In order to convert between fractions and percentages and vice versa, it's important to remember that one percent - .
If you remember this principle, the calculations become easier.
In order to convert between fractions and percentages and vice versa, it's important to remember that one percent - .
If you remember this principle, the calculations become easier.
In the numerator, we write the given percentage number (without the percentage sign)
and in the denominator, we always write the number .
We will reduce the fraction we received as much as possible and reach the final answer.
We will expand or reduce the fraction so that the number appears in its denominator.
We will make sure to perform the expansion/reduction operation on both the numerator and denominator to maintain the value of the fraction.
What we got in the numerator will be the percentage and that will be the final answer.
Important note - not every fraction can be converted to percentages (without a calculator) since not every given denominator can reach through expansion or reduction.
Convert the fraction into a percentage:
\( \frac{24}{100}=\text{?} \)
In this article, we will teach you how to convert fractions to percentages and percentages to fractions easily, quickly, and effortlessly.
All you need to do is follow the steps and be proficient in expanding and reducing fractions.
Let's convert from percentage notation to fraction notation.
In the numerator, we write the given percentage number (without the percentage sign)
and in the denominator, we always write the number .
For example:
will be written as .
Although we've converted to a fraction, this is not the final answer and we must continue to the second stage.
We will reduce the fraction we received as much as possible and reach the final answer.
For example:
We will reduce the fraction we received by .
is the final answer.
Reminder - How to Reduce Fractions?
We perform the same division operation on both numerator and denominator - using a number that divides evenly into both the numerator and denominator until we reach a fraction where no number can be found that divides without remainder into both numerator and denominator.
Convert the fraction into a percentage:
\( \frac{56}{100}=\text{?} \)
Convert the fraction into a percentage:
\( \frac{2}{100}=\text{?} \)
Write the percentage 87% as a fraction with a denominator of 100.
Convert to a fraction
According to the first step, we write the percentage number in the numerator and write in the denominator.
We get
According to the second step, we reduce the fraction as much as possible.
We divide by and get:
The final answer is .
Another exercise:
Convert to a fraction
We'll write in the numerator and in the denominator
We get:
is a prime number - divisible only by itself and and is not divisible by .
Therefore, we cannot reduce the fraction and the final result remains .
Additional exercise:
Convert to a fraction
Let's write in the numerator and in the denominator.
Note - don't get confused. Even if the number is large/small, we always write in the denominator.
We get:
Now let's move to the second step and reduce the fraction as much as possible.
We can reduce in several steps to avoid mistakes.
First, let's reduce by .
We get:
Notice that we can reduce the fraction even more. Let's reduce it again by and we get:
Let's convert our result to a mixed number and we get:
The final result is .
We will expand or reduce the fraction so that its denominator will be the number .
We will make sure to perform the expansion / reduction operation on both the numerator and denominator.
For example-
If we have the fraction we will expand it by and get -
After we get a fraction with a denominator of , we'll write what we got in the numerator as a percentage and that will be the final answer!
For example –
After expanding we got the fraction .
The final answer will be .
Pay attention!! Not every fraction can be converted to percentages (without a calculator). Not every given denominator can reach through expansion or reduction.
Write the percentage 201% as a fraction with a denominator of 100.
Write the percentage 33% as a fraction with a denominator of 100.
Write the percentage 66% as a fraction with a denominator of 100.
Convert the fraction to percentage
According to the first step, we want to reach a denominator of . To do this, we will expand the fraction by .
We get
According to the second step, the final answer is .
Convert the fraction to percentage
We cannot get from the denominator to the denominator without a calculator.
Convert the fraction to percentage
We will expand by
We get
The answer is .
Convert to a simple fraction.
Let's perform a simple division and get: .
Convert the fraction to a percentage.
We'll expand to for the denominator and get: .
Let's convert the fractions to percentages.
In each case we'll multiply by and get:
Let's convert from percentages to fractions
In each case we divide by and get:
Write the percentage 118% as a fraction with a denominator of 100.
Write the percentage 75% as a fraction with a denominator of 100.
Write the percentage 54% as a fraction with a denominator of 100.
Write the percentage 87% as a fraction with a denominator of 100.
We use the formula:
Write the percentage 201% as a fraction with a denominator of 100.
We use the formula:
Convert the fraction into a percentage.
The fraction:
is actually x percent.
Therefore we use the formula:
Write the percentage 7.5% as a fraction with denominator 100.
We use the formula:
Convert the fraction into a percentage.
We use the formula: