Examples with solutions for The Distributive Property for 7th Grade: Introducing factorization

Exercise #1

Which equation is the same as the following?

13×29 13\times29

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

We solve each of the options and keep in mind the order of arithmetic operations: calculation of the operation within parentheses, multiplication and division (from left to right), addition and subtraction (from left to right).


(10+3)×(301)=13×29 (10+3)\times(30-1)=13\times29


10×3×30×1=30×30×1=900 10\times3\times30\times1=30\times30\times1=900


(10×3)×30=13×30 (10\times3)\times30=13\times30


10×3+29=30+29=59 10\times3+29=30+29=59

Therefore, the answer is option A.


(10+3)×(301) (10+3)\times(30-1)

Exercise #2

Which equation is the same as the following?

36×4 36\times4

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

We solve each of the options and keep in mind the order of operations: calculation of the operation within parentheses, multiplication and division (from left to right), addition and subtraction (from left to right).


36+4=40 36+4=40


4×(30+6)=4×36 4\times(30+6)=4\times36


404+4=36+4=40 40-4+4=36+4=40


4×30+6=120+6=126 4\times30+6=120+6=126

Therefore, the answer is option B.


4×(30+6) 4\times(30+6)

Exercise #3

Which equation is the same as the following?

3×83 3\times83

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

We solve each of the options and keep in mind the order of arithmetic operations: calculation of the operation within parentheses, multiplication and division (from left to right), addition and subtraction (from left to right).


3×8×3=24×3=72 3\times8\times3=24\times3=72


(2+1)×(80+3)=3×83 (2+1)\times(80+3)=3\times83


3+(80+3)=3+83 3+(80+3)=3+83


3+83=86 3+83=86

Therefore, the answer is option B.


(2+1)×(80+3) (2+1)\times(80+3)

Exercise #4

Which equation is the same as the following?

14×42 14\times42

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

We solve each of the options and keep in mind the order of operations: calculation of the operation within parentheses, multiplication and division (from left to right), addition and subtraction (from left to right).


10+4+40+2=14+42=36 10+4+40+2=14+42=36


(10×4)+(40×2)=40+80 (10\times4)+(40\times2)=40+80


(10+4)×(40+2)=14×42 (10+4)\times(40+2)=14\times42


10×4×40×2=40×40×2=160×2=360 10\times4\times40\times2=40\times40\times2=160\times2=360

Therefore, the answer is option C.


(10+4)×(40+2) (10+4)\times(40+2)

Exercise #5

Which equation is the same as the following?

160×6 160\times6

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

We solve each of the options and keep in mind the order of operations: calculation of the operation inside parentheses, multiplication and division (from left to right), addition and subtraction (from left to right).


160+6=166 160+6=166


(100×60)×6=6,000×6 (100\times60)\times6=6,000\times6


(100+60)+(3+3)=160+6 (100+60)+(3+3)=160+6


(100+60)×(3+3)=160×6 (100+60)\times(3+3)=160\times6

Therefore, the answer is option D.


(100+60)×(3+3) (100+60)\times(3+3)

Exercise #6

Which equation is the same as the following?

34×11 34\times11

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

We solve each of the options and keep in mind the order of operations: calculation of the operation within parentheses, multiplication and division (from left to right), addition and subtraction (from left to right).


(30+4)+11=34+11 (30+4)+11=34+11


30×4×11=120×11=1,320 30\times4\times11=120\times11=1,320


(30+4)+10+1=34+11 (30+4)+10+1=34+11


(30+4)×(10+1)=34×11 (30+4)\times(10+1)=34\times11

Therefore, the answer is option D.


(30+4)×(10+1) (30+4)\times(10+1)

Exercise #7

Which equation is the same as the following?

39×19 39\times19

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

We solve each of the options and keep in mind the order of operations: calculation of the operation within parentheses, multiplication and division (from left to right), addition and subtraction (from left to right).


(30×9)+(10×9)=270+90 (30×9)+(10×9)= 270+90


(30+9)×(10×9)=39×90 (30+9)×(10×9)= 39×90


(401)×(201)=39×19 (40-1)×(20-1)= 39×19


(401)+(20×1)=39+20 (40-1)+(20×1)= 39+20

Therefore, the answer is option C.


(401)×(201) (40-1)\times(20-1)

Exercise #8

Which equation is the same as the following factored equation?

(5+1)×(500+30+2) (5+1)\times(500+30+2)

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Given that we have two exercises in parentheses, we know that each of them represents a number.

Therefore, what we will do is solve the exercises in parentheses to reveal which two numbers we are multiplying:

5+1=6 5+1=6

500+30=530+2=532 500+30=530+2=532

Now we get the exercise:

6×532 6\times532


6×532 6\times532

Exercise #9

Which equation is the same as the following?

