Solve the Fraction Problem: Converting 7 Books ÷ 10 Students to 7/10


Match the following description with the corresponding fraction:

7 books are distributed equally among 10 students.

Step-by-Step Solution

In this problem, we need to determine how to represent the description "7 books are distributed equally among 10 students" as a fraction.

To find out how many books each student receives, we'll take the following steps:

  • Step 1: Identify the quantities given. We have 7 books to distribute.
  • Step 2: Recognize that there are 10 students among whom these books need to be distributed equally.
  • Step 3: Formulate the fraction. Each student receives a fraction of the books described by the number of books divided by the number of students. This is represented by the fraction 710 \frac{7}{10} .

This fraction 710 \frac{7}{10} accurately represents the share of books each student would get if 7 books are distributed equally among 10 students.

Therefore, the correct answer to this problem is 710 \frac{7}{10} .


710 \frac{7}{10}