Examples with solutions for Angles in Parallel Lines: Identifying and defining elements

Exercise #1

Is it possible to have two adjacent angles, one of which is obtuse and the other right?

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Step-by-Step Solution

Remember the definition of adjacent angles:

Adjacent angles always complement each other up to one hundred eighty degrees, that is, their sum is 180 degrees.

This situation is impossible since a right angle equals 90 degrees, an obtuse angle is greater than 90 degrees.

Therefore, together their sum will be greater than 180 degrees.



Exercise #2

In which of the diagrams are the angles α,β  \alpha,\beta\text{ } vertically opposite?

Step-by-Step Solution

Remember the definition of angles opposite by the vertex:

Angles opposite by the vertex are angles whose formation is possible when two lines cross, and they are formed at the point of intersection, one facing the other. The acute angles are equal in size.

The drawing in answer A corresponds to this definition.



Exercise #3

a a is parallel to

b b

Determine which of the statements is correct.


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Step-by-Step Solution

Let's review the definition of adjacent angles:

Adjacent angles are angles formed where there are two straight lines that intersect. These angles are formed at the point where the intersection occurs, one next to the other, and hence their name.

Now let's review the definition of collateral angles:

Two angles formed when two or more parallel lines are intersected by a third line. The collateral angles are on the same side of the intersecting line and even are at different heights in relation to the parallel line to which they are adjacent.

Therefore, answer C is correct for this definition.


β,γ \beta,\gamma Colateralesγ,δ \gamma,\delta Adjacent

Exercise #4

Which type of angles are shown in the diagram?

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's remember that corresponding angles can be defined as a pair of angles that can be found on the same side of a transversal line that intersects two parallel lines.

Additionally, these angles are positioned at the same level relative to the parallel line to which they belong.



Exercise #5

Which type of angles are shown in the figure below?

Step-by-Step Solution

Alternate angles are a pair of angles that can be found on the opposite side of a line that cuts two parallel lines.

Furthermore, these angles are located on the opposite level of the corresponding line that they belong to.



Exercise #6

What angles are described in the drawing?

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's remember that vertical angles are angles that are formed when two lines intersect, and they are created at the point of intersection, opposite each other.



Exercise #7

Look at the rectangle ABCD below.

What type of angles are labeled with the letter A in the diagram?

What type are marked labeled B?


Step-by-Step Solution

Let's remember the definition of corresponding angles:

Corresponding angles are angles located on the same side of the line that cuts through the two parallels and are also situated at the same level with respect to the parallel line to which they are adjacent.

It seems that according to this definition these are the angles marked with the letter A.

Let's remember the definition of adjacent angles:

Adjacent angles are angles whose formation is possible in a situation where there are two lines that cross each other.

These angles are formed at the point where the intersection occurs, one next to the other, and hence their name.

Adjacent angles always complement each other to one hundred eighty degrees, that is, their sum is 180 degrees.

It seems that according to this definition these are the angles marked with the letter B.


A - corresponding

B - adjacent

Exercise #8

Look at the rhombus in the figure.

What is the relationship between the marked angles?


Step-by-Step Solution

Let's remember the different definitions of angles:

Corresponding angles are angles located on the same side of the line that intersects the two parallels and are also situated at the same level with respect to the parallel line they are adjacent to.

Therefore, according to this definition, these are the angles marked with the letter A

Alternate angles are angles located on two different sides of the line that intersects two parallels, and which are also not at the same level with respect to the parallel they are adjacent to.

Therefore, according to this definition, these are the angles marked with the letter B


A - corresponding; B - alternate

Exercise #9

The lines a and b are parallel.

What are the corresponding angles?


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Step-by-Step Solution

Given that line a is parallel to line b, let us remind ourselves of the definition of corresponding angles between parallel lines:

Corresponding angles are angles located on the same side of the line that intersects the two parallels and are also situated at the same level with respect to the parallel line to which they are adjacent.

