Examples with solutions for Multiplication and Division of Signed Mumbers: Substituting parameters

Exercise #1

ab= -a\cdot b=

Replace and calculate if a=3b=5 a=-3\text{, }b=5

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First, we replace the data in the exercise

-(-3)*5 = 

To better understand the minus sign multiplied at the beginning, we will write it like this:

-1*-3*5 = 

Now we see that we have an exercise that is all multiplication,

We will solve according to the order of arithmetic operations, from left to right:

-1*-3 = 3

3*5 = 15


15 15

Exercise #2

2a+b= 2a+b=

Replace and calculate if a=10,b=3 a=10,b=-3

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Let's place the numbers in the formula:

2×10+(3)= 2\times10+(-3)=

Let's remember the rule:

+(x)=x +(-x)=-x

Let's write the exercise in the appropriate form:

2×103= 2\times10-3=

Let's solve the multiplication exercise:

2×10=20 2\times10=20

Now we get the exercise:

203= 20-3=

Therefore, the answer is:

17 17


17 17

Exercise #3

a(b+2)= -a\cdot(b+2)=

Replace and calculate if a=5, b=6 a=-5,\text{ }b=6

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Step-by-Step Solution

Let's substitute the numbers into the formula:

(5)×(6+2)= -(-5)\times(6+2)=

Let's remember the rule:

(x)=+x -(-x)=+x

Let's write the exercise in the appropriate form:

5×(6+2)= 5\times(6+2)=

Let's solve the expression in parentheses:

6+2=8 6+2=8

Now we get the exercise:

5×8= 5\times8=

Therefore, the answer is:

40 40


40 40

Exercise #4

ab+b= a\cdot b+b=

Replace and calculate if a=3,b=2 a=-3,b=-2

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Step-by-Step Solution

Let's substitute the numbers into the formula:

3×(2)+(2)= -3\times(-2)+(-2)=

Let's remember the rule:

(x)×(x)=+x (-x)\times(-x)=+x

First, let's solve the multiplication problem:

3×2=6 -3\times-2=6

Now we get the expression:

6+(2)= 6+(-2)=

Let's remember the rule:

+(x)=x +(-x)=-x

Let's write the expression in the appropriate form:

62= 6-2=

Therefore, the answer is:

4 4


4 4

Exercise #5

b(a+4)= b\cdot(a+4)=

Replace and calculate if a=6,b=2 a=-6,b=-2

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Step-by-Step Solution

Let's substitute the numbers into the formula:

6×(2+4)= -6\times(-2+4)=

First, let's solve the expression in parentheses:

2+4=2 -2+4=2

Now we get the expression:

6×2= -6\times2=

Let's remember the rule:

(x)×(+x)=x (-x)\times(+x)=-x

Therefore, the answer is:

12 -12


12 -12

Exercise #6

a(ab+3)= a\cdot(a\cdot b+3)=

Replace and calculate if a=1,b=5 a=-1,b=5

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Step-by-Step Solution

Let's substitute the numbers into the formula:

1×(1×5+3)= -1\times(-1\times5+3)=

Let's remember the rule:

(x)×(+x)=x (-x)\times(+x)=-x

Let's solve the expression in parentheses:

(1×5+3)= (-1\times5+3)=

1×5=5 -1\times5=-5

5+3=2 -5+3=-2

Now we get the expression:

1×(2)= -1\times(-2)=

Let's remember the rule:

(x)×(x)=+x (-x)\times(-x)=+x

Therefore, the answer is:

2 2


2 2

Exercise #7

ab+1= a\cdot b+1=

Replace and calculate if a=2,b=2 a=2,b=-2

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Step-by-Step Solution

Let's substitute the numbers into the formula:

2×(2)+1= 2\times(-2)+1=

Let's remember the rule:

(+x)×(x)=x (+x)\times(-x)=-x

Let's solve the multiplication part first:

2×(2)=4 2\times(-2)=-4

Now we get the expression:

4+1= -4+1=

Therefore, the answer is:

3 -3


3 -3

Exercise #8

a+b(a+1)= a+b\cdot(a+1)=

Replace and calculate if a=2,b=3 a=2,b=-3

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Step-by-Step Solution

Let's substitute the numbers into the formula:

2+(3)×(2+1)= 2+(-3)\times(2+1)=

Let's remember the rule:

+(x)=x +(-x)=-x

Let's write the exercise in the appropriate form:

23×(2+1)= 2-3\times(2+1)=

Let's solve the expression in parentheses:

2+1=3 2+1=3

Now we get the exercise:

23×3= 2-3\times3=

Now let's solve the multiplication exercise:

3×3=9 3\times3=9

Now we get the exercise:

29= 2-9=

Therefore, the answer is:

7 -7


7 -7

Exercise #9

ab -\frac{a}{b}

Substitute the following into the expression above and solve.

  1. b=4,a=8 b=-4,a=8

  2. b=4,a=8 b=4,a=-8

Video Solution


1,2=+2 1,2=+2

Exercise #10

x(y) \frac{-x}{-(-y)}

Substitute the following into the equation above and calculate:

  1. y=13,x=4 y=-\frac{1}{3},x=4

  2. y=+13,x=4 y=+\frac{1}{3},x=-4

Video Solution


1,2=+12 1,2=+12

Exercise #11

In front of you an algebraic expression:

0:mb+c 0:-\frac{m}{b}+c

Replace and calculate

  1. m=3,b=409,c=8 m=3,b=409,c=8

  2. m=1205,b=7,c=3004 m=-\frac{1}{205},b=-7,c=3004

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1=8,2=3004 1=8,2=3004

Exercise #12

In front of you an algebraic expression:

a:(b):c a:(-b):c

Replace and calculate

  1. a=3, b=9, c=2 a=3,\text{ }b=-9,\text{ }c=2

  2. a=4, b=16, c=3 a=-4,\text{ }b=16,\text{ }c=3

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1=+16,2=+112 1=+\frac{1}{6},2=+\frac{1}{12}

Exercise #13

In front of you an algebraic expression:

2m:(m+8):1m -2m:(m+8):\frac{1}{m}

Replace and calculate once m=1 m=1 and once again m=1 m=-1

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27,29 -\frac{2}{7},-\frac{2}{9}

Exercise #14

In front of you an algebraic expression:

x:yz -\frac{x:y}{z}

Replace and calculate

  1. x=y,z=3 x=y,z=-3

  2. x=z,y=4.4 x=z,y=-4.4

Video Solution


1=+13,2=+522 1=+\frac{1}{3},2=+\frac{5}{22}

Exercise #15

In front of you an algebraic expression:

mn+3(m) \frac{m}{n}+3(-m)

Replace and calculate

  1. m=3,n=0.2 m=3,n=-0.2

  2. m=4,n=3 m=-4,n=-3

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1=24,2=+1313 1=-24,2=+13\frac{1}{3}

Exercise #16

Look at the following algebraic expression:

m:3m+4 m:-3m+4

Calculate when: m=2 m=2

Calculate when: m=12 m=-\frac{1}{2}

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For each m the value of the expression will be +323 +3\frac{2}{3} .