\( 15-(-5)+1?1 \)
Using the number line below select the appropriate sign for the following expression:
\( 2+(-4)+(-4)\text{?}6 \)
\( 5+(-4)+(-2)\text{?}0 \)
\( (-6)+(-7)+13\text{?}0 \)
Fill in the missing sign (?):
\( (-4)+2+(-3)\text{?}5 \)
Making use of the following rule:
Let's rewrite the given exercise in its proper form:
And solve accordingly:
Since 21 is greater than 1, the appropriate sign is:
21 > 1
Using the number line below select the appropriate sign for the following expression:
Let's begin by solving the following equation:
We'll locate the number 2 on the number line, and move 4 steps left from zero (since minus 4 is less than zero):
We reach minus 2.
Now let's move 4 steps left again from minus 2 (since minus 4 is less than zero):
We reach minus 6.
So the correct sign will be:
-6 < 6
Let's first solve the following equation:
Now we will locate the number 5 on the number line and move 4 steps to the left (since minus 4 is less than zero):
This brings us to the number 1.
Now let's move two steps to the left (since minus 2 is less than zero):
This leaves us on the number -1.
Therefore, the solution to the equation is:
The missing sign is:
Let's first solve the equation:
We'll need to locate -6 on the number line and then move 7 steps to the left (since -7 is less than zero):
After doing this, we will have reached the number -13.
Now we'll move 13 steps to the right (since 13 is greater than zero):
After doing this, we will have reached the number 0.
The solution to the equation is:
Therefore, the appropriate sign will be:
Fill in the missing sign (?):
First let's solve the equation:
We'll locate -4 on the number line and move two steps to the right (since 2 is greater than zero):
This takes us to the number -2.
Now let's move three steps to the left (since minus 3 is less than zero):
This takes us to -5.
The solution to the equation is:
Therefore, since is greater than , the missing sign must be: < .
Fill in the missing symbol (?):
\( (-3)+(-4)+(-7)\text{?}-15 \)
\( (-12)+(-2)+4\text{?}-15 \)
Insert the compatible sign:
\( -5-5-5-5?5-15 \)
\( -3+(-3)+(-3)?3+3+3 \)
Fill in the missing sign (?):
\( 13-(-3)+(-4)?12-(-2)-2 \)
Fill in the missing symbol (?):
Let's solve the equation:
We'll first need to locate -3 on the number line and move four steps to the left (since minus 4 is less than zero):
This will bring us to the number -7.
Now let's move seven steps to the left (since minus 7 is less than zero):
This leaves us at the number -13..
The solution to the equation is:
Therefore, the missing sign must be:
Let's first solve the following equation:
We'll then locate -12 on the number line and move two steps to the left (since -2 is less than zero):
This puts us at the number -14.
Now let's move 4 steps to the right (since 4 is greater than zero):
We've reached the number minus 10.
Therefore, the solution to the equation is:
The appropriate sign will be:
Insert the compatible sign:
Let's recall the laws:
We'll solve the left side first:
Now let's solve the right side:
Since the right side is larger, the appropriate sign will be:
-20 < -10
Let's remember the laws:
We'll solve the left side first.
Let's write the exercise in the appropriate form:
We'll solve the exercise from left to right:
Now let's solve the right side:
Since the right side is larger, the appropriate sign will be:
-9 < 9
Fill in the missing sign (?):
Let's solve the left side first, remembering the following rules:
Now, let's rewrite the expression in the appropriate form:
Let's now solve the expression from left to right:
Next, we will solve the right-hand side, using the laws we covered earlier.
Let's now rewrite the expression in the appropriate form:
Now, we can solve the expression from left to right:
Since both sides are equal, the appropriate sign is:
\( 10-(-2)-3?4-(-4) \)
\( -2-(-2)+3?4-(-2) \)
First we need to remember the following laws:
We'll solve the left side first.
Let's rewrite the expression in the appropriate form:
Next, we'll solve the exercise from left to right:
Now let's solve the right-hand side, using the laws we reminded ourselves of earlier.
We'll then rewrite the expression in the appropriate form and solve:
Since the left-hand side is larger, the appropriate sign will be:
9 > 8
Let's solve the left side first.
Let's remember the rule:
Let's write the exercise in the appropriate form:
On the number line, we'll locate negative 2 and move two steps to the right (since 2 is greater than zero):
We can see that we reached the number 0, and now we'll move three more steps to the right (since 3 is greater than zero):
We can see that we reached the number 3.
Now let's solve the right side:
Again, let's remember the rule:
Let's write the exercise in the appropriate form and solve it:
Now we can see that the right side is greater than the left side, therefore:
3 < 6