In the following series an
Given the series, y represents some term of the series
n represents the position of the term in the series
What are the first five members of the series?
In order to determine the first five terms in the sequence simply insert their positions into the given formula as shown below:
We want to calculate the values of the terms:
Let's start with the first term in the sequence,
We need to insert the position of whichever term that we want to find.
In this case we want to find the first term so we'll substitute as shown below:
Proceed to calculate:
When we substituted the position in question in the place of n : the substitution is shown with an underline (as shown above),
Repeat this exact action for all the requested terms in the sequence, meaning for the second through fifth terms:
a2=3⋅2+1=7a3=3⋅3+1=10a4=3⋅4+1=13a5=3⋅5+1=16For the second term a2 we substituted:n=2 in to the formula:
For the third term a3 we again substituted:n=3 and so on for the rest of the requested terms,
To summarize, we determined that the first five terms:
in the given sequence, are:
Therefore, the correct answer is answer A.