Examples with solutions for Converting Decimal Fractions to Simple Fractions and Mixed Numbers: Find the missing number

Exercise #1

Circle the number equal to 191000 \frac{19}{1000}

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's write the simple fraction as a decimal fraction:

19.0 19.0

Since the fraction divides by 1000, we move the decimal point three places to the left:

.0190 .0190

We'll add a zero before the decimal point and get:

0.0190=0.019 0.0190=0.019



Exercise #2

Circle the number equal to 140 \frac{1}{40}

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's multiply the numerator and denominator by a number that will help us reach 1000 in the denominator:

1×2540×25=251000 \frac{1\times25}{40\times25}=\frac{25}{1000}

We'll write the simple fraction as a decimal fraction:

25.0 25.0

Since we're dividing by 10, the decimal point will move three places to the left, so we'll get:

.0250 .0250

We'll add the 0 before the decimal point and get:

0.0250=0.025 0.0250=0.025



Exercise #3

Circle the number equal to 12 \frac{1}{2}

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's multiply both the numerator and denominator by a number that will help us reach 10 in the denominator:

1×52×5=510 \frac{1\times5}{2\times5}=\frac{5}{10}

We'll write the simple fraction as a decimal fraction:

5.0 5.0

Since we're dividing by 10, the decimal point will move one place to the left, so we'll get:

.50 .50

We'll add the 0 before the decimal point and get:

0.50=0.5 0.50=0.5



Exercise #4

Circle the number equal to 741000 \frac{74}{1000}

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's write the simple fraction as a decimal fraction:

74.0 74.0

Since the fraction divides by 1000, we move the decimal point three places to the left:

.0740 .0740

We'll add a zero before the decimal point and get:

0.0740=0.074 0.0740=0.074



Exercise #5

Circle the number equal to 320 \frac{3}{20}

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

We will multiply the numerator and denominator by a number that will help us reach 100 in the denominator:

3×520×5=15100 \frac{3\times5}{20\times5}=\frac{15}{100}

Let's write the simple fraction as a decimal fraction:

15.0 15.0

Since we are dividing by 100, the decimal point will move two places to the left, so we get:

.150 .150

We'll add the 0 before the decimal point and get:

0.150=0.15 0.150=0.15



Exercise #6

Circle the number equal to 310 \frac{3}{10}

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's write the simple fraction as a decimal fraction:

3.0 3.0

Since the fraction divides by 10, we move the decimal point one place to the left:

.30 .30

We add a zero before the decimal point and get:

0.30=0.3 0.30=0.3



Exercise #7

Circle the number equal to 1525 \frac{15}{25}

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's multiply both the numerator and denominator by a number that will help us reach 100 in the denominator:

15×425×4=60100 \frac{15\times4}{25\times4}=\frac{60}{100}

We'll write the simple fraction as a decimal fraction:

60.0 60.0

Since we're dividing by 010, the decimal point will move two places to the left, so we'll get:

.600 .600

We'll add the 0 before the decimal point and get:

0.600=0.6 0.600=0.6



Exercise #8

Circle the number equal to 60300 \frac{60}{300}

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's divide both the numerator and the denominator by a number that will help us reach 100 in the denominator:

60:3300:3=20100 \frac{60:3}{300:3}=\frac{20}{100}

We'll write the simple fraction as a decimal fraction:

20.0 20.0

Since we're dividing by 100, the decimal point will move two places to the left, so we'll get:

.20 .20

We'll add the 0 before the decimal point and get:

0.20=0.2 0.20=0.2



Exercise #9

Circle the number equal to 73100 \frac{73}{100}

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's write the simple fraction as a decimal fraction:

73.0 73.0

Since the fraction divides by 100, we move the decimal point two places to the left:

.730 .730

We'll add a zero before the decimal point and get:

0.730=0.73 0.730=0.73



Exercise #10

Circle the number equal to 225 \frac{2}{25}

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

We will multiply the numerator and the denominator by a number that will help us reach 100 in the denominator:

2×425×4=8100 \frac{2\times4}{25\times4}=\frac{8}{100}

Let's write the simple fraction as a decimal fraction:

8.0 8.0

Since we are dividing by 100, the decimal point will move two places to the left, so we get:

.080 .080

We'll add the 0 before the decimal point and get:

0.080=0.08 0.080=0.08



Exercise #11

Circle the number equal to 910 \frac{9}{10}

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's write the simple fraction as a decimal fraction:

9.0 9.0

Since the fraction divides by 10, we move the decimal point one place to the left:

.90 .90

We add a zero before the decimal point and get:

0.90=0.9 0.90=0.9



Exercise #12

Circle the number equal to 85100 \frac{85}{100}

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's write the simple fraction as a decimal fraction:

85.0 85.0

Since the fraction divides by 100, we move the decimal point two places to the left:

.850 .850

We add a zero before the decimal point and get:

0.850=0.85 0.850=0.85


0.85 0.85

Exercise #13

Circle the number equal to 615 \frac{6}{15}

Video Solution



Exercise #14

Circle the number equal to 2450 \frac{24}{50}

Video Solution



Exercise #15

Mark the number equal to 0.012

Video Solution


121000 \frac{12}{1000}