The key to adding or subtracting algebraic fractions is to make all denominators equal, that is, to find the common denominator.
To do this, we will need to factorize according to the different methods we have learned.
Action steps:
- We will factorize all the denominators we have.
- We will note the common denominator and, in this way, we will know how to meticulously carry out the third step.
- We will multiply each of the numerators by the same number that we need to multiply its denominator in order to reach the common denominator.
- We will write the exercise with a single denominator, the common denominator, and among the numerators, we will keep the same mathematical operations that were in the original exercise.
- After opening the parentheses, it may happen that we encounter another expression that needs to be factorized. We will factorize it and see if we can simplify it.
- We will obtain a common fraction and solve it.