Examples with solutions for Addition and Subtraction of Directed Numbers: Complete the missing numbers

Exercise #1

12?=15 12-?=15

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

We know that the distance between 12 and 15 is three steps.

In other words:

12+3=15 12+3=15

Now let's remember the rule:

(x)=+ -(-x)=+

We'll substitute x with the number 3 and get:

12(3)=15 12-(-3)=15

Therefore, the answer is minus 3


3 -3

Exercise #2

25?=100 -25-?=100

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

We'll add ?+ to both sides to zero out the left side:

25?+?=100+? -25-?+?=100+?

?+?=0 -?+?=0

Therefore, we get:

250=100+? -25-0=100+\text{?}

25=100+? -25=100+\text{?}

We'll add minus 100 to both sides to zero out the right side:

25100=100100+? -25-100=100-100+\text{?}

Now we get:

125=0+? -125=0+\text{?}

125=? -125=\text{?}


125 -125

Exercise #3

(?)+(2)=13 (?)+(-2)=13

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's locate the number 13 on the number line.

Since zero is greater than negative 2, we'll move two steps to the right from the number 13.

The number we've reached is 15:



15 15

Exercise #4

3+(?)=5 -3+(?)=5 -5-5-5-4-4-4-3-3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1000111222333444555

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

To find out how much we need to add to the number negative 3 in order to get 5, we will count the number of steps between the two numbers.

Also, we will pay attention to which direction we moved, if we moved to the right then the number is positive, if we moved to the left the number will be negative.

We will start from the number negative 3, and move to the right until we reach the number 5, with each step representing one whole number, as follows:


We discover that the number of steps is 8. Since we moved to the right, the number is positive


8 8

Exercise #5

8+?=16(2) -8+?=16-(-2)

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's remember the rule:

(x)=+ -(-x)=+

We'll write the exercise in the appropriate form:

8+?=16+2 -8+?=16+2

Let's solve:

8+?=18 -8+?=18

We'll add 8 to both sides, in order to zero out the left side:

8+?+8=18+8 -8+?+8=18+8

8+8=0 -8+8=0

Therefore, we get:

0+?=26 0+?=26

?=26 ?=26


26 26

Exercise #6

?2(4)=20 \text{?}-2-(-4)=-20

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's remember the law:

(x)=+ -(-x)=+

Now let's write the exercise in the appropriate form:

?2+4=20 ?-2+4=-20

?2=20 ?-2=-20

We'll move minus 2 to the right side and maintain the appropriate sign:

?=202 ?=-20-2

Now we get:

?=22 ?=-22


22 -22

Exercise #7

(12)+(?)=30 (-12)+(?)=30

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's count on the number line the step distance between -12 and 30

We discover that the step distance is 42:



42 42

Exercise #8

?(13)=23 \text{?}-(-13)=-23

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's remember the law:

(x)=+ -(-x)=+

Now let's write the exercise in the appropriate form:

?+13=23 ?+13=-23

We'll add minus 13 to both sides to zero out the left side:

?+1313=2313 ?+13-13=-23-13

Now we get:

?+0=36 ?+0=-36

?=36 ?=-36


36 -36

Exercise #9

?(12)=40 \text{?}-(-12)=-40

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's remember the law:

(x)=+ -(-x)=+

Now let's write the exercise in the appropriate form:

?+12=40 ?+12=-40

We'll add minus 12 to both sides to zero out the left side:

?+1212=4012 ?+12-12=-40-12

Now we get:

?+0=52 ?+0=-52

?=52 ?=-52


52 -52

Exercise #10

(3)(10)=40 ⬜-(-3)-(-10)=-40

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's remember the law:

(x)=+ -(-x)=+

Now let's write the exercise in the appropriate form:

?+3+10=40 ?+3+10=-40

?+13=40 ?+13=-40

We'll add minus 13 to both sides to zero out the left side:

?+1313=4013 ?+13-13=-40-13

Now we get:

?+0=53 ?+0=-53

?=53 ?=-53


53 -53

Exercise #11

6+(?)=4 -6+(?)=4 -5-5-5-4-4-4-3-3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1000111222333444555666-6-6-6

Video Solution


10 10

Exercise #12

9+(?)=1 9+(?)=-1 -2-2-2-1-1-1000111222333444555666777888999-3-3-3

Video Solution


10 -10

Exercise #13

5+(?)=6 5+(?)=-6 -5-5-5-4-4-4-3-3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1000111222333444555666-6-6-6-7-7-7

Video Solution


11 -11