Examples with solutions for Converting Decimal Fractions to Simple Fractions and Mixed Numbers: Convert a fraction with a denominator greater than 100 to a decimal

Exercise #1

Convert into fraction form:

0.041= 0.041=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's pay attention to where the decimal point is located in the number.


One number after the zero represents tens

Two numbers after the zero represent hundreds

Three numbers after the zero represent thousands

And so on

In this case, there are three numbers after the zero, so the number is divided by 1000

Let's write the fraction in the following way:

00411000 \frac{0041}{1000}

We'll then proceed to remove the unnecessary zeros as follows:

411000 \frac{41}{1000}


411000 \frac{41}{1000}

Exercise #2

Convert into fraction form:

0.013= 0.013=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's pay attention to where the decimal point is located in the number.


One number after the zero represents tens

Two numbers after the zero represent hundreds

Three numbers after the zero represent thousands

And so on

In this case, there are three numbers after the zero, so the number is divided by 1000

Let's write the fraction in the following way:

00131000 \frac{0013}{1000}

We'll then proceed to remove the unnecessary zeros as follows:

131000 \frac{13}{1000}


131000 \frac{13}{1000}

Exercise #3

Convert into fraction form:

0.021= 0.021=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's pay attention to where the decimal point is located in the number.


One number after the zero represents tens

Two numbers after the zero represent hundreds

Three numbers after the zero represent thousands

And so on

In this case, there are three numbers after the zero, so the number is divided by 1000

Let's write the fraction in the following way:

00211000 \frac{0021}{1000}

We'll then proceed to remove the unnecessary zeros as follows:

211000 \frac{21}{1000}


211000 \frac{21}{1000}

Exercise #4

Convert into fraction form:

0.019= 0.019=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's pay attention to where the decimal point is located in the number.


One number after the zero represents tens

Two numbers after the zero represent hundreds

Three numbers after the zero represent thousands

And so on

In this case, there are three numbers after the zero, so the number is divided by 1000

Let's write the fraction in the following way:

00191000 \frac{0019}{1000}

We'll then remove the unnecessary zeros as follows:

191000 \frac{19}{1000}


191000 \frac{19}{1000}

Exercise #5

Convert into fraction form:

0.012= 0.012=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's pay attention to where the decimal point is located in the number.


One number after the zero represents tens

Two numbers after the zero represent hundreds

Three numbers after the zero represent thousands

And so on

In this case, there are three numbers after the zero, so the number is divided by 1000

Let's write the fraction in the following way:

00121000 \frac{0012}{1000}

We'll then proceed to remove the unnecessary zeros and obtain the following:

121000 \frac{12}{1000}


121000 \frac{12}{1000}

Exercise #6

0.171= 0.171=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's pay attention to where the decimal point is located in the number.


One number after the decimal point represents tenths

Two numbers after the decimal point represent hundredths

Three numbers after the decimal point represent thousandths

And so on

In this case there are three numbers after the decimal point so the number is divided by 1000

Write the fraction in the following way:

01711000 \frac{0171}{1000}

We will remove the extra zeros and get:

1711000 \frac{171}{1000}


1711000 \frac{171}{1000}

Exercise #7

Convert into fraction form:


Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's pay attention to where the decimal point is located in the number.


One number after the zero represents tens

Two numbers after the zero represent hundreds

Three numbers after the zero represent thousands

And so on

In this case, there are three numbers after the zero, so the number is divided by 1000

Let's write the fraction in the following way:

00311000 \frac{0031}{1000}

We'll then proceed to remove the unnecessary zeros as follows:

311000 \frac{31}{1000}


311000 \frac{31}{1000}

Exercise #8

Convert into fraction form:

0.079= 0.079=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's pay attention to where the decimal point is located in the number.


One number after the zero represents tens

Two numbers after the zero represent hundreds

Three numbers after the zero represent thousands

And so on

In this case, there are three numbers after the zero, so the number is divided by 1000

Let's write the fraction in the following way:

00791000 \frac{0079}{1000}

We'll then proceed to remove the unnecessary zeros as follows:

791000 \frac{79}{1000}


791000 \frac{79}{1000}

Exercise #9

Convert into fraction form:

0.05= 0.05=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's pay attention to where the decimal point is located in the number.


