\( 100+5-100+5 \)
\( 3+2-1= \)
\( 9-3+4-2 \)
\( 9+3-1= \)
\( -7+5+2+1= \)
According to the rules of the order of operations, given that the exercise only involves subtraction and addition operations, we solve the exercise from left to right:
According to the rules of the order of operations, we will solve the exercise from left to right since it only has addition and subtraction operations:
According to the rules of the order of arithmetic operations, we will work to solve the exercise from left to right:
And this is the solution!
According to the rules of the order of arithmetic operations, we solve the exercise from left to right since it only has addition and subtraction operations:
\( 3+4-1+40= \)
What is the missing sign?
\( 4+7-3+1-5 \)
\( 4+(7-3+1-5) \)
According to the rules of the order of arithmetic operations, we solve the exercise from left to right since it only has addition and subtraction operations:
What is the missing sign?
First, we solve the exercise:
According to the rules of the order of operations, we solve the exercise from left to right:
Now we solve the exercise:
According to the rules of the order of operations, we first solve the parentheses and then we will join: