Examples with solutions for Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division: Only addition and subtraction

Exercise #1

3+21= 3+2-1=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the rules of the order of operations, given that the exercise only involves subtraction and addition operations, we solve the exercise from left to right:

3+2=5 3+2=5

51=4 5-1=4



Exercise #2

9+31= 9+3-1=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the rules of the order of arithmetic operations, we will work to solve the exercise from left to right:




And this is the solution!


11 11

Exercise #3


93+42 9-3+4-2

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the rules of the order of operations, we will solve the exercise from left to right since it only has addition and subtraction operations:

93=6 9-3=6

6+4=10 6+4=10

102=8 10-2=8



Exercise #4

7+5+2+1= -7+5+2+1=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the rules of the order of arithmetic operations, we solve the exercise from left to right since it only has addition and subtraction operations:

7+5=2 -7+5=-2

2+2=0 -2+2=0

0+1=1 0+1=1


1 1

Exercise #5

3+41+40= 3+4-1+40=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

According to the rules of the order of arithmetic operations, we solve the exercise from left to right since it only has addition and subtraction operations:

3+4=7 3+4=7

71=6 7-1=6

6+40=46 6+40=46


46 46

Exercise #6

100+5100+5 100+5-100+5

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

100+5100+5=105100+5=5+5=10 100+5-100+5=105-100+5=5+5=10



Exercise #7

What is the missing sign?

4+73+15 4+7-3+1-5


4+(73+15) 4+(7-3+1-5)

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

First, we solve the exercise:

4+73+15= 4+7-3+1-5 =

According to the rules of the order of operations, we solve the exercise from left to right:

4+7=11 4+7=11

113=8 11-3=8

8+1=9 8+1=9

95=4 9-5=4

Now we solve the exercise:

4+(73+15)= 4+(7-3+1-5) =

According to the rules of the order of operations, we first solve the parentheses and then we will join:

(73+15)= (7-3+1-5)=

(4+15)= (4+1-5)=

(55)=0 (5-5)=0

4+0=4 4+0=4


4=4 4=4


= =