The formula to calculate the perimeter of a parallelogram

You have probably already realized that it is not necessary to calculate all the edge lengths to find the perimeter.

Let's look at the parallelogram ABCD ABCD :

The equal edges are marked with the letters a a and b b . Let's note the perimeter of the parallelogram:
P=a+a+b+b=2a+2B=2(a+b) P=a+a+b+b=2a+2B=2\left(a+b\right)

Now let's do it in a clear way.

The formula to calculate the perimeter of a parallelogram is:
P=2a+2b P=2a+2b

P=2(a+b) P=2(a+b)

There is no difference between both formulas, we can use whichever we want.

A6 - Perimeter of a parallelogram

The perimeter of the parallelogram is equal to the sum of its four edges (or sides). As we know, in a parallelogram there are two pairs of opposite edges of equal length, therefore, knowing the length of two adjacent sides is enough to calculate the perimeter of the figure.

For example, if we observe the parallelogram ABCD ABCD , given the length of its sides in cm:

As we have mentioned, the perimeter is the sum of the length of its sides. Consequently, we will note:

A1 - The perimeter of the parallelogram = P=3+4+3+4=14

P=3+4+3+4=14 P=3+4+3+4=14

Solution: The perimeter of the parallelogram is 14cm 14cm .

Suggested Topics to Practice in Advance

  1. Area
  2. Parallelogram
  3. The area of a parallelogram: what is it and how is it calculated?

Practice Perimeter of a Parallelogram

Examples with solutions for Perimeter of a Parallelogram

Exercise #1


Calculate the perimeter of the given parallelogram:

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As is true for a parallelogram every pair of opposite sides are equal:


The perimeter of the parallelogram is equal to the sum of all sides together:

4+4+6+6=8+12=20 4+4+6+6=8+12=20



Exercise #2


Calculate the perimeter of the given parallelogram.

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Step-by-Step Solution

As is true for a parallelogram each pair of opposite sides are equal and parallel,

Therefore it is possible to argue that:


AB=CD=10 AB=CD=10

Now we can calculate the perimeter of the parallelogram by adding together all of its sides:

10+10+7+7=20+14=34 10+10+7+7=20+14=34



Exercise #3

Given the parallelogram whose area is equal to 39 cm² and AC=8 cm and the height of the rectangle is 3 cm:


Calculate the perimeter of the parallelogram.

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Step-by-Step Solution

The area of a parallelogram is equal to the side multiplied by the height of that side.

First, find the value of AB using the parallelogram area formula:

AB×h=S AB\times h=S

AB×3=39 AB\times3=39

3AB3=393 \frac{3AB}{3}=\frac{39}{3}

AB=13 AB=13

Since in a parallelogram all pairs of opposite sides are equal and parallel, we can find the perimeter of the parallelogram:

2AB+2AC=2×13+2×8=26+16=42 2AB+2AC=2\times13+2\times8=26+16=42



Exercise #4

The parallelogram ABCD has a perimeter equal to 80 cm.

Calculate X.


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Step-by-Step Solution

Since in a parallelogram each pair of opposite sides are equal and parallel:

BC=AD=2x BC=AD=2x


Now let's substitute the known data into the formula for calculating the perimeter:

80=2x×2+2×x 80=2x\times2+2\times x

80=4x+2x 80=4x+2x

80=6x 80=6x

Let's divide both terms by 6:

806=6x6 \frac{80}{6}=\frac{6x}{6}

806=x \frac{80}{6}=x

Let's simplify the fraction by 2

403=x \frac{40}{3}=x


x=403 x=\frac{40}{3}

Exercise #5

The longest sides of a parallelogram are X cm long and are four times longer than the shorter sides.


Express the perimeter of the parallelogram in terms of X.

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Step-by-Step Solution

In a parallelogram, each pair of opposite sides are equal and parallel: AB = CD and AC = BD.

Given that the length of one side is 4 times greater than the other side equal to X, we know that:


Now we replace the data in this equation with out own (assuming that AB = CD = X):

x=x=4AC=4BD x=x=4AC=4BD

We divide by 4:

x4=x4=AC=BD \frac{x}{4}=\frac{x}{4}=AC=BD

Now we calculate the perimeter of the parallelogram and express both AC and BD using X:

P=x+x4+x+x4 P=x+\frac{x}{4}+x+\frac{x}{4}

P=2x+x4+x4=212x P=2x+\frac{x}{4}+\frac{x}{4}=2\frac{1}{2}x


2.5X cm

Exercise #6

A parallelogram has one side that is 2 times longer than the other. The length of the smaller side is X.


