Evaluate (5-4×3):(-7)/0 + 3-2: Order of Operations Challenge


Check the correct answer:

(543):(7)0+32= \frac{(5-4\cdot3):(-7)}{0}+3-2=

Video Solution

Solution Steps

00:00 Solve the following expression
00:03 A zero appears in the denominator of the fraction
00:07 Given that division by 0 is not possible, there is no solution to this exercise

Step-by-Step Solution

First, we solve the fraction expression.

Let's note that within the parentheses in the numerator there is a multiplication exercise, we will put it in parentheses to avoid confusion in the solution.

First we multiply and then we subtract:

(5(4×3))=(512)=7 (5-(4\times3))=(5-12)=-7

Now the exercise obtained in the numerator is:7:7=1 -7:-7=1

We arrange the exercise accordingly:

10+32= \frac{1}{0}+3-2=

Note that in the denominator of the fraction exercise, the number 0 appears.

Since according to the rules no number can be divided by 0, the exercise has no solution.


No solution