One number after the zero represents tens

Two numbers after the zero represent hundreds

Three numbers after the zero represent thousands

And so on

In this case, there are two numbers after the zero, so the number is divided by 100

Let's write the fraction in the following way:

005100 \frac{005}{100}

Let's remove the unnecessary zeros as follows:

5100 \frac{5}{100}

Let's then proceed to multiply both numerator and denominator by 4 and we obtain the following:

5×4100×4=20400 \frac{5\times4}{100\times4}=\frac{20}{400}


20400 \frac{20}{400}

Exercise #10

Convert to decimal form:

61000= \frac{6}{1000}=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's write the simple fraction as a decimal fraction:

6.0 6.0

Given that the fraction divides by 1000, we move the decimal point three places to the left:

.0060 .0060

We fill in the zero before the decimal point as follows:

0.0060=0.006 0.0060=0.006



Exercise #11

6500= ? \frac{6}{500}=\text{ ?}

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's first multiply both the numerator and denominator by 2 to make the denominaor 1000:

6×2500×2=121000 \frac{6\times2}{500\times2}=\frac{12}{1000}

Now let's rewrite the simple fraction as a decimal:

12.0 12.0

Since the fraction divides by 1000, we'll move the decimal point three places to the left:

.0120 .0120

Finally we can add a zero before the decimal point to get our answer:

0.0120=0.012 0.0120=0.012



Exercise #12

12300= ? \frac{12}{300}=\text{ ?}

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

First we will divide both the numerator and denominator by 3 to get 100 in the denominator:

12:3300:3=4100 \frac{12:3}{300:3}=\frac{4}{100}

Now we'll rewrite the simple fraction as a decimal fraction:

4.0 4.0

Since the fraction divides by 100, we'll move the decimal point two places to the left:

.040 .040

Now we will add the zero before the decimal point to get:

0.040=0.04 0.040=0.04



Exercise #13

111000= \frac{11}{1000}=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's write the simple fraction as a decimal fraction:

11.0 11.0

Since the fraction is divided by 1000, we move the decimal point three times to the left:

.0110 .0110

Now let's add the zero before the decimal point and we get:

0.0110=0.011 0.0110=0.011



Exercise #14

331000= \frac{33}{1000}=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's write the simple fraction as a decimal fraction:

33.0 33.0

Since the fraction is divided by 1000, we move the decimal point three places to the left:

.0330 .0330

Now let's add the zero before the decimal point and we get:

0.0330=0.033 0.0330=0.033



Exercise #15

3001000= \frac{300}{1000}=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's write the simple fraction as a decimal fraction:

300.0 300.0

Since the fraction is divided by 1000, we move the decimal point three places to the left:

.3000 .3000

Now let's add the zero before the decimal point and we get:

0.3000=0.3 0.3000=0.3



Exercise #16

Convert into fraction form:

0.089= 0.089=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's pay attention to where the decimal point is located in the number.


One number after the zero represents tens

Two numbers after the zero represent hundreds

Three numbers after the zero represent thousands

And so on

In this case, there are three numbers after the zero, so the number is divided by 1000

Let's write the fraction in the following way:

00891000 \frac{0089}{1000}

We'll then proceed to remove the unnecessary zeros as follows:

891000 \frac{89}{1000}


891000 \frac{89}{1000}

Exercise #17

Convert into fraction form:

0.901= 0.901=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's pay attention to where the decimal point is located in the number.


One number after the zero represents tens

Two numbers after the zero represent hundreds

Three numbers after the zero represent thousands

And so on

In this case, there are three numbers after the zero, so the number is divided by 1000

Let's write the fraction in the following way:

09011000 \frac{0901}{1000}

We'll then proceed to remove the unnecessary zeros and obtain the following:

9011000 \frac{901}{1000}


9011000 \frac{901}{1000}

Exercise #18

Convert into fraction form:

0.025= 0.025=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's pay attention to where the decimal point is located in the number.


One number after the zero represents tens

Two numbers after the zero represent hundreds

Three numbers after the zero represent thousands

And so on

In this case, there are three numbers after the zero, so the number is divided by 1000

Let's write the fraction in the following way:

00251000 \frac{0025}{1000}

We'll then proceed to remove the unnecessary zeros and obtain the following:

251000 \frac{25}{1000}


251000 \frac{25}{1000}

Exercise #19

12200= ? \frac{12}{200}=\text{ ?}

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's divide both the numerator and denominator by 2 to get 100 in the denominator:

12:2200:2=6100 \frac{12:2}{200:2}=\frac{6}{100}

Now let's rewrite the simple fraction as a decimal fraction:

6.0 6.0

Since the fraction is divisible by 100, we move the decimal point two places to the left:

.060 .060

Now let's add the zero before the decimal point to get:

0.060=0.06 0.060=0.06



Exercise #20

Convert into fraction form:

0.681= 0.681=

Video Solution

Step-by-Step Solution

Let's pay attention to where the decimal point is located in the number.


One number after the zero represents tens

Two numbers after the zero represent hundreds

Three numbers after the zero represent thousands

And so on

In this case, there are three numbers after the zero, so the number is divided by 1000

Let's write the fraction in the following way:

06811000 \frac{0681}{1000}

We'll then proceed to remove the unnecessary zeros and obtain the following:

6811000 \frac{681}{1000}


6811000 \frac{681}{1000}

More Questions

Converting Decimal Fractions to Simple Fractions and Mixed Numbers