Examples with solutions for Vertical Addition: Addition of 3-digit and 2-digit numbers with the regrouping of hundreds

Exercise #1

amp;346+amp;amp;  62amp;776amp; \begin{aligned} &346 \\ +& \\ &~~62 \\ &\underline{\phantom{776}} & \\ \end{aligned}

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

To solve this problem, we'll perform the following steps:

  • Step 1: Align the numbers vertically by their place values.
    346+ 62\begin{array}{c} 346 \\ + \ 62 \\ \underline{} \end{array}
  • Step 2: Start addition from the rightmost column (units place).
  • Step 3: Add the units place: 6+2=86 + 2 = 8. Write 8 in the units place of the answer.
  • Step 4: Move to the tens place.
    0346+062408\begin{array}{c} \phantom{0}346 \\ + \phantom{0}62 \\ \underline{408} \end{array}
  • Step 5: Add the tens place: 4+6=104 + 6 = 10. Write 0 in the tens place and carry over 1 to the hundreds place.
  • Step 6: Move to the hundreds place. Add the hundreds, accounting for the carry: 3+1=43 + 1 = 4.
  • Step 7: Combine the results: The sum of the numbers is 408.

Therefore, the solution to the problem is 408 408 .



Exercise #2

amp;257+amp;amp;  51amp;776amp; \begin{aligned} &257 \\ +& \\ &~~51 \\ &\underline{\phantom{776}} & \\ \end{aligned}

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

To solve this problem, we'll proceed with vertical addition of 257 and 51:

  • Align the numbers by place values as follows:
257+  51 \begin{aligned} & 257 \\ +& ~~51 \\ \hline \end{aligned}

Start adding from the right-most side (units column):

Units Column: 7+1=87 + 1 = 8. There is no carrying over needed as the sum is below 10.
Tens Column: 5+5=105 + 5 = 10. Here, we write down 0 and carry over 1 to the hundreds column.
Hundreds Column: 2+0=22 + 0 = 2 from the original numbers plus the 1 carried over gives 33.

The resulting sum is:

257+  51308 \begin{aligned} & 257 \\ +& ~~51 \\ \hline & 308 \\ \end{aligned}

Therefore, the solution to the problem is 308308.



Exercise #3

amp;367+amp;amp;  41amp;776amp; \begin{aligned} &367 \\ +& \\ &~~41 \\ &\underline{\phantom{776}} & \\ \end{aligned}

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

To solve this problem, we will perform the vertical addition of the numbers 367 and 41:

  • Step 1: Write the numbers vertically and align them by their place values as follows: 367+  41 \begin{aligned} & 367 \\ + & \underline{~~41} \\ \end{aligned}
  • Step 2: Start by adding the digits in the units column:
    The units column: 7+1=87 + 1 = 8.
    Write 8 in the units place of the result.
  • Step 3: Move to the tens column:
    The tens column: 6+4=106 + 4 = 10.
    Since the sum is 10, write 0 in the tens place and carry over the 1 to the hundreds column.
  • Step 4: Finally, add the digits in the hundreds column with the carryover:
    The hundreds column: 3+1=43 + 1 = 4.
    Write 4 in the hundreds place. (There is no carryover here, as all is included.)
  • Step 5: Combine the digits to form the final sum.
    The result after summing is 408.

Therefore, the solution to the sum of 367 and 41 is 408408.



Exercise #4

amp;871+amp;amp;  36amp;776amp; \begin{aligned} &871 \\ +& \\ &~~36 \\ &\underline{\phantom{776}} & \\ \end{aligned}

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

To solve this problem, let's perform vertical addition:

  • Step 1: Align the Numbers
      +  3636

  • Step 2: Add the Units
    Add the digits in the unit’s place: 1+6=71 + 6 = 7. Write 7 in the unit’s position.

  • Step 3: Add the Tens
    Add the digits in the tens place: 7+3=107 + 3 = 10. Write 0 in the tens position and carry over 1 to the hundreds.

  • Step 4: Add the Hundreds
    Add the digits in the hundreds place, including the carry over: 8+1=98 + 1 = 9.

By combining these steps, the complete sum is 907907.

Therefore, the solution to this problem is 907\boxed{907}.



