Examples with solutions for Multiplication of Decimal Fractions: Finding the decimal point

Exercise #1

Given the following exercise, find the correct place of the decimal point:

0.3×2.15=0645 0.3\times2.15=0645

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

In the number -0.3, there is one digit after the decimal point, 3

In the number 2.15, there are two digits after the decimal point, 15

Therefore, we have three digits after the decimal point.

So, from our result, we will count three decimal places and find that the answer is -0.645


0.645 0.645

Exercise #2

Given the following exercise, find the correct place of the decimal point:

3.5×2.4=840 3.5\times2.4=840

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

In the number -3.5, there is one digit after the decimal point, 5

In the number 2.4, there is one digit after the decimal point, 4

In other words, we have two digits after the decimal point.

Therefore, from our result, we will count three decimal places and find that the answer is 8.40


8.40 \text{8}.40

Exercise #3

Given the following exercise, find the correct place of the decimal point:

6.13×2.05=125665 6.13\times2.05=125665

Video Solution


12.5665 12.5665

Exercise #4

Given the following exercise, find the correct place of the decimal point:

3.751×0.5=18755 3.751\times0.5=18755

Video Solution


1.8755 1.8755

Exercise #5

Find the correct place of the decimal point:

1.35×2.47=33345 1.35\times2.47=33345

Video Solution


3.3345 3.3345

Exercise #6

Given the following exercise, find the correct place of the decimal point:

2.5×0.13=0325 2.5\times0.13=0325

Video Solution


0.325 \text{0}.325

Exercise #7

Given the following exercise, find the correct place of the decimal point:

0.05×0.8=004 0.05\times0.8=004

Video Solution


0.040 0.040

Exercise #8

Given the following exercise, find the correct place of the decimal point:

0.2×0.55=011 0.2\times0.55=011

Video Solution


0.110 0.110