Simplifying Roots

Simplifying Roots

Simplifying roots is a way to simplify a root and solve it easily without a calculator.

Steps for solving:
1. Observe the number inside the root and factor it out. Always think about the highest factor that we can take a square root of.
2. The factors that cannot be square rooted will remain as they are.

Simplifying Roots

What is a root?

A square root of any number, for example √x, is actually a number that when multiplied by itself gives us XX.
For example:

Another example:
What will happen if we're asked what is the square root of 7272 for example:
This is exactly where the square root simplification technique comes in handy!

Simplifying Roots

This technique simplifies the number inside the root by factoring it, making it much easier for us to find the solution!
We can express 7272 like this: 36236\cdot2
And actually write
We can write this exercise like this according to the laws of exponents:
Great! We know what the square root of 3636 is, so we can write it in this form:

Let's summarize the solution steps:

  1. Check if the number under the root can be broken down into simple factors that can easily be square rooted.
  2. For numbers that can be square rooted, we extract the root, and for those that cannot, we leave them with the root.
  3. Verify that there are only multiplication operations between the factors.

How do we know which factors are best to break down the number inside the square root?
We will always look for the largest factor that has a whole square root!
For example:
Let's think about which is the largest factor we can take out that has a square root?
The answer is 2525. If we take out the factor 2525 we obtain the following:
We can then proceed to write that:

If we were to factor out numbers like 55 and 1010 or 5050 and 11 we wouldn't be able to progress with solving the exercise.

Now let's move on to more complex exercises!

Here is the exercise 527=5\sqrt{27}=
Don't be intimidated by its scary appearance! Just imagine a multiplication operation between 55 and the square root sign, and continue to factor the number 2727 as you learned before.
The largest number in 2727 that we can find a square root for is 99.
Therefore we'll write the following:
We know that 9=3\sqrt9=3 hence we can substitute 33 for 9\sqrt9 and obtain:

Another exercise:
Think about the largest factor that can be extracted from 7272 and apply a square root to it..
The answer is of course 99!
Therefore we can write

Pay attention!!
We know that 9\sqrt9 is 33 therefore we can write the exercise like this:

But what about 8 \sqrt8?
We can also factor 8 \sqrt8!
The largest factor we can take out of 88 and apply a square root to is 88.
So the two factors we'll take out are 2 and 4.
We observe that:
We know that
Therefore, we'll insert the data into the exercise and obtain:
272=23222\sqrt{72}=2\cdot3\cdot2\cdot \sqrt2

Keep practicing and make the exam easier for yourself!

Note- we won't always rush to find and extract factors on autopilot. We know that 25=5\sqrt{25}=5
therefore this exercise, for example, is really quite simple. We obtain the following solution:

Another exercise:
Let's identify the largest factor we can take out of 2929 that has a whole square root?
The answer is that there isn't one. The factors of 2929 are only 2929 and 11
Therefore we cannot simplify this square root.

What about this exercise?
With this large number, we'll work in steps.
Let's look at 360 360. From the number 3636 we can extract 99 hence we'll write as follows:
From 4040 we can extract multiples of 1010 and 44
We obtain the following solution as seen below:
Now we'll solve what we can and get:

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