Solve (40+70+35-7)×9: Order of Operations Practice


(40+70+357)×9= (40+70+35-7)\times9=

Video Solution

Solution Steps

00:00 Solve
00:03 Always solve parentheses first
00:06 Since there is only addition/subtraction, solve from left to right
00:10 Each time solve the 2 leftmost terms
00:22 Now we solved the parentheses and can multiply
00:26 And this is the solution to the question

Step-by-Step Solution

We simplify this expression by observing the order of arithmetic operations which states that exponentiation precedes multiplication, division precedes addition and subtraction, and that parentheses precede everything else.

Therefore, we first start by simplifying the expression within the parentheses. We then multiply the result of the expression within the parentheses by the term that multiplies it:

(40+70+357)9=1389=1242 (40+70+35-7)\cdot9= \\ 138\cdot9=\\ 1242 Therefore, the correct answer is option C.