Corresponding angles are equal in size.

According to this definition α=β \alpha=\beta and as such they are the corresponding angles.


α,β \alpha,\beta

Exercise #10

What angles are described in the drawing?

Step-by-Step Solution

Since the angles are not on parallel lines, none of the answers are correct.


Ninguna de las respuestas

Exercise #11

What angles are described in the drawing?

Step-by-Step Solution

Since we are not given any information about the lines, we cannot define the lines as parallel.

As a result, none of the options are correct.


None of the possibilities

Exercise #12

Lines a and b are parallel.

Which of the following angles are co-interior?


Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's remember the definition of consecutive angles:

Consecutive angles are, in fact, a pair of angles that can be found on the same side of a straight line when this line crosses a pair of parallel straight lines.

These angles are on opposite levels with respect to the parallel line to which they belong.

The sum of a pair of angles on one side is one hundred eighty degrees.

Therefore, since line a is parallel to line b and according to the previous definition: the anglesβ+γ=180 \beta+\gamma=180

are consecutive.


β,γ \beta,\gamma

Exercise #13

Which angles in the drawing are co-interior given that a is parallel to b?


Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Given that line a is parallel to line b, the anglesα2,β1 \alpha_2,\beta_1 are equal according to the definition of corresponding angles.

Also, the anglesα1,γ1 \alpha_1,\gamma_1 are equal according to the definition of corresponding angles.

Now let's remember the definition of collateral angles:

Collateral angles are actually a pair of angles that can be found on the same side of a line when it crosses a pair of parallel lines.

These angles are on opposite levels with respect to the parallel line they belong to.

The sum of a pair of angles on one side is one hundred eighty degrees.

Therefore, since line a is parallel to line b and according to the previous definition: the angles


are the collateral angles


γ1,γ2 \gamma1,\gamma2

Exercise #14

What are alternate angles of the given parallelogram ?


Step-by-Step Solution

To solve the question, we must first remember that a parallelogram has two pairs of opposite sides that are parallel and equal.

That is, the top line is parallel to the bottom one.

From this, it is easy to identify that angle X is actually an alternate angle of angle δ, since both are on different sides of parallel straight lines.


δ,χ \delta,\chi

Exercise #15

Are lines AB and DC parallel?


Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

For the lines to be parallel, the two angles must be equal (according to the definition of corresponding angles).

Let's compare the angles:

2x+10=70x 2x+10=70-x

2x+x=7010 2x+x=70-10

3x=60 3x=60

x=20 x=20

Once we have worked out the variable, we substitute it into both expressions to work out how much each angle is worth.

First, substitute it into the first angle:

2x+10=2×20+10 2x+10=2\times20+10

40+10=50 40+10=50

Then into the other one:

7020=50 70-20=50

We find that the angles are equal and, therefore, the lines are parallel.



Exercise #16

Below is the Isosceles triangle ABC (AC = AB):


In its interior, a line ED is drawn parallel to CB.

Is the triangle AED also an isosceles triangle?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

To demonstrate that triangle AED is isosceles, we must prove that its hypotenuses are equal or that the opposite angles to them are equal.

Given that angles ABC and ACB are equal (since they are equal opposite bisectors),

And since ED is parallel to BC, the angles ABC and ACB alternate and are equal to angles ADE and AED (alternate and equal angles between parallel lines)

Opposite angles ADE and AED are respectively sides AD and AE, and therefore are also equal (opposite equal angles, the legs of triangle AED are also equal)

Therefore, triangle ADE is isosceles.


AED isosceles

Exercise #17

In which of the figures are the angles α,β \alpha,\beta opposite angles?


Video Solution



Exercise #18

In which of the figures are the angles α,β \alpha,\beta opposite angles?



Exercise #19

Does the diagram show an adjacent angle?

Video Solution



Exercise #20

Does the diagram show an adjacent angle?

Video Solution

