
What is a remainder:

The remainder is the part left over when we divide a number by another number and it does not divide evenly.
In a fraction, we will see that the remaining part also needs to be divided equally, and this will be our remainder – exactly that equal part that is divided among everyone!

Remainder of a fraction

In an improper fraction where the numerator is greater than the denominator, there are 33 ways to find the remainder:

  1. The first method – Understanding approach
  2. The second method – Mathematical approach
  3. The third method – Converting an improper fraction to a mixed number

Remainder of a decimal fraction

To find the remainder of a decimal fraction, proceed as follows:
Everything that appears to the left of the decimal point is called the whole number.
Everything that appears to the right of the decimal point is called the remainder.

Remainder of a mixed number

In a mixed number composed of a whole number and a fraction -
the remainder is always the non-whole part!
This means that the remainder is always the fractional part of the mixed number.

Suggested Topics to Practice in Advance

  1. A fraction as a divisor
  2. Numerator
  3. Denominator

Practice Part of an Amount

Examples with solutions for Part of an Amount

Exercise #1

What fraction does the part shaded in red represent?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

To work out what the marked part is, we need to count how many coloured squares there are compared to how many squares there are in total.

If we count the coloured squares, we see that there are four such squares.

If we count all the squares, we see that there are seven in all.

Therefore, 4/7 of the squares are shaded in red.


47 \frac{4}{7}

Exercise #2

What is the marked part?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

We can see that there are three shaded parts out of six parts in total,

that is - 3/6

But this is not the final answer yet!

Let'snotice that this fraction can be reduced,

meaning, it is possible to divide both the numerator and the denominator by the same number,

so that the fraction does not lose its value. In this case, the number is 3.


And so we get 1/2, or one half.
And if we look at the original drawing, we can see that half of it is colored.


12 \frac{1}{2}

Exercise #3

Plot the number 1.4 1.4 on the number line below:

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

The number line forms a kind of track, on which there are lines (marks), each representing a number in ascending order,

The numbers go from left to right, meaning on the left side there is always a smaller number, and on the right a larger one.

The spaces between the marks are always fixed, so if we count the "steps" between the numbers we know,

for example between 0.2 and 1, we can see that it's four steps, meaning between each line there is a jump of 0.2.

The question we are being asked is where on the line is 1.4, therefore, we can start from the line that represents the number 1,

and move from it enough steps until we reach 1.4. In this case, it's two steps.


Exercise #4

Match the following description with the corresponding fraction:

10 tickets are distributed equally among 9 couples.

Step-by-Step Solution

We need to understand that every fraction is actually a division exercise,

so when we divide 10 tickets among 9 people,

we are dividing 10 by 9

that is 10:9

The division exercise can also be written as a fraction

and that's the solution!


109 \frac{10}{9}

Exercise #5

What is the marked part?

Video Solution


46 \frac{4}{6}

Exercise #6

What is the marked part?

Video Solution


16 \frac{1}{6}

Exercise #7

What is the marked part?

Video Solution


56 \frac{5}{6}

Exercise #8

What is the marked part?

Video Solution


Answers a + b

Exercise #9

What is the marked part?

Video Solution


37 \frac{3}{7}

Exercise #10

What is the marked part?

Video Solution


410 \frac{4}{10}

Exercise #11

What is the marked part?

Video Solution


Answers b and c

Exercise #12

What is the marked part?

Video Solution


810 \frac{8}{10}

Exercise #13

Write the fraction as a mixed number:

107= \frac{10}{7}=

Video Solution


137 1\frac{3}{7}

Exercise #14

Write the fraction as a mixed number:

128= \frac{12}{8}=

Video Solution


148 1\frac{4}{8}

Exercise #15

Write the fraction as a mixed number:

139= \frac{13}{9}=

Video Solution


149 1\frac{4}{9}