Solve the Equation: Finding the Missing Number in -25-?=100


Solve the following problem:

25?=100 -25-?=100

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

We'll add ?+ to both sides to zero out the left side:

25?+?=100+? -25-?+?=100+?

?+?=0 -?+?=0

Therefore, we get:

250=100+? -25-0=100+\text{?}

25=100+? -25=100+\text{?}

We'll add minus 100 to both sides to zero out the right side:

25100=100100+? -25-100=100-100+\text{?}

Now we get:

125=0+? -125=0+\text{?}

125=? -125=\text{?}


125 -125