Examples with solutions for Extended Distributive Property: Matching expressions equal in value

Exercise #1

Match the expressions (numbers) with the equivalent expressions (letters):

  1. (2xy)(x+3) (2x-y)(x+3)

  2. (y2x)(3x) (y-2x)(3-x)

  3. (2x+y)(x3) (2x+y)(x-3)

    a.2x26x+yx3y 2x^2-6x+yx-3y

    b.2x26xyx+3y 2x^2-6x-yx+3y

    c.2x2+6xyx3y 2x^2+6x-yx-3y

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Step-by-Step Solution

Simplify the given expressions, open parentheses using the extended distributive property:

(a+b)(c+d)=ac+ad+bc+bd (\textcolor{red}{a}+\textcolor{blue}{b})(c+d)=\textcolor{red}{a}c+\textcolor{red}{a}d+\textcolor{blue}{b}c+\textcolor{blue}{b}d Keep in mind that in the formula form for the distributive property mentioned above, we assume by default that the operation between the terms inside the parentheses is an addition, therefore, of course, we will not forget that the sign of the term's coefficient is an inseparable part of it. Furthermore, we will apply the rules of sign multiplication and thus we can present any expression within parentheses, which is opened with the help of the previous formula, first, as an expression in which an addition operation takes place among all the terms (if necessary),

Then we will simplify each and every one of the expressions of the given problem, respecting the above, first opening the parentheses through the previously mentioned distributive property. Then we will use the substitution property in addition and multiplication before introducing like terms (if there are like terms in the expression obtained after opening the parentheses):

  1. (2xy)(x+3)(2x+(y))(x+3)2xx+2x3+(y)x+(y)32x2+6xyx3y (2x-y)(x+3) \\ \downarrow\\ \big(2x+(-y)\big)(x+3) \\ 2x\cdot x+2x\cdot 3+(-y)\cdot x+(-y)\cdot3\\ \boxed{2x^2+6x-yx-3y}\\

  2. (y2x)(3x)(y+(2x))(3+(x))y3+y(x)+(2x)3+(2x)(x)3yxy6x+2x2 (y-2x)(3-x) \\ \downarrow\\ \big(y+(-2x)\big)\big(3+(-x)\big) \\ y\cdot 3+y\cdot (-x)+(-2x)\cdot 3+(-2x)\cdot(-x)\\ \boxed{3y-xy-6x+2x^2}\\

  3. (2x+y)(x3)(2x+y)(x+(3))2xx+2x(3)+yx+y(3)2x26x+yx3y (2x+y)(x-3) \\ \downarrow\\ (2x+y)(x+(-3)) \\ 2x\cdot x+2x\cdot (-3)+y\cdot x+y\cdot(-3)\\ \boxed{2x^2-6x+yx-3y}\\ As you can notice, in all the expressions where we applied multiplication between the expressions in the previous parentheses, the result of the multiplication (obtained after applying the previously mentioned distributive property) produced an expression in which terms cannot be added, and this is because all the terms in the resulting expression are different from each other (remember that all like variables must be identical and in the same power),

    Now, let's use the substitution property in addition and multiplication to distinguish that:

    The simplified expression in 1 corresponds to the expression in option C,

    The simplified expression in 2 corresponds to the expression in option B,

    The simplified expression in 3 corresponds to the expression in option A,

Therefore, the correct answer (among the options offered) is option B.


1-b, 2-c, 3-a

Exercise #2

Join expressions of equal value

  1. (ab)(c4) (a-b)(c-4)

  2. (a+b)(c+4) (a+b)(c+4)

  3. (ab)(c+4) (a-b)(c+4)

  4. (a+b)(c4) (a+b)(c-4)

    a.ac4a+bc4b ac-4a+bc-4b

    b.ac+4abc4b ac+4a-bc-4b

    c.ac4abc+4b ac-4a-bc+4b

    d.ac+4a+bc+4b ac+4a+bc+4b

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Step-by-Step Solution

We use all the exercises of the extended distributive property:(a+b)×(c+d)=ac+ad+bc+bd (a+b)\times(c+d)=ac+ad+bc+bd

1.(ab)(c4)=ac4abc+4b (a-b)(c-4)=ac-4a-bc+4b

2.(a+b)(c+4)=ac+4a+bc+4b (a+b)(c+4)=ac+4a+bc+4b

3.(ab)(c+4)=ac+4abc4b (a-b)(c+4)=ac+4a-bc-4b

4.(a+b)(c4)=ac4a+bc4b (a+b)(c-4)=ac-4a+bc-4b


1-c, 2-d, 3-b, 4-a

Exercise #3

Join expressions of equal value

  1. (4+x)(y+8+x) (4+x)(y+8+x)

  2. (4+x+y)(8+x) (4+x+y)(8+x)

  3. (12+x)(y+x) (12+x)(y+x)

    a.x2+12x+xy+12y x^2+12x+xy+12y

    b.x2+12x+xy+4y+32 x^2+12x+xy+4y+32

    c.x2+12x+xy+8y+32 x^2+12x+xy+8y+32

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1-c, 2-b, 3-a

Exercise #4

Join expressions of equal value

  1. (a+g)x+3 (a+g)x+3

  2. (x+3)(a+g) (x+3)(a+g)

  3. (ag)x3 (a-g)x-3

    a.xa+xg+3a+3g xa+xg+3a+3g

    b.ax+gx+3 ax+gx+3

    c.axgx3 ax-gx-3

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1-b, 2-a, 3-c

Exercise #5

Join expressions of equal value

  1. (y+5)(x+7) (y+5)(x+7)

  2. (x+5)(y+7) (x+5)(y+7)

