Solving Equations by Factoring - Examples, Exercises and Solutions

To solve equations through factorization, we must transpose all the elements to one side of the equation and leave 0 0 on the other side.
Why? Because after factoring, we will have 0 0 as the product.

Let's remember the following property

The product of two numbers equals 0 0 when, at least, one of them is 0 0 .
If  x×y=0x\times y=0
either: x=0x=0
or: y=0y=0
or both are equal to 0 0 .

Steps to carry out to solve equations through factorization

  • Let's move all the elements to one side of the equation and leave 0 0 on the other.
  • Let's factor using one of the methods we have learned: by taking out the common factor, with shortcut multiplication formulas, or with trinomials.
  • Let's find out when the elements achieve a product equivalent to 0 0 .

Suggested Topics to Practice in Advance

  1. Factoring using contracted multiplication
  2. Factorization
  3. Extracting the common factor in parentheses
  4. Factorization: Common factor extraction
  5. Factoring Trinomials
  6. Algebraic Fractions
  7. Simplifying Algebraic Fractions
  8. Factoring Algebraic Fractions
  9. Addition and Subtraction of Algebraic Fractions
  10. Multiplication and Division of Algebraic Fractions

Practice Solving Equations by Factoring

Examples with solutions for Solving Equations by Factoring

Exercise #1

Find the value of the parameter x.

(x5)2=0 (x-5)^2=0

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

We will factor using the shortened multiplication formulas:

a2b2=(ab)(a+b) a^2-b^2=(a-b)(a+b) (ab)2=a22ab+b2 (a-b)^2=a^2-2ab+b^2

(a+b)2=a2+2ab+b2 (a+b)^2=a^2+2ab+b^2

Let's remember that there might be more than one solution for the value of x.

According to one solution, we'll take the square root:

(x5)2=0 (x-5)^2=0

x5=0 x-5=0

x=5 x=5

According to the second solution, we'll use the shortened multiplication formula:

(x5)2=x210x+25=0 (x-5)^2=x^2-10x+25=0

We'll use the trinomial:

(x5)(x5)=0 (x-5)(x-5)=0

x5=0 x-5=0

x=5 x=5


x5=0 x-5=0

x=5 x=5

Therefore, according to all calculations, x=5 x=5


x=5 x=5

Exercise #2

Find the value of the parameter x.

x225=0 x^2-25=0

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

We will factor using the shortened multiplication formulas:

a2b2=(ab)(a+b) a^2-b^2=(a-b)(a+b) (ab)2=a22ab+b2 (a-b)^2=a^2-2ab+b^2

(a+b)2=a2+2ab+b2 (a+b)^2=a^2+2ab+b^2

Let's remember that there might be more than one solution for the value of x.

According to the first formula:

x2=a2 x^2=a^2

We'll take the square root:

x=a x=a

25=b2 25=b^2

We'll take the square root:

b=5 b=5

We'll use the first shortened multiplication formula:

a2b2=(ab)(a+b) a^2-b^2=(a-b)(a+b)

x225=(x5)(x+5)=0 x^2-25=(x-5)(x+5)=0


x+5=0 x+5=0

x=5 x=-5


x5=0 x-5=0

x=5 x=5


x=5,x=5 x=5,x=-5

Exercise #3

Find the value of the parameter x.

2x27x+5=0 2x^2-7x+5=0

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

We will factor using trinomials, remembering that there is more than one solution for the value of X:

2x27x+5=0 2x^2-7x+5=0

We will factor -7X into two numbers whose product is 10:

2x25x2x+5=0 2x^2-5x-2x+5=0

We will factor out a common factor:

2x(x1)5(x1)=0 2x(x-1)-5(x-1)=0

(2x5)(x1)=0 (2x-5)(x-1)=0


x1=0 x-1=0 x=1 x=1


2x5=0 2x-5=0

2x=5 2x=5

x=2.5 x=2.5


x=1,x=2.5 x=1,x=2.5

Exercise #4

Find the value of the parameter x.

x27x12=0 -x^2-7x-12=0

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

First, we'll factor using trinomials and remember that there might be more than one solution for the value of x:

x27x12=0 -x^2-7x-12=0

We'll divide by minus 1:

x2+7x+12=0 x^2+7x+12=0

(x+3)(x+4)=0 (x+3)(x+4)=0


x+4=0 x+4=0

x=4 x=-4


x+3=0 x+3=0

x=3 x=-3


x=3,x=4 x=-3,x=-4

Exercise #5

Find the value of the parameter x.

(x4)2+x(x12)=16 (x-4)^2+x(x-12)=16

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's open the parentheses, remembering that there might be more than one solution for the value of X:

(x4)2+x(x12)=16 (x-4)^2+x(x-12)=16

x28x+16+x212x=16 x^2-8x+16+x^2-12x=16

2x220x=0 2x^2-20x=0

2x(x10)=0 2x(x-10)=0


x10=0 x-10=0

x=10 x=10


2x=0 2x=0

x=0 x=0


x=0,x=10 x=0,x=10

Exercise #6

Find the value of the parameter x.

2x(3x)+(x3)2=9 -2x(3-x)+(x-3)^2=9

Video Solution


x=0,x=4 x=0,x=4

Exercise #7

Find the value of the parameter x.

12x39x23x=0 12x^3-9x^2-3x=0

Video Solution


x=0,x=1,x=14 x=0,x=1,x=-\frac{1}{4}

Exercise #8

Find the value of the parameter x.

(x+5)2=0 (x+5)^2=0

Video Solution


x=5 x=-5

Exercise #9

A right triangle is shown below.


Calculate the lengths of the sides of the triangle.


Video Solution


5,12,13 5,12,13

Exercise #10

A right triangle is shown below.


Find the lengths of the sides of the triangle.


Video Solution


6,8,10 6,8,10

Exercise #11

In front of you is a square.

The expressions listed next to the sides describe their length.

( x>-4 length measurements in cm).

Since the area of the square is 36.

Find the lengths of the sides of the square.


Video Solution



Exercise #12

In front of you is a square.

The expressions listed next to the sides describe their length.

( x>-2 length measurements in cm).

Since the area of the square is 16.

Find the lengths of the sides of the square.


Video Solution



Exercise #13

In front of you is an isosceles right triangle.

The expressions listed next to the sides describe their length.

( x>-8 length measurements in cm).

Since the area of the triangle is 32.

Find the lengths of the sides of the triangle.


Video Solution


8,8,82 8,8,8\sqrt{2}

Exercise #14

In front of you is an isosceles right triangle.

The expressions listed next to the sides describe their length.

( x>-5 length measurements in cm).

Since the area of the triangle is 12.5.

Find the lengths of the sides of the triangle.


Video Solution


5,5,52 5,5,5\sqrt{2}

Topics learned in later sections

  1. Uses of Factorization