Examples with solutions for All Operations in Signed Numbers: Complete the equation

Exercise #1

?:128=24 ?:-12\cdot8=-24

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's factor 24 into a multiplication exercise:

?:12×8=8×3 ?:-12\times8=-8\times3

We'll simplify the 8 in both terms and get:

?:12=3 ?:-12=-3

Let's multiply by negative 12:

?12×12=3×12 \frac{?}{-12}\times-12=-3\times-12

We'll simplify between negative 12 and get:

?=3×12 ?=-3\times-12

Let's note that we are multiplying two negative numbers, so the result will necessarily be a positive number:

?=+36 ?=+36


36 36

Exercise #2

66:3:?=24 -6\cdot6:-3:?=24

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's write the exercise in the following form:

6×63:?=24 \frac{-6\times6}{-3}:?=24

We'll factor the 6 in the numerator into a multiplication exercise:

3×2×63:?=24 \frac{-3\times2\times6}{-3}:?=24

We'll cancel out the minus 3 found in the numerator and denominator of the fraction and get:

12:?=24 12:?=24

We'll multiply the question mark:

12=24×? 12=24\times?

We'll divide by 24:

1224=? \frac{12}{24}=?

We'll factor 24 into a multiplication exercise:

1212×2=? \frac{12}{12\times2}=\text{?}

We'll cancel out the 12 in the numerator and denominator of the fraction:

12=? \frac{1}{2}=\text{?}


12 \frac{1}{2}

Exercise #3

20:?4=80 20:?\cdot-4=-80

Video Solution


1 1

Exercise #4

97:?=3 -9\cdot-7:?=-3

Video Solution


21 -21

Exercise #5

?438:9=5 \frac{\text{?}}{-4}\cdot38:-9=-5

Video Solution


9019 -\frac{90}{19}