Solve the Equation: Finding the Unknown in 12-?=15


Solve the following problem:

12?=15 12-?=15

Video Solution

Solution Steps

00:00 Find the unknown
00:03 Find point (12) on the axis
00:07 Find the desired result (15) on the axis
00:12 Find the number of jumps between the result and starting point
00:17 We can see that the difference is +3
00:26 Negative times negative always equals positive
00:30 Therefore we subtract by (-3)
00:37 And this is the solution to the question

Step-by-Step Solution

We know that the distance between 12 and 15 is three steps.

In other words:

12+3=15 12+3=15

Now let's remember the rule:

(x)=+ -(-x)=+

We'll substitute x with the number 3 as follows:

12(3)=15 12-(-3)=15

Therefore, the answer is minus 3


3 -3