Circle Measurement Verification: Is 8m Circumference with 4m Diameter Possible?


Is it possible that the circumference of a circle is 8 meters and its diameter is 4 meters?

Video Solution

Solution Steps

00:00 Is it possible that the circumference of the circle equals 8?
00:03 Let's use the formula for calculating circle circumference, and isolate pi
00:08 We'll substitute appropriate values according to the given data and check the equality
00:14 And this is the solution to the question

Step-by-Step Solution

To calculate, we will use the formula:

P2r=π \frac{P}{2r}=\pi

Pi is the ratio between the circumference of the circle and the diameter of the circle.

The diameter is equal to 2 radii.

Let's substitute the given data into the formula:

84=π \frac{8}{4}=\pi

2π 2\ne\pi

Therefore, this situation is not possible.