Exercise #5

amp;522+amp;amp;  87amp;776amp; \begin{aligned} &522 \\ +& \\ &~~87 \\ &\underline{\phantom{776}} & \\ \end{aligned}

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

To solve this problem, we'll follow these steps for vertical addition:

  • Step 1: Identify the digits and add them from right to left.
  • Step 2: Handle any carry-over between columns.
  • Step 3: Record the final result.

Now, let's work through the addition:

Step 1: Add the ones digits: 2+7=92 + 7 = 9. Place 99 in the ones place of the result.
Step 2: Add the tens digits: 2+8=102 + 8 = 10. Place 00 in the tens place, and carry over 11 to the hundreds place.
Step 3: Add the hundreds digit: 5+1=65 + 1 = 6 (including the carry-over). Place 66 in the hundreds place of the result.

Thus, the sum 522+87522 + 87 is 609609.

Therefore, the solution to the problem is 609609.



Exercise #6

amp;193+amp;amp;  22amp;776amp; \begin{aligned} &193 \\ +& \\ &~~22 \\ &\underline{\phantom{776}} & \\ \end{aligned}

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

To solve this problem, let's perform vertical addition of the numbers 193 and 22:

  • Step 1: Align the Numbers
    +    22
  • Step 2: Add the Units Column
    The rightmost column is the units place. Add the digits 33 and 22:
    3+2=53 + 2 = 5.
    Write down 55 in the units place of the answer.
  • Step 3: Add the Tens Column
    Move to the next column which is the tens place. Add the digits 99 and 22:
    9+2=119 + 2 = 11.
    Since it's 11 (which is greater than 10), we write 11 under the tens column and carry over 11 to the hundreds column.
  • Step 4: Add the Hundreds Column
    Finally, add the digits in the hundreds place, considering the carryover:
    1+1=21 + 1 = 2.
    Write down 22 in the hundreds place of the answer.
  • Step 5: Write the Final Answer
    Combine the results from each column:

Therefore, the sum of 193 and 22 is 215 215 .



Exercise #7

amp;276+amp;amp;  54amp;776amp; \begin{aligned} &276 \\ +& \\ &~~54 \\ &\underline{\phantom{776}} & \\ \end{aligned}

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

To solve this problem, we'll perform the following steps:

  • Align the numbers vertically with the smaller number (54) beneath the larger number (276), ensuring correct placement according to place values (units under units, tens under tens).

  • Add the units digits: 6+4=106 + 4 = 10. Write down 0 in the units place and carry over 1 to the tens place.

  • Add the tens digits: 7+5=127 + 5 = 12, plus the carried-over 1 gives us 1313. Write down 3 in the tens place and carry over 1 to the hundreds place.

  • Add the hundreds digits: 2+0=22 + 0 = 2, plus the carried-over 1 gives us 33.

The numbers aligned look like this:

amp;1276+amp;1054amp;1330 \begin{aligned} & \phantom{1} 276 \\ + & \phantom{1} \underline{\phantom{0}54} \\ & \phantom{1} 330 \\ \end{aligned}

Therefore, the solution to the problem is 330 330 .



Exercise #8

amp;331+amp;amp;  89amp;776amp; \begin{aligned} &331 \\ +& \\ &~~89 \\ &\underline{\phantom{776}} & \\ \end{aligned}

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

To solve this problem, we will perform vertical addition, which involves aligning the numbers based on their place values and adding them column by column, starting from the right.

Step 1: Write the problem in vertical format:
 331+ 89  \begin{array}{c} \phantom{~}331 \\ +\phantom{~}89 \\ \hline \phantom{~} \end{array}

Step 2: Add the units (rightmost) column:
1+9=101 + 9 = 10 We write 0 in the units position and carry over 1 to the tens column.

Step 3: Add the tens column including the carry over:
3(from 331)+8(from 89)+1(carryover)amp;=12. \begin{aligned} 3 (from ~331) + 8 (from ~89) + 1 (carry over) &= 12. \end{aligned} Write 2 in the tens place and carry 1 over to the hundreds column.

Step 4: Add the hundreds column including the carry over:
3(from 331)+0(from 89)+1(carryover)=4. 3 (from ~331) + 0 (from ~89) + 1 (carry over) = 4. Write 4 in the hundreds place.

The result of the addition is:
0 331+ 89 420 \begin{array}{c} \phantom{0}\\ \phantom{~}331 \\ +\phantom{~}89 \\ \hline \phantom{~}420 \end{array}

Therefore, the solution to the problem is 420420, corresponding to choice 4.



