Examples with solutions for All Operations in the Order of Operations: Solving the problem

Exercise #1

2136+95= 21-3-6+9-5=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Due to the fact that the exercise only involves addition and subtraction operations, we will solve it from left to right:

213=18 21-3=18

186=12 18-6=12

12+9=21 12+9=21

215=16 21-5=16


16 16

Exercise #2

2569+73= 25-6-9+7-3=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Due to the fact that the exercise only involves addition and subtraction operations, we will solve it from left to right:

256=19 25-6=19

199=10 19-9=10

10+7=17 10+7=17

173=14 17-3=14


14 14

Exercise #3

(126+9)×(7+3)= (12-6+9)\times(7+3)=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we will first solve the expressions in parentheses, and then multiply:

(126+9)=(6+9)=15 (12-6+9)=(6+9)=15

(7+3)=10 (7+3)=10

Now let's solve the multiplication problem:

15×10=150 15\times10=150


150 150

Exercise #4

25+619+7= 25+6-19+7=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Due to the fact that the exercise only involves addition and subtraction operations, we will solve it from left to right:

25+6=31 25+6=31

3119=12 31-19=12

12+7=19 12+7=19


19 19

Exercise #5

12+64+1812= 12+6-4+18-12=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Due to the fact that the exercise only involves addition and subtraction operations, we will solve it from left to right:

12+6=18 12+6=18

184=14 18-4=14

14+18=32 14+18=32

3212=20 32-12=20


20 20

Exercise #6

266+9+712= 26-6+9+7-12=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Due to the fact that the exercise only involves addition and subtraction operations, we will solve it from left to right:

266=20 26-6=20

20+9=29 20+9=29

29+7=36 29+7=36

3612=24 36-12=24


24 24

Exercise #7

30+65+717= 30+6-5+7-17=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Insofar as the exercise only involves addition and subtraction operations, we will solve it from left to right:

30+6=36 30+6=36

365=31 36-5=31

31+7=38 31+7=38

3817=21 38-17=21


21 21

Exercise #8

(159)×(73)= (15-9)\times(7-3)=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations rules, we must first solve the expressions inside of the parentheses:

159=6 15-9=6

73=4 7-3=4

We obtain the following expression:

6×4=24 6\times4=24


24 24

Exercise #9

32419+37= 32-4-19+3-7=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Due to the fact that the exercise only involves addition and subtraction operations, we will solve it from left to right:

324=28 32-4=28

2819=9 28-19=9

9+3=12 9+3=12

127=5 12-7=5


5 5

Exercise #10

(166)×9+(73)= (16-6)\times9+(7-3)=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we'll first solve the exercises in parentheses:

(166)=10 (16-6)=10

(73)=4 (7-3)=4

Now we'll get the exercise:

10×9+4 10\times9+4

We'll put the multiplication exercise in parentheses to avoid confusion in the rest of the solution:

(10×9)+4= (10\times9)+4=

According to the order of operations, we'll solve the multiplication exercise and then add:

90+4=94 90+4=94


94 94

Exercise #11

25×6941= 25\times6-9-41=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we first put the multiplication exercise in parentheses to avoid confusion in the rest of the solution:

(25×6)941= (25\times6)-9-41=

Let's solve the multiplication exercise first:

150941= 150-9-41=

Now let's solve the exercise from left to right:

1509=141 150-9=141

14141=100 141-41=100


100 100

Exercise #12

1459+7+2= 14-5-9+7+2=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Due to the fact that the exercise only involves addition and subtraction operations, we will solve it from left to right:

145=9 14-5=9

99=0 9-9=0

0+7=7 0+7=7

7+2=9 7+2=9


9 9

Exercise #13

12:3(1+1)= 12:3(1+1)=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

First, we perform the operation inside the parentheses:

12:3(2) 12:3(2)

When there is no mathematical operation between parentheses and a number, we assume it is a multiplication.

Therefore, we can also write the exercise like this:

12:3×2 12:3\times2

Here we solve from left to right:

12:3×2=4×2=8 12:3\times2=4\times2=8



Exercise #14

(85+5):10= (85+5):10=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations rules, we must first solve the expression within the parentheses:

85+5=90 85+5=90

We should obtain the following expression:

90:10=9 90:10=9



Exercise #15

(13×2)(12×1.5)= (13\times2)-(12\times1.5)=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we will first solve the multiplication exercises in parentheses:

(13×2)=26 (13\times2)=26

(12×1.5)=18 (12\times1.5)=18

Now we will subtract:

2618=8 26-18=8


8 8

Exercise #16

20(1+9:9)= 20-(1+9:9)=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

First, we solve the exercise in the parentheses

(1+9:9)= (1+9:9)=

According to the order of operations, we first divide and then add:

1+1=2 1+1=2

Now we obtain the exercise:

202=18 20-2=18


18 18

Exercise #17

253×4+4×2= 25-3\times4+4\times2=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations, we will first solve the multiplication exercises.

We will put them in parentheses so that we don't get confused later in the solution:

25(3×4)+(4×2)= 25-(3\times4)+(4\times2)=

Let's solve the multiplication exercises:

3×4=12 3\times4=12

4×2=8 4\times2=8

We get:

2512+8= 25-12+8=

Let's solve the exercise from left to right:

2512=13 25-12=13

13+8=21 13+8=21


21 21

Exercise #18

19×(204×5)= 19\times(20-4\times5)=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

First, we solve the exercise in the parentheses

(204×5)= (20-4\times5)=

According to the order of operations, we first multiply and then subtract:

2020=0 20-20=0

Now we obtain the exercise:

19×0=0 19\times0=0



Exercise #19

32×1×13= \frac{3}{2}\times1\times\frac{1}{3}=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the order of operations rules, we will solve the exercise from left to right since there are only multiplication operations:

32×1=32 \frac{3}{2}\times1=\frac{3}{2}

32×13= \frac{3}{2}\times\frac{1}{3}=

We will multiply the three by three and get:

12×1=12 \frac{1}{2}\times1=\frac{1}{2}


1\over212 1\over2

Exercise #20

255317+13= 25-5-3-17+13=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Due to the fact that the exercise only involves addition and subtraction operations, we will solve it from left to right:

255=20 25-5=20

203=17 20-3=17

1717=0 17-17=0

0+13=13 0+13=13


13 13