(10+6)×(70+3) (10+6)\times(70+3)

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's keep in mind that each set of parentheses represent a number.

That is, if we solve the exercises within parentheses we will get a multiplication exercise of two numbers.

We solve each of the exercises within parentheses to reveal what the numbers are:

10+6=16 10+6=16

70+3=73 70+3=73

That is, the exercise we obtained is the multiplication between two numbers:

16×73 16\times73


16×73 16\times73

Exercise #10

Which equation is the same as the following?

(400+20)×(4+1) (400+20)\times(4+1)

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's consider that each set of parentheses represent a number.

That is, if we solve the exercises within parentheses we will obtain a multiplication exercise of two numbers.

We solve each of the exercises within parentheses to reveal what the numbers are:

400+20=420 400+20=420

4+1=5 4+1=5

That is, the exercise we obtained is the multiplication between two numbers:

420×5 420\times5


420×5 420\times5

Exercise #11

Which equation is the same as the following?

(2+1)×(60+2) (2+1)\times(60+2)

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's keep in mind that we have been given a multiplication exercise between two parentheses.

Each set of parentheses represents a number. If we solve the exercises within the parentheses, we will reveal what the two numbers are between which there is a multiplication exercise:

2+1=3 2+1=3

60+2=62 60+2=62

That is, the multiplication exercise we obtained is:

3×62 3\times62


3×62 3\times62

Exercise #12

Which equation is the same as the following?

52×2×62 52\times2\times62

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

We solve each of the options and keep in mind the order of operations: calculation of the operation within parentheses, multiplication and division (from left to right), addition and subtraction (from left to right).


50×2×60=100×60=6,000 50\times2\times60=100\times60=6,000


(50+2)+(2+60+2)=52+64 (50+2)+(2+60+2)=52+64


(2×3)+60+60=6+120 (2\times3)+60+60=6+120


(50+2)×2×(60+2)=52×2×62 (50+2)\times2\times(60+2)=52\times2\times62

Therefore, the answer is option D.


(50+2)×2×(60+2) (50+2)\times2\times(60+2)

Exercise #13

Which equation is the same as the following?

(30+2)×(10+4) (30+2)\times(10+4)

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's keep in mind that each set of parentheses represents a number.

That is, if we solve the exercises within the parentheses, we will get a multiplication exercise of two numbers.

We solve each of the exercises within the parentheses to reveal what the numbers are:

30+2=32 30+2=32

10+4=14 10+4=14

That is, the exercise we obtained is the multiplication between two numbers:

32×14 32\times14


32×14 32\times14

Exercise #14

Which equation is the same as the following?

3×(20+3)×(20+5) 3\times(20+3)\times(20+5)

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's consider that each set of parentheses represents a number.

That is, if we solve the exercises within the parentheses, we will get a multiplication exercise of three numbers. We can't simplify the 3 so it does not get factored.

We solve each of the exercises within the parentheses to reveal what the numbers are:

20+3=23 20+3=23

20+5=25 20+5=25

That is, the exercise we obtained is the multiplication between three numbers:

3×23×25 3\times23\times25


3×23×25 3\times23\times25

Exercise #15

What expression does the 19:8 exercise equal?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let us begin by decomposing 19 into a subtraction exercise:

(201):8= (20-1):8=

Next we divide each term inside of the parentheses by 8:

20:81:8= 20:8-1:8=

We can see that answers C+D can be discarded since we divided 20 by 8.

Now we write the division exercise on the right as a fraction and we get:

20:818 20:8-\frac{1}{8}


20:8 and we subtract 18 \frac{1}{8}

Exercise #16

74×13= 74\times13=

Which of the expressions represents a correct breakdown of the exercise above?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

First, we break down 74 into a subtraction exercise as follows:

(806)×13= (80-6)\times13=

Next we multiply each of the terms inside the parentheses by 13 and obtain the following:

80×136×13 80\times13-6\times13


80 X 13 - 6 X 13

Exercise #17

Which expression is the exercise 29X28 equal to?

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

We begin by breaking down 29 into a subtraction exercise:

(301)×28= (30-1)\times28=

We then multiply each term inside the parentheses by 28 and we obtain the following:

30×281×28= 30\times28-1\times28=

Let's observe the multiplication exercise on the right and remember that each term multiplied by 1 is equal to the term itself.

That is:

30×2828 30\times28-28


30X28 less 28

Exercise #18

Which exercise does the following decomposition represent?

2×(10+2)×(20+2) 2\times(10+2)\times(20+2)

Video Solution


2×12×22 2\times12\times22