Examples with solutions for Using the Pythagorean Theorem: The Perimeter of a Triangle

Exercise #1

Look at the triangle in the figure.

What is its perimeter?


Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

In order to find the perimeter of a triangle, we first need to find all of its sides.

Two sides have already been given leaving only one remaining side to find.

We can use the Pythagorean Theorem.
AB2+BC2=AC2 AB^2+BC^2=AC^2
We insert all of the known data:

AC2=72+32 AC^2=7^2+3^2
AC2=49+9=58 AC^2=49+9=58
We extract the square root:

AC=58 AC=\sqrt{58}
Now that we have all of the sides, we can add them up and thus find the perimeter:
58+7+3=58+10 \sqrt{58}+7+3=\sqrt{58}+10


10+58 10+\sqrt{58} cm

Exercise #2

Look at the triangle in the figure.

What is the length of the hypotenuse given that its perimeter is 12+45 12+4\sqrt{5} cm?


Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

We calculate the perimeter of the triangle:

12+45=4+AC+BC 12+4\sqrt{5}=4+AC+BC

As we want to find the hypotenuse (BC), we isolate it:

12+454AC=BC 12+4\sqrt{5}-4-AC=BC

BC=8+45AC BC=8+4\sqrt{5}-AC

Then calculate AC using the Pythagorean theorem:

AB2+AC2=BC2 AB^2+AC^2=BC^2

42+AC2=(8+45AC)2 4^2+AC^2=(8+4\sqrt{5}-AC)^2

16+AC2=(8+45)22×AC(8+45)+AC2 16+AC^2=(8+4\sqrt{5})^2-2\times AC(8+4\sqrt{5})+AC^2

We then simplify the two:AC2 AC^2

16=82+2×8×45+(45)22×8×AC2AC45 16=8^2+2\times8\times4\sqrt{5}+(4\sqrt{5})^2-2\times8\times AC-2AC4\sqrt{5}

16=64+645+16×516AC85AC 16=64+64\sqrt{5}+16\times5-16AC-8\sqrt{5}AC

16AC+85AC=64+645+16×516 16AC+8\sqrt{5}AC=64+64\sqrt{5}+16\times5-16

AC(16+85)=128+645 AC(16+8\sqrt{5})=128+64\sqrt{5}

AC=128+64516+85=8(16+85)16+85 AC=\frac{128+64\sqrt{5}}{16+8\sqrt{5}}=\frac{8(16+8\sqrt{5})}{16+8\sqrt{5}}

We simplify to obtain:

AC=8 AC=8

Now we can replace AC with the value we found for BC:

BC=8+45AC BC=8+4\sqrt{5}-AC

BC=8+458=45 BC=8+4\sqrt{5}-8=4\sqrt{5}


45 4\sqrt{5} cm

Exercise #3

The perimeter of a triangle is 12 cm.

What are the lengths of its legs?


Video Solution


3 cm, 4 cm