A root is the inverse operation of exponentiation, denoted by the symbol , and it is equivalent to the power of .
If a small number appears on the left side, it indicates the order of the root.
A root is the inverse operation of exponentiation, denoted by the symbol , and it is equivalent to the power of .
If a small number appears on the left side, it indicates the order of the root.
The following exercise combines all the rules of roots,
can you solve it?
Roots come before the order of operations, so we will first deal with the first root:
We could do this using the root formula of a product.
Let's move on to the second root:
Note – in this root, there was an exercise in the denominator, we first solved it and then continued to simplify the root using the root formula of a quotient.
Let's move on to the third root:
Here we simply solved the exercise inside the root without using a formula.
Now let's rewrite the exercise slowly and carefully without getting confused:
There are still roots in the exercise, so we will need to get rid of them:
Now that there are no more roots, we can solve according to the order of operations:
Choose the largest value
Solve the following exercise:
\( \sqrt{30}\cdot\sqrt{1}= \)
Solve the following exercise:
\( \sqrt{1}\cdot\sqrt{2}= \)
Solve the following exercise:
\( \sqrt{16}\cdot\sqrt{1}= \)
Solve the following exercise:
\( \sqrt{1}\cdot\sqrt{25}= \)
Choose the largest value
Let's begin by calculating the numerical value of each of the roots in the given options:
We can determine that:
5>4>3>1 Therefore, the correct answer is option A
Solve the following exercise:
Let's start with a reminder of the definition of a root as a power:
We will then use the fact that raising the number 1 to any power always yields the result 1, particularly raising it to the power of half of the square root (which we obtain by using the definition of a root as a power mentioned earlier).
In other words:
Therefore, the correct answer is answer C.
Solve the following exercise:
Let's start by recalling how to define a square root as a power:
Next, we remember that raising 1 to any power always gives us 1, even the half power we got from converting the square root.
In other words:
Therefore, the correct answer is answer a.
Solve the following exercise:
Let's start by recalling how to define a root as a power:
Next, we will remember that raising 1 to any power will always yield the result 1, even the half power of the square root.
In other words:
Therefore, the correct answer is answer D.
Solve the following exercise:
To solve the expression , we will use the Product Property of Square Roots.
According to the property, we have:
First, calculate the product inside the square root:
Now the expression simplifies to:
Finding the square root of 25 gives us:
Thus, the value of is .
After comparing this solution with the provided choices, we see that the correct answer is choice 3.
Solve the following exercise:
\( \sqrt{25x^4}= \)
Solve the following exercise:
\( \sqrt{\frac{2}{4}}= \)
Solve the following exercise:
\( \sqrt{\frac{225}{25}}= \)
Solve the following exercise:
\( \sqrt{x^2}= \)
Solve the following exercise:
\( \sqrt{100}\cdot\sqrt{25}= \)
Solve the following exercise:
To simplify the given expression, we will use the following three laws of exponents:
a. Definition of root as an exponent:
b. Law of exponents for an exponent applied to terms in parentheses:
c. Law of exponents for an exponent raised to an exponent:
We'll start by converting the fourth root to an exponent using the law of exponents mentioned in a.:
We'll continue, using the law of exponents mentioned in b. and apply the exponent to each factor in the parentheses:
We'll continue, using the law of exponents mentioned in c. and perform the exponent applied to the term with an exponent in parentheses (the second factor in the multiplication):
In the final steps, we first converted the power of one-half applied to the first factor in the multiplication back to the fourth root form, again, according to the definition of root as an exponent mentioned in a. (in the reverse direction) and then calculated the known fourth root of 25.
Therefore, the correct answer is answer a.
Solve the following exercise:
Let's simplify the expression, first we'll reduce the fraction under the square root:
We'll use two exponent laws:
A. Definition of root as a power:
B. The power law for powers applied to terms in parentheses:
Let's return to the expression we received, first we'll use the law mentioned in A and convert the square root to a power:
We'll continue and apply the power law mentioned in B, meaning- we'll apply the power separately to the numerator and denominator, in the next step we'll remember that raising the number 1 to any power will always give the result 1, and in the fraction's denominator we'll return to the root notation, again, using the power law mentioned in A (in the opposite direction):
Let's summarize the simplification of the given expression:
Therefore, the correct answer is answer D.
