The remainder is the part left over when we divide a number by another number and it does not divide evenly. In a fraction, we will see that the remaining part also needs to be divided equally, and this will be our remainder – exactly that equal part that is divided among everyone!
Remainder of a fraction
In an improper fraction where the numerator is greater than the denominator, there are 3 ways to find the remainder:
The first method – Understanding approach
The second method – Mathematical approach
The third method – Converting an improper fraction to a mixed number
Remainder of a decimal fraction
To find the remainder of a decimal fraction, proceed as follows: Everything that appears to the left of the decimal point is called the whole number. Everything that appears to the right of the decimal point is called the remainder.
Remainder of a mixed number
In a mixed number composed of a whole number and a fraction - the remainder is always the non-whole part! This means that the remainder is always the fractional part of the mixed number.