Examples with solutions for Area of the Square: Calculate The Missing Side based on the formula

Exercise #1

252525101010The two squares above are similar.

If the area of the small square is 25, then how long are its sides?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

The area of the large square is:
102=100 10^2=100

The area of the small square is 25.

10025=4 \frac{100}{25}=4

The square root of 4 is equal to 2.

We will call X the length of the side:

10x=2 \frac{10}{x}=2

2x=10 2x=10

x=5 x=5



Exercise #2

A square has an area of 16.

How long are its sides?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Remember that the area of a square is equal to the side of the square squared

The formula for the area of a square is:

S=a2 S=a^2

Let's calculate the area of the square:

16=a2 16=a^2

Let's take the square root:

16=a \sqrt{16}=a

4=a 4=a


4 4

Exercise #3

A square has an area of 36.

How long are its sides?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Remember that the area of a square is equal to the side of the square squared

The formula for the area of a square is:

S=a2 S=a^2

Let's calculate the area of the square:

36=a2 36=a^2

Let's take the square root:

36=a \sqrt{36}=a

6=a 6=a


6 6

Exercise #4

A square has an area of 81.

How long are its sides?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Remember that the area of a square is equal to the side of the square raised to the second power.

Formula for the area of the square:

A=L2 A=L^2

We calculate the area of the square:

81=L2 81=L^2

We calculate the root:

81=a \sqrt{81}=a

9=a 9=a


9 9

Exercise #5

A square has an area of 64.

How long are its sides?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Remember that the area of a square is equal to the side of the square raised to the second power.

Now we substitute the data into the formula:

64=L2 64=L^2

Then, we calculate the square root:

64=L \sqrt{64}=L

L=8 L=8


8 8

Exercise #6

A square has an area of 100.

How long are its sides?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Remember that the area of the square is equal to the side of the square raised to the 2nd power.

We substitute the data into the formula:

100=L2 100=L^2

Then we calculate the root:

100=L \sqrt{100}=L

L=10 L=10


10 10

Exercise #7

A square has an area of 144.

How long are its sides?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Remember that the area of a square is equal to the side of the square raised to the 2nd power.

We replace the data in the formula:

144=L2 144=L^2

Then we calculate the root:

144=L \sqrt{144}=L

L=12 L=12


12 12

Exercise #8

A square has an area of 25.

How long are its sides?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Remember that the area of a square is equal to the side of the square raised to the 2nd power.

Now, we replace the data in the formula:

25=L2 25=L^2

We extract the square root:

25=L \sqrt{25}=L

L=5 L=5


5 5

Exercise #9

A square has an area of 1.

How long are its sides?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Remember that the area of the square is equal to the side of the square raised to the 2nd power.

Now, we replace the data in the formula:

1=L2 1=L^2

We extract the root:

1=L \sqrt{1}=L

L=1 L=1


1 1

Exercise #10

A square has an area of 49.

How long are its sides?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Since the area of the square is equal to the side raised to the 2nd power, we use the formula to find the side:

49=a2 49=a^2

a=7 a=7


7 7

Exercise #11

A square has an area of 121.

How long are it sides?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Remember that the area of the square is equal to the side of the square raised to the 2nd power.

Now we replace the data in the formula:

121=L2 121=L^2

We extract the root:

121=L \sqrt{121}=L

L=11 L=11


11 11

Exercise #12

A square has an area of 169.

How long are its sides?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Remember that the area of a square is equal to the side of the square raised to the 2nd power.

We substitute the data into the formula:

169=L2 169=L^2

We calculate the root:

169=a \sqrt{169}=a

L=13 L=13


13 13

Exercise #13

A square has an area of 400.

How long are its sides?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

The area of the square is equal to the length of the square raised to the second power.

That is:

A=L2 A=L^2

Since we know that the area of the square is equal to 400, we perform the formula as follows:

400=L2 400=L^2

We solve the square root:

400=L \sqrt{400}=L

L=20 L=20

The side of the square is equal to 20.


20 20

Exercise #14

A square has an area of 900.

Ho long are its sides?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Remember that the area of a square is equal to the side of the square raised to the 2nd power.

Now, we replace the data in the formula:

900=L2 900=L^2

We extract the root:

900=L \sqrt{900}=L

L=30 L=30


30 30

Exercise #15

Below is a square with an area of 9.

How long are the sides of the square?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Remember that the area of the square is equal to the side of the square raised to the second power.

The formula for the area of the square is:

A=L2 A=L^2

We calculate the area of the square:

9=a2 9=a^2

We extract the root:

9=L \sqrt{9}=L

3=L 3=L


3 3

Exercise #16

A square has an area equal to 4.

How long are its sides?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Remember that the area of the square is equal to the side of the square raised to the second power.

The formula for the area of the square is:

A=L2 A=L^2

We calculate the area of the square:

4=L2 4=L^2

We extract the square root:

4=L \sqrt{4}=L

2=L 2=L


2 2

Exercise #17

Calculate the side of a square that has an area equal to 25.

Video Solution



Exercise #18

How long are the sides of a square that has an area of 16?

Video Solution



Exercise #19

How long are the sides of a square if its area is equal to 100?

Video Solution



Exercise #20

How long are the sides of a square if its area is equal to 256?

Video Solution
