Examples with solutions for All Operations in the Order of Operations: Using 1

Exercise #1

8×(5×1)= 8\times(5\times1)=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we first solve the expression in parentheses:

5×1=5 5\times1=5

Now we multiply:

8×5=40 8\times5=40



Exercise #2

7×1+12= 7\times1+\frac{1}{2}=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations rules, we first insert the multiplication exercise into parentheses:

(7×1)+12= (7\times1)+\frac{1}{2}=

Let's solve the exercise inside the parentheses:

7×1=7 7\times1=7

And now we get the exercise:

7+12=712 7+\frac{1}{2}=7\frac{1}{2}


712 7\frac{1}{2}

Exercise #3

63×1= \frac{6}{3}\times1=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations rules, we will solve the exercise from left to right, since there are only multiplication and division operations:

63=2 \frac{6}{3}=2

2×1=2 2\times1=2


2 2

Exercise #4

6+8.4×1= 6+\text{8}.4\times1=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations rules, we first insert the multiplication exercise into parentheses:

6+(8.4×1)= 6+(8.4\times1)=

Let's solve the expression inside the parentheses:

8.4×1=8.4 8.4\times1=8.4

And we get the exercise:

6+8.4=14.4 6+8.4=14.4



Exercise #5

181×0.1= 18-1\times0.1=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations rules, we first enter the multiplication exercise into parentheses:

18(1×0.1)= 18-(1\times0.1)=

Let's solve the multiplication exercise:

1×0.1=0.1 1\times0.1=0.1

And we get the exercise:

180.1=17.9 18-0.1=17.9



Exercise #6

18+2×1= 18+2\times1=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations rules, we first enter the multiplication exercise into parentheses:

18+(2×1)= 18+(2\times1)=

Let's solve the exercise inside the parentheses:

2×1=2 2\times1=2

Now we get the exercise:

18+2=20 18+2=20



Exercise #7

1×12:2 1\times\frac{1}{2}:2

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations rules, we will solve the exercise from left to right since there are only multiplication and division operations:

1×12=12 1\times\frac{1}{2}=\frac{1}{2}

12:2=14 \frac{1}{2}:2=\frac{1}{4}



Exercise #8

8×(7×1)= 8\times(7\times1)=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we must first solve the expression inside of the parentheses:

7×1=7 7\times1=7

Resulting in the following expression:

8×7=56 8\times7=56



Exercise #9

8:1+2= 8:1+2=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations in arithmetic, we first put the division problem in parentheses:

(8:1)+2= (8:1)+2=

Let's solve the problem inside the parentheses:

8:1=8 8:1=8

And we get the expression:

8+2=10 8+2=10



Exercise #10

631= \frac{6}{3}-1=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations rules, we must first solve the fraction:

63=2 \frac{6}{3}=2

Resulting in the following expression:

21=1 2-1=1


1 1

Exercise #11

32×1×13= \frac{3}{2}\times1\times\frac{1}{3}=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations rules, we will solve the exercise from left to right since there are only multiplication operations:

32×1=32 \frac{3}{2}\times1=\frac{3}{2}

32×13= \frac{3}{2}\times\frac{1}{3}=

We will multiply the three by three and get:

12×1=12 \frac{1}{2}\times1=\frac{1}{2}


1\over212 1\over2