Trapezoid Area Calculation: Finding Area with Heights 6cm and Parallel Sides 2.5cm and 4cm


The trapezoid ABCD is shown below.

AB = 2.5 cm

DC = 4 cm

Height (h) = 6 cm

Calculate the area of the trapezoid.

Video Solution

Solution Steps

00:00 Calculate the area of the trapezoid
00:03 We'll use the formula for calculating the area of a trapezoid
00:06 (Sum of bases(AB+DC) multiplied by height (H)) divided by 2
00:13 We'll substitute appropriate values and solve to find the area
00:21 6 divided by 2 becomes 3
00:26 And this is the solution to the question

Step-by-Step Solution

First, let's remind ourselves of the formula for the area of a trapezoid:

A=(Base + Base) h2 A=\frac{\left(Base\text{ }+\text{ Base}\right)\text{ h}}{2}

We substitute the given values into the formula:

(2.5+4)*6 =
39/2 = 


1912 19\frac{1}{2}