To find the partial amount

We will divide the total amount by the denominator of the part, multiply the result obtained by the numerator of the part and obtain the partial amount.

To find the total amount

We will divide the given number (part of a quantity) by the numerator of the part.
We will multiply the result by the denominator of the part and obtain the whole quantity.

To find the part of the quantity

In the numerator - we will note the partial amount
In the denominator - we will note the total amount
We will reduce the fraction we receive and reach the desired part.

Suggested Topics to Practice in Advance

  1. A fraction as a divisor
  2. Numerator
  3. Denominator

Practice Part of an Amount

Examples with solutions for Part of an Amount

Exercise #1

What is the marked part?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

To know what the marked part is, we need to count how many colored squares there are compared to how many squares there are in total.

If we count the colored squares, we see that there are four such squares,

If we count all the squares, we see that there are seven such squares.

Therefore, 4/7 of the squares are marked, and that's the solution!


47 \frac{4}{7}

Exercise #2

What is the marked part?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

We can see that there are three shaded parts out of six parts in total,

that is - 3/6

But this is not the final answer yet!

Let'snotice that this fraction can be reduced,

meaning, it is possible to divide both the numerator and the denominator by the same number,

so that the fraction does not lose its value. In this case, the number is 3.


And so we get 1/2, or one half.
And if we look at the original drawing, we can see that half of it is colored.


12 \frac{1}{2}

Exercise #3

Match the following description with the corresponding fraction:

10 tickets are distributed equally among 9 couples.

Step-by-Step Solution

We need to understand that every fraction is actually a division exercise,

so when we divide 10 tickets among 9 people,

we are dividing 10 by 9

that is 10:9

The division exercise can also be written as a fraction

and that's the solution!


109 \frac{10}{9}

Exercise #4

What is the marked part?

Video Solution


46 \frac{4}{6}

Exercise #5

What is the marked part?

Video Solution


16 \frac{1}{6}

Exercise #6

What is the marked part?

Video Solution


56 \frac{5}{6}

Exercise #7

What is the marked part?

Video Solution


Answers a + b

Exercise #8

What is the marked part?

Video Solution


37 \frac{3}{7}

Exercise #9

What is the marked part?

Video Solution


410 \frac{4}{10}

Exercise #10

What is the marked part?

Video Solution


Answers b and c

Exercise #11

What is the marked part?

Video Solution


810 \frac{8}{10}

Exercise #12

Which figure shows a shape with13 \frac{1}{3} of its area shaded in red?

Video Solution


Exercise #13

Which figure shows a shape with34 \frac{3}{4} of its area shaded in red?

Video Solution


Exercise #14

Choose the shape in which the painted part is 1 1

Video Solution


Exercise #15

Choose the shape in which the painted part is 25 \frac{2}{5}

Video Solution


Topics learned in later sections

  1. Fractions
  2. Placing Fractions on the Number Line
  3. Common denominator
  4. How do you simplify fractions?
  5. Simplification and Expansion of Simple Fractions