Decimal fraction remainder

🏆Practice decimal fractions' meaning

Decimal remainder

A decimal remainder or decimal fraction is everything that appears to the right of the decimal point.
When the whole number is 00, the entire number (not just what appears to the right of the decimal point) is the remainder.

Mathematical concept of division showing the whole number and remainder. Visual representation to explain quotient and remainder in long division. Fundamental arithmetic concept

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decimal fraction remainder

A remainder is what is left over after dividing a number that is not evenly divisible by another number, and it is essentially the part that is added to the whole.

Just to clarify - a decimal number with digits after the decimal point represents a non-whole number, meaning a fraction, and therefore can also be called a decimal fraction.

How do we identify a remainder in a decimal fraction or decimal number?

It's really easy!
A decimal number consists of a number, a decimal point, and digits to the right of the decimal point.
Everything that appears to the left of the decimal point is called the whole number.
Everything that appears to the right of the decimal point is called the decimal part.
In other words:

Mathematical concept of division showing the whole number and remainder. Visual representation to explain quotient and remainder in long division. Fundamental arithmetic concept

Let's look at an example:
What is the decimal remainder in:

The answer is remainder 66.
It can also be written as: 0.60.6

Another example:
What is the remainder in the number 8.4498.449
The answer is 449449 or 0.4490.449

Pay attention -
If you see the decimal number 45.0645.06 and were asked what the remainder is,
you need to remember that everything to the right of the decimal point is the remainder, so in the decimal number 45.0645.06
the remainder is 0.060.06 and not 66 or 0.60.6
*Even though it's just a digit of 00, it is significant when dealing with remainders.

Important note:
When we have a decimal number where the whole number part is 00, meaning it has no whole numbers,
the entire number is actually a remainder, because there are no whole numbers.

For example –
In the number: 0.50.5
The entire number is a remainder.
Think about it this way,
A remainder is obtained when we divide a number by another number and it doesn't divide evenly.
For example, if we divide 55 cake slices among 44 children.
Each child will get one slice and a quarter of a slice.
So the remainder is 141 \over 4
But what happens if we want to divide 11 slice between 22 children?
Each child will get half a slice, it's not even whole and therefore the entire half is the remainder.

When will we get a remainder of 00?
When there are no digits after the decimal point, we can determine that the remainder is 00 or there is no remainder.
Also, if you encounter only zeros to the right of the decimal point, you can still determine there is no remainder.

Let's look at an example:
What is the remainder in the number 1212?
There is no remainder.
And now?
Still no remainder, remainder 00.

Special cases:
We said that when a number appears to the right of the decimal point like 6.56.5 we can determine that the remainder is 55 or 0.50.5.
But what happens with a decimal number like 67.000367.0003?
In this case, the remainder is not 33 but 0.00030.0003
It's important that we write 00 and then a decimal point to understand the meaning of .0003.0003
Remember - everything that appears to the right of the decimal point is considered a remainder!

And now let's practice:
What is the decimal remainder in 87.287.2?
Solution:0.2 0.2

What is the decimal remainder in 12.1212.12?
Since both the remainder is 1212 and the whole number is 1212, it is highly recommended to add a decimal point and the digit 00 on the left to emphasize that this is a remainder.
Therefore, the remainder in this number is 0.120.12

What is the remainder in the number 2323?
Solution: There is no remainder. If there was a decimal point, there would only be 00 to its right.

What is the decimal part in the number 55.000555.00055?

Solution: Note,
if you write 5555 it would be a complete mistake since there are several zeros before 5555 .
Therefore, the answer is 0.000550.00055

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Examples with solutions for Decimal Fractions' Meaning

Exercise #1

Plot the number 1.4 1.4 on the number line below:

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Step-by-Step Solution

The number line forms a kind of track, on which there are lines (marks), each representing a number in ascending order,

The numbers go from left to right, meaning on the left side there is always a smaller number, and on the right a larger one.

The spaces between the marks are always fixed, so if we count the "steps" between the numbers we know,

for example between 0.2 and 1, we can see that it's four steps, meaning between each line there is a jump of 0.2.

The question we are being asked is where on the line is 1.4, therefore, we can start from the line that represents the number 1,

and move from it enough steps until we reach 1.4. In this case, it's two steps.


Exercise #2

Determine the number of ones in the following number:


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Exercise #3

Determine the number of tenths in the following number:


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Exercise #4

Determine the number of hundredths in the following number:


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Exercise #5

Determine the number of ones in the following number:


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