Exercise #9

amp;489+amp;amp;  37amp;776amp; \begin{aligned} &489 \\ +& \\ &~~37 \\ &\underline{\phantom{776}} & \\ \end{aligned}

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

The key steps to solve this addition problem using vertical addition are as follows:

  • First, write the numbers vertically, ensuring the alignment by place value. The problem is set up as:
  • 489+37776 \begin{array}{c} 489 \\ +37 \\ \underline{\phantom{776}} \\ \end{array}

  • Step 1: Add the digits in the ones column: 9+7=169 + 7 = 16. Write 6 in the ones place and carry over 1 to the tens column.
  • Step 2: Add the digits in the tens column, including the carryover: 8+3+1=128 + 3 + 1 = 12. Write 2 in the tens place and carry over 1 to the hundreds column.
  • Step 3: Add the digits in the hundreds column, including the carryover: 4+1=54 + 1 = 5. Write 5 in the hundreds place.

The calculation looks like:

489+37526 \begin{array}{c} 489 \\ +37 \\ \underline{526} \\ \end{array}

Therefore, the sum of 489 and 37 is 526\textbf{526}.



Exercise #10

amp;597+amp;amp;  65amp;776amp; \begin{aligned} &597 \\ +& \\ &~~65 \\ &\underline{\phantom{776}} & \\ \end{aligned}

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

To solve this problem, we'll add the numbers 597 and 65 using vertical addition.

Write the numbers vertically, aligning them by their place values (units, tens, hundreds):

  • 597
  • + 65

Step 1: Add the units column:

  • Add 7 (from 597) and 5 (from 65) to get 12. Write 2 in the units column and carry over 1 to the tens column.

Step 2: Add the tens column:

  • Add 9 (from 597), 6 (from 65), and the carried over 1 to get 16. Write 6 in the tens column and carry over 1 to the hundreds column.

Step 3: Add the hundreds column:

  • Add 5 (from 597) and the carried over 1 to get 6. Write 6 in the hundreds column.

Therefore, the sum of 597 and 65 is 662 662 .



Exercise #11

amp;847+amp;amp;  77amp;776amp; \begin{aligned} &847 \\ +& \\ &~~77 \\ &\underline{\phantom{776}} & \\ \end{aligned}

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

To solve this problem, we'll follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Set up the addition problem vertically, aligning the numbers by their place values.
  • Step 2: Add the digits column by column, starting from the rightmost position (units place).
  • Step 3: If the sum in any column is 10 or more, carry over to the next column.

Now, let's work through each step:

Given numbers are:

847+77 \begin{aligned} & 847 \\ + & \phantom{} 77 \\ \end{aligned}

Step 1: Start with the units place.

7+7=147 + 7 = 14. Write down 4 in the units place, and carry over 1 to the tens place.

Step 2: Move to the tens place.

4+7=114 + 7 = 11, plus the carried over 1 makes it 12. Write down 2 in the tens place, and carry over 1 to the hundreds place.

Step 3: Finally, add the hundreds place.

8+0=88 + 0 = 8, plus the 1 carried over makes it 9. Write down 9 in the hundreds place.

The sum is:

847+77924 \begin{aligned} & 847 \\ + & \phantom{} 77 \\ \hline & 924 \\ \end{aligned}

Therefore, the solution to the problem is 924 924 .



Exercise #12

amp;746+amp;amp;  68amp;776amp; \begin{aligned} &746 \\ +& \\ &~~68 \\ &\underline{\phantom{776}} & \\ \end{aligned}

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

To solve this problem, we'll follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Align the numbers 746 and 68 by place value. Since 68 is a 2-digit number, place it beneath the 746 aligning to the right.
  • Step 2: Add the digits in the units place: 6 (from 746) + 8 (from 68) equals 14. Write down 4 and carry over 1 to the tens place.
  • Step 3: Add the digits in the tens place plus the carried over 1: 4 (from 746) + 6 (from 68) + 1 (carried over) equals 11. Write down 1 and carry over 1 to the hundreds place.
  • Step 4: Add the digits in the hundreds place plus any carry: 7 (from 746) + 0 (from 68 as there's no hundreds place in 68) + 1 (carried over) equals 8.

Thus, the complete sum is formed by reading down the digits you have written from top to bottom in each column after handling carries: 814.

Therefore, the solution to the problem is 814 814 .