Express the circumference of the parallelogram in terms of X.

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Step-by-Step Solution

As is true of a parallelogram each pair of opposite sides are equal to one another


Given that AB > AC

Let's call AC by the name X and therefore:

AB=2AC=2×x=2x AB=2AC=2\times x=2x

Now we know that:

AB=CD=2x,AC=BD=x AB=CD=2x,AC=BD=x

The perimeter is equal to the sum of all the sides together:

2x+x+2x+x=6x 2x+x+2x+x=6x



Exercise #7

Look at the parallelogram shown below.

AB = 6

AC = X

The perimeter of the parallelogram is 20.


Find X.

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Step-by-Step Solution

As is true for a parallelogram each pair of opposite sides are equal:


Calculate X according to the given perimeter:

20=6+6+x+x 20=6+6+x+x

20=12+2x 20=12+2x

2012=2x 20-12=2x

8=2x 8=2x

x=4 x=4



Exercise #8

Below is a parallelogram with a perimeter of 60 and a height of 3.


Calculate the area of the parallelogram.

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Step-by-Step Solution

As is true for a parallelogram each pair of opposite sides are equal to one other:

AB=CD=4x,AC=BD=2x AB=CD=4x,AC=BD=2x

To begin we will find X through the perimeter:60=2x+4x+2x+4x 60=2x+4x+2x+4x

60=12x 60=12x

x=5 x=5

Next we will calculate all of the sides of the parallelogram:

AB=CD=4×5=20 AB=CD=4\times5=20

AC=BD=2×5=10 AC=BD=2\times5=10

Hence the area of the parallelogram will be equal to:

CD×3=20×3=60 CD\times3=20\times3=60



Exercise #9

ABCD is a parallelogram with a perimeter of 38 cm.

AB is twice as long as CE.

AD is three times shorter than CE.

CE is the height of the parallelogram.

Calculate the area of the parallelogram.


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Step-by-Step Solution

Let's call CE as X

According to the data

AB=x+2,AD=x3 AB=x+2,AD=x-3

The perimeter of the parallelogram:

2(AB+AD) 2(AB+AD)

38=2(x+2+x3) 38=2(x+2+x-3)

38=2(2x1) 38=2(2x-1)

38=4x2 38=4x-2

38+2=4x 38+2=4x

40=4x 40=4x

x=10 x=10

Now it can be argued:

AD=103=7,CE=10 AD=10-3=7,CE=10

The area of the parallelogram:

CE×AD=10×7=70 CE\times AD=10\times7=70


70 cm²

Exercise #10

ABCD is a parallelogram whose perimeter is equal to 24 cm.

The side of the parallelogram is two times greater than the adjacent side (AB>AD).

CE is the height of the side AB

The area of the parallelogram is 24 cm².

Find the height of CE


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Step-by-Step Solution

The perimeter of the parallelogram is calculated as follows:

SABCD=AB+BC+CD+DA S_{ABCD}=AB+BC+CD+DA Since ABCD is a parallelogram, each pair of opposite sides is equal, and therefore, AB=DC and AD=BC

According to the figure that the side of the parallelogram is 2 times larger than the side adjacent to it, it can be argued thatAB=DC=2BC AB=DC=2BC

We inut the data we know in the formula to calculate the perimeter:


We replace the given perimeter in the formula and add up all the BC coefficients accordingly:

24=6BC 24=6BC

We divide the two sections by 6

24:6=6BC:6 24:6=6BC:6

BC=4 BC=4

We know thatAB=DC=2BC AB=DC=2BC We replace the data we obtained (BC=4)

AB=DC=2×4=8 AB=DC=2\times4=8

As ABCD is a parallelogram, then all pairs of opposite sides are equal, therefore BC=AD=4

To find EC we use the formula:AABCD=AB×EC A_{ABCD}=AB\times EC

We replace the existing data:

24=8×EC 24=8\times EC

We divide the two sections by 824:8=8EC:8 24:8=8EC:8

3=EC 3=EC


3 cm

Exercise #11

Given the parallelogram:


Calculate the perimeter of the parallelogram.

Video Solution



Exercise #12

Given the parallelogram:


Calculate the perimeter of the parallelogram.

Video Solution



Exercise #13

Given the parallelogram:


Calculate the perimeter of the parallelogram.

Video Solution



Exercise #14

Given the parallelogram:


Calculate the perimeter of the parallelogram.

Video Solution



Exercise #15

Given the parallelogram:


Calculate the perimeter of the parallelogram.

Video Solution



Topics learned in later sections

  1. Perimeter