Find Equivalent Expressions: Solving 36×4 Multiplication


Which equation is the same as the following?

36×4 36\times4

Video Solution

Solution Steps

00:00 Find the expression that represents the correct factorization of the exercise
00:03 Let's use the distributive law
00:06 Let's break down 36 into 30 plus 6
00:13 Let's use the commutative law and arrange the expression
00:16 And this is the solution to the question

Step-by-Step Solution

We solve each of the options and keep in mind the order of operations: calculation of the operation within parentheses, multiplication and division (from left to right), addition and subtraction (from left to right).


36+4=40 36+4=40


4×(30+6)=4×36 4\times(30+6)=4\times36


404+4=36+4=40 40-4+4=36+4=40


4×30+6=120+6=126 4\times30+6=120+6=126

Therefore, the answer is option B.


4×(30+6) 4\times(30+6)