Solve the following exercise:
Let's simplify the expression. First, we'll reduce the fraction under the square root, then we'll calculate the result of the root:
Therefore, the correct answer is option B.
Solve the following exercise:
In order to simplify the given expression, we will use two laws of exponents:
a. The definition of root as an exponent:
b. The law of exponents for power of a power:
Let's start with converting the square root to an exponent using the law mentioned in a':
We'll continue using the law of exponents mentioned in b' and perform the exponent operation on the term in parentheses:
Therefore, the correct answer is answer a'.
Solve the following exercise:
We can simplify the expression without using the laws of exponents, because the expression has known square roots, so let's simplify the expression and then perform the multiplication:
Therefore, the correct answer is answer D.
Solve the following exercise:
\( \sqrt{3}\cdot\sqrt{3}= \)
Solve the following exercise:
\( \sqrt{9}\cdot\sqrt{3}= \)
Solve the following exercise:
\( \sqrt{10}\cdot\sqrt{3}= \)
Solve the following exercise:
\( \sqrt{2}\cdot\sqrt{3}= \)
Solve the following exercise:
\( \sqrt{5}\cdot\sqrt{6}= \)
Solve the following exercise:
In order to simplify the given expression, we will use two laws of exponents:
a. The definition of a root as an exponent:
b. The law of exponents for power of a power:
Let's start by converting the square roots to exponents using the law mentioned in a:
Let's continue, notice that we got a number multiplied by itself, therefore, according to the definition of exponents we can write the expression we got as a power of that same number, then we'll use the law of exponents mentioned in b and perform the exponentiation of the term in parentheses:
Additionally, we identify that:
Therefore, the correct answer (most accurate) is answer d.
Answers a + b
Solve the following exercise:
Although the square root of 9 is known (3) , in order to get a single expression we will use the laws of parentheses:
So- in order to simplify the given expression we will use two exponents laws:
A. Defining the root as a an exponent:
B. Multiplying different bases with the same power (in the opposite direction):
Let's start by changing the square root into an exponent using the law shown in A:
Since a multiplication is performed between two bases with the same exponent we can use the law shown in B.
In the last steps we performed the multiplication, and then used the law of defining the root as an exponent shown earlier in A (in the opposite direction) in order to return to the root notation.
Therefore, the correct answer is answer C.
Solve the following exercise:
To simplify the given expression, we use two laws of exponents:
A. Defining the root as an exponent:
B. The law of exponents for dividing powers with the same base (in the opposite direction):
Let's start by using the law of exponents shown in A:
We continue, since we have a multiplication between two terms with equal exponents, we can use the law of exponents shown in B and combine them under the same base which is raised to the same exponent:
In the last steps, we performed the multiplication of the bases and used the definition of the root as an exponent shown earlier in A (in the opposite direction) to return to the root notation.
Therefore, the correct answer is B.
Solve the following exercise:
In order to simplify the given expression, we will use two laws of exponents:
a. The definition of root as an exponent:
b. The law of exponents for exponents applied to terms in parentheses (in reverse):
Let's start by converting the square roots to exponents using the law of exponents mentioned in a':
We'll continue, since there is multiplication between two terms with identical exponents, we can use the law of exponents mentioned in b' and combine them together in parentheses which are raised to the same exponent:
In the final steps, we performed the multiplication within the parentheses and again used the definition of root as an exponent mentioned earlier in a' (in reverse) to return to root notation.
Therefore, the correct answer is answer b.
Solve the following exercise:
In order to simplify the given expression, we will use two laws of exponents:
a. The definition of root as an exponent:
b. The law of exponents for exponents applied to terms in parentheses (in reverse):
We'll start by converting the square roots to exponents using the law of exponents mentioned in a':
We'll continue, since there is multiplication between two terms with identical exponents, we can use the law of exponents mentioned in b' and combine them together in parentheses raised to the same exponent:
In the final steps, we performed the multiplication within the parentheses and again used the definition of root as an exponent mentioned in a' (in reverse) to return to root notation.
Therefore, the correct answer is answer d.