

f(1)=1×0=0 f(1)=1\times0=0

Now let's assume that x equals -1:

f(1)=(1)×0=0 f(-1)=(-1)\times0=0

Now let's assume that x equals 2:

f(2)=2×0=0 f(2)=2\times0=0

Let's plot all the points on the function's graph:


We can see that the function we obtained is a constant function.



Exercise #15

Determine whether the function is increasing, decreasing, or constant. For each function check your answers with a graph or table:

Each number is divided by (1) (-1) .

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

The function is:

f(x)=x1 f(x)=\frac{x}{-1}

Let's start by assuming that x equals 0:

f(0)=01=0 f(0)=\frac{0}{-1}=0

Now let's assume that x equals 1:

f(1)=11=1 f(1)=\frac{1}{-1}=-1

Now let's assume that x equals 2:

f(1)=11=1 f(-1)=\frac{-1}{-1}=1

Let's plot all the points on the function graph:


We see that we got a decreasing function.

