Examples with solutions for Multiplication and Division of Signed Mumbers: Division between negative numbers

Exercise #1

66.6:0.6= -66.6:-0.6=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's convert 66.6 to a simple fraction:

66.6×1010=66610 -66.6\times\frac{10}{10}=-\frac{666}{10}

Let's convert 0.6 to a simple fraction:

0.6=610 -0.6=-\frac{6}{10}

Now the exercise we received is:

66610:610= -\frac{666}{10}:-\frac{6}{10}=

Let's convert the division exercise to a multiplication exercise, and don't forget to switch the numerator and denominator in the second fraction:

66610×106= -\frac{666}{10}\times-\frac{10}{6}=

Let's reduce the 10 in both fractions and we get:

+6666= +\frac{666}{6}=

Let's factor 666 into a multiplication exercise:

6×1116= \frac{6\times111}{6}=

Let's reduce the 6 in the numerator and denominator of the fraction and we get:

+111 +111


+111 +111

Exercise #2

9:3= -9:-3=

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Step-by-Step Solution

Let's write the exercise in the form of a simple fraction:

93= \frac{-9}{-3}=

We'll factor the numerator of the fraction into a multiplication exercise:

3×33= \frac{-3\times3}{-3}=

We'll cancel out the 3 in the numerator and denominator of the fraction.

Let's remember that since we are dividing a negative number by a negative number, the result will necessarily be a positive number.

Therefore, the answer is:

3 3


3 3

Exercise #3

35:7= -35:-7=

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Step-by-Step Solution

First, let's write the exercise in the form of a simple fraction:

357= \frac{-35}{-7}=

Now let's factor 35 in the numerator:

7×57= \frac{-7\times5}{-7}=

Since we have negative numbers in the numerator and denominator of the fraction, the result of the fraction will necessarily be positive.

Let's simplify between the 7 in the numerator and denominator of the fraction, and we get:

+5 +5


+5 +5

Exercise #4

19:76= -19:-76=

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Step-by-Step Solution

First, let's write the exercise in the form of a simple fraction:

1976= \frac{-19}{-76}=

Since we have negative numbers in both the numerator and denominator of the fraction, the result of the fraction will necessarily be positive.

Now let's break down the 76 into a multiplication exercise:

1919×4= \frac{19}{19\times4}=

We'll reduce between the 9 in the numerator and denominator of the fraction and get:

+4 +4


+14 +\frac{1}{4}

Exercise #5

8:12= -8:-12=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's write the exercise as a fraction:

812= \frac{-8}{-12}=

We'll break down the numerator and denominator into multiplication exercises:

4×24×3= \frac{-4\times2}{-4\times3}=

We'll simplify the 4 in the numerator and denominator of the fraction and get:

23= \frac{-2}{-3}=

Let's remember that when we divide a negative number by a negative number, the result will always be positive.

Therefore, the answer is:

23 \frac{2}{3}


23 \frac{2}{3}

Exercise #6

(0.3):(0.8)= (-0.3):(-0.8)=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's convert 0.3 to a simple fraction:

0.3=310 -0.3=-\frac{3}{10}

Let's convert 0.8 to a simple fraction:

0.8=810 -0.8=-\frac{8}{10}

Now the problem we received is:

310:810= -\frac{3}{10}:-\frac{8}{10}=

Let's convert the division problem to a multiplication problem, and don't forget to switch the numerator and denominator in the second fraction:

310×108= -\frac{3}{10}\times-\frac{10}{8}=

Let's simplify the 10 and we get:

38 \frac{3}{8}


38 \frac{3}{8}

Exercise #7

1.8:0.09= -1.8:-0.09=

Video Solution


+20 +20

Exercise #8

5.8:3.4= -\text{5}.8:-3.4=

Video Solution


2917 \frac{29}{17}

Exercise #9

5.4:0.9= -5.4:-0.9=

Video Solution


+6 +6

Exercise #10

1.4:7= -1.4:-7=

Video Solution


15 \frac{1}{5}