  3. (x5)(y7) (x-5)(y-7)

  4. (x5)(y+7) (x-5)(y+7)

    a.xy+7y+5x+35 xy+7y+5x+35

    b.xy+7x+5y+35 xy+7x+5y+35

    c.xy7x5y+35 xy-7x-5y+35

    d.xy+7x5y35 xy+7x-5y-35

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1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d

Exercise #6

Join expressions that have the same value

  1. (x+4)(x3) (x+4)(x-3)

  2. (x+4)(x+3) (x+4)(x+3)

  3. (x4)(x3) (x-4)(x-3)

    a.x2+x12 x^2+x-12

    b.x27x+12 x^2-7x+12

    c.x2+7x+12 x^2+7x+12

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1-a, 2-c, 3-b

Exercise #7

Join expressions of equal value

  1. (a+b)(c+d) (a+b)(c+d)

  2. (a+c)(b+d) (a+c)(b+d)

  3. (a+d)(c+b) (a+d)(c+b)

    a.ac+ad+bc+bd ac+ad+bc+bd

    b.ac+ab+dc+db ac+ab+dc+db

    c.ab+ad+cb+cd ab+ad+cb+cd

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1-a, 2-b, 3-b

Exercise #8

Group the expressions that have the same value.

  1. (b+c)(a4) (b+c)(a-4)

  2. (4+c)(a+b) (4+c)(a+b)

  3. (a+4)(bc) (a+4)(b-c)

  4. (b+4)(ca) (b+4)(c-a)

    a. ac+ab4b4c ac+ab-4b-4c

    b. 4b+ab4cac 4b+ab-4c-ac

    c. bcab+4c4a bc-ab+4c-4a

    d. 4a+4b+ac+cb 4a+4b+ac+cb

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1-a, 2-d, 3-b, 4-c

Exercise #9

Join expressions of equal value

  1. (12x5)(y+2) (12x-5)(y+2)

  2. (x12)(5y+2) (x-12)(5y+2)

  3. (12x+5)(y2) (12x+5)(y-2)

    a.12xy24x+5y10 12xy-24x+5y-10

    b.12xy+24x5y10 12xy+24x-5y-10

    c.5xy+2x60y24 5xy+2x-60y-24

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1-c, 2-b, 3-a

Exercise #10

Match the expressions that have the same value:

  1. (2x+y)(x+2y) (2x+y)(x+2y)

  2. (2x+2y)(x+y) (2x+2y)(x+y)

  3. (2xy)(x2y) (2x-y)(x-2y)

    a. 2x2+4xy+2y2 2x^2+4xy+2y^2

    b. 2x25xy+2y2 2x^2-5xy+2y^2

    c. 2x2+5xy+2y2 2x^2+5xy+2y^2

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1-c, 2-a, 3-b

Exercise #11

Join expressions of equal value

  1. (mn)(a4) (m-n)(a-4)

  2. (4n)(m+a) (4-n)(m+a)

  3. (nm)(4a) (n-m)(4-a)

    a.4m+4anmna 4m+4a-nm-na

    b.ma4mna+4n ma-4m-na+4n

    c.ma+4m+na4n -ma+4m+na-4n

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1=3=b, 2=a

Exercise #12

Join expressions of equal value

  1. (7x)(a13) (-7-x)(a-13)

  2. (a+13)(7x) (-a+13)(-7-x)

  3. (7+x)(a13) (7+x)(a-13)

    a.7a+ax9113x 7a+ax-91-13x

    b.7a+91ax+13x -7a+91-ax+13x

    c.7aax+9113x 7a-ax+91-13x

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1-b, 2,3-a

Exercise #13

Join expressions of equal value

  1. (x+6)(x+8) (x+6)(x+8)

  2. (6+x)(8x) (6+x)(8-x)

  3. (x+x)(6+8) (x+x)(6+8)

    a.48+2xx2 48+2x-x^2

    b.28x 28x

    c.x2+14x+48 x^2+14x+48

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1-b, 2-a, 3-b

Exercise #14

Join expressions of equal value

  1. (2a+b)(b+4) (2a+b)(b+4)

  2. (4+a)(2b+b) (4+a)(2b+b)

  3. (2ab)(b4) (2a-b)(b-4)

  4. (2ab)(b+4) (2a-b)(b+4)

    a.2ab8ab2+4b 2ab-8a-b^2+4b

    b.12b+3ab 12b+3ab

    c.2ab+8ab24b 2ab+8a-b^2-4b

    d.2ab+8a+b2+4b 2ab+8a+b^2+4b

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1-d, 2-b, 3-a, 4-c

Exercise #15

Join expressions of equal value

  1. 3(y+b)+4x 3(y+b)+4x

  2. (3+4x)(y+b) (3+4x)(y+b)

  3. (4y+3)(x+b) (4y+3)(x+b)

    a.3y+3b+4x 3y+3b+4x

    b.4yx+4yb+3x+3b 4yx+4yb+3x+3b

    c.3y+3b+4xy+4xb 3y+3b+4xy+4xb

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1-a, 2-c, 3-b

Exercise #16

Join expressions of equal value

  1. (2x+9)(y+4) (2x+9)(y+4)

  2. (2y+9)(x+4) (2y+9)(x+4)

  3. (2x9)(y4) (2x-9)(y-4)

  4. (2x+9)(y4) (2x+9)(y-4)

    a.2xy+8x+9y+36 2xy+8x+9y+36

    b.2xy8x+9y36 2xy-8x+9y-36

    c.2xy8x9y+36 2xy-8x-9y+36

    d.2xy+8y+9x+36 2xy+8y+9x+36

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4-b, 3-c, 2-d, 1-a