Examples with solutions for Area of the Square: Worded problems

Exercise #1

In the figure in front of you there are 3 squares

Write down the area of the shape in potential notation


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Step-by-Step Solution

Using the formula for the area of a square whose side is b:

S=b2 S=b^2 In the picture, we are presented with three squares whose sides from left to right have a length of 6, 3, and 4 respectively:

Therefore the areas are:

S1=32,S2=62,S3=42 S_1=3^2,\hspace{4pt}S_2=6^2,\hspace{4pt}S_3=4^2 square units respectively,

Consequently the total area of the shape, composed of the three squares, is as follows:

Stotal=S1+S2+S3=32+62+42 S_{\text{total}}=S_1+S_2+S_3=3^2+6^2+4^2 square units

To conclude, we recognise through the rules of substitution and addition that the correct answer is answer C.


62+42+32 6^2+4^2+3^2

Exercise #2

The length of the side of the square x+1 x+1 cm


We extend one side by 1 cm and shorten an adjacent side by 1 cm, and we obtain a rectangle.

What is the area of the square?

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x2+2x+1 x^2+2x+1

Exercise #3

In a square-shaped recreation space, they want to paint part of it white so that the shape of the white paint is triangular.

The length of the play area is 6 meters

one box of paint is required for each meter of paint.

How many buckets of paint do you need to paint the triangular area?


Video Solution


18 paint boxes

Exercise #4

The length of the side of the square x+1 x+1 cm


We extend one side by 1 cm and shorten an adjacent side by 1 cm, and we obtain a rectangle.

What is the area of the rectangle?

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x2+2x x^2+2x

Exercise #5

The length of the square is equal to x x cm

(x>1) We extend one side by 3 cm and shorten an adjacent side by 1 cm and we obtain a rectangle,

What is the length of the side of the given square if it is known that the two areas are equal?

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x=32cm x=\frac{3}{2}cm

Exercise #6

The square below has an area of 36.


Calculate x.


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x=5 x=5

Exercise #7

The side length of a square is X cm


We extend one side by 3 cm and shorten an adjacent side by 3 cm, and we get a rectangle.

Which shape has a larger area?

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The square

Exercise #8

If we increase the side of a cube by 6, how many times will the volume of the cube increase?

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63 6^3

Exercise #9

At the vertices of a square with sides measuring y cm, 4 squares are drawn with lengths of x cm.

What is the area of the shape?


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4x2+y2 4x^2+y^2