Solve the Two-Digit Multiplication: 29 × 28


Which expression is the exercise 29X28 equal to?

Video Solution

Solution Steps

00:00 Find the expression representing the correct factoring of the exercise
00:03 Let's use the distributive law
00:07 Let's break down 29 to 30 minus 1
00:12 Let's multiply each factor and then subtract
00:32 Let's solve the multiplication and find the expression
00:35 And this is the solution to the question

Step-by-Step Solution

We begin by breaking down 29 into a subtraction exercise:

(301)×28= (30-1)\times28=

We then multiply each term inside the parentheses by 28 and we obtain the following:

30×281×28= 30\times28-1\times28=

Let's observe the multiplication exercise on the right and remember that each term multiplied by 1 is equal to the term itself.

That is:

30×2828 30\times28-28


30X